How shutdowns will keep killing the economy, even when they're over


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Speaking amebas like Putin, Merkel, Macron and lot of other good-for-nothing liars have already killed economies of their countries. Who will want to own a business when a small bunch of microbes - politicians can kill you life work again?

Imagine what it is like right now to plan for the future as a business owner. The owner doesn't know if he or she will even be allowed to be open for business two weeks from now, or a month from now Indeed, politicians and their unelected (and unaccountable) health advisors keep insisting that they might elect to close down businesses or impose new restrictions on large portions of the economy at any time.
The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can't pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, "elective" healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed "unessential" by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren't permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)
Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another "shutdown." We're even told this could go on for years.
One would have to be impressively naive and deeply ignorant about how businesses work to think that commerce, investment, and entrepreneurship would just continue as usual under these conditions. In reality, the threat of a government-mandated lockdown hanging over the heads of countless business owners and entrepreneurs will mean there will be far less willingness and ability to invest in businesses, offer products and services, or employ people.
The Problem with Regime Uncertainty
This problem has a name: "regime uncertainty." Economic historian Robert Higgs defines it as "a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights."

Broadly understood, of course, "investing" isn't just a matter of people putting money in mutual funds or buying municipal bonds. "Investors" are people who buy and manage apartment buildings. Investors include doctors and dentists who invest enormous amounts of time and money into a private healthcare office. Investors are people who put their life savings into starting a new restaurant or tavern

I could see this leading to more "job sharing," spreading out risks and how services are delivered.
By reducing and spreading out demand, fewer people will be needed per site, and workers
may rotate or share jobs, while they work more than one so they have backup work that is flexible.

Reworking the economy to meet new supply and demand means:
Building MORE medical clinics to lower the patient to doctor ratio, but integrating it with education
so the services to the public are paid for as part of medical education and training.
Building MORE schools to lower the student to teacher ratio,
and converting prisons, mental wards and elderly homes to
be handled by teaching hospitals training interns under supervised management.
Incorporating each district to become its own self-sustaining
campus community or city so people manage their own policies locally
and don't depend on massive shutdowns, regulations or redistribution of resources
if every district already works out business plans towards self sufficiency and self governance.
I could see this leading to more "job sharing," spreading out risks and how services are delivered.
By reducing and spreading out demand, fewer people will be needed per site, and workers
may rotate or share jobs, while they work more than one so they have backup work that is flexible.

Reworking the economy to meet new supply and demand means:
Building MORE medical clinics to lower the patient to doctor ratio, but integrating it with education
so the services to the public are paid for as part of medical education and training.
Building MORE schools to lower the student to teacher ratio,
and converting prisons, mental wards and elderly homes to
be handled by teaching hospitals training interns under supervised management.
Incorporating each district to become its own self-sustaining
campus community or city so people manage their own policies locally
and don't depend on massive shutdowns, regulations or redistribution of resources
if every district already works out business plans towards self sufficiency and self governance.
Speaking amebas like Putin, Merkel, Macron and lot of other good-for-nothing liars have already killed economies of their countries. Who will want to own a business when a small bunch of microbes - politicians can kill you life work again?

Imagine what it is like right now to plan for the future as a business owner. The owner doesn't know if he or she will even be allowed to be open for business two weeks from now, or a month from now Indeed, politicians and their unelected (and unaccountable) health advisors keep insisting that they might elect to close down businesses or impose new restrictions on large portions of the economy at any time.
The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can't pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, "elective" healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed "unessential" by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren't permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)
Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another "shutdown." We're even told this could go on for years.
One would have to be impressively naive and deeply ignorant about how businesses work to think that commerce, investment, and entrepreneurship would just continue as usual under these conditions. In reality, the threat of a government-mandated lockdown hanging over the heads of countless business owners and entrepreneurs will mean there will be far less willingness and ability to invest in businesses, offer products and services, or employ people.
The Problem with Regime Uncertainty
This problem has a name: "regime uncertainty." Economic historian Robert Higgs defines it as "a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights."

Broadly understood, of course, "investing" isn't just a matter of people putting money in mutual funds or buying municipal bonds. "Investors" are people who buy and manage apartment buildings. Investors include doctors and dentists who invest enormous amounts of time and money into a private healthcare office. Investors are people who put their life savings into starting a new restaurant or tavern

Liberals dont know or care about any of that

right now their attitude is just panic over and invisible chinese disease
Speaking amebas like Putin, Merkel, Macron and lot of other good-for-nothing liars have already killed economies of their countries. Who will want to own a business when a small bunch of microbes - politicians can kill you life work again?

Imagine what it is like right now to plan for the future as a business owner. The owner doesn't know if he or she will even be allowed to be open for business two weeks from now, or a month from now Indeed, politicians and their unelected (and unaccountable) health advisors keep insisting that they might elect to close down businesses or impose new restrictions on large portions of the economy at any time.
The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can't pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, "elective" healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed "unessential" by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren't permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)
Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another "shutdown." We're even told this could go on for years.
One would have to be impressively naive and deeply ignorant about how businesses work to think that commerce, investment, and entrepreneurship would just continue as usual under these conditions. In reality, the threat of a government-mandated lockdown hanging over the heads of countless business owners and entrepreneurs will mean there will be far less willingness and ability to invest in businesses, offer products and services, or employ people.
The Problem with Regime Uncertainty
This problem has a name: "regime uncertainty." Economic historian Robert Higgs defines it as "a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights."

Broadly understood, of course, "investing" isn't just a matter of people putting money in mutual funds or buying municipal bonds. "Investors" are people who buy and manage apartment buildings. Investors include doctors and dentists who invest enormous amounts of time and money into a private healthcare office. Investors are people who put their life savings into starting a new restaurant or tavern

Excellent post. Says it all. One thing though--small business won't have the funds to reinvest and start all over again
since they will be drained. I think that a shutdown stinks and a reopening stinks. Damned if we do and damned if we don't. As a small business owner for 35 years, I would never have been able to recover from this calamity.
I could see this leading to more "job sharing," spreading out risks and how services are delivered.
By reducing and spreading out demand, fewer people will be needed per site, and workers
may rotate or share jobs, while they work more than one so they have backup work that is flexible.

Reworking the economy to meet new supply and demand means:
Building MORE medical clinics to lower the patient to doctor ratio, but integrating it with education
so the services to the public are paid for as part of medical education and training.
Building MORE schools to lower the student to teacher ratio,
and converting prisons, mental wards and elderly homes to
be handled by teaching hospitals training interns under supervised management.
Incorporating each district to become its own self-sustaining
campus community or city so people manage their own policies locally
and don't depend on massive shutdowns, regulations or redistribution of resources
if every district already works out business plans towards self sufficiency and self governance.

We have fewer doctors today because their pay is insufficient and their insurance costs are huge. Your theory is sound
but there are mines in the way.
Also, the unions will never allow job sharing, since they keep their memberships through featherbedding.
Speaking amebas like Putin, Merkel, Macron and lot of other good-for-nothing liars have already killed economies of their countries. Who will want to own a business when a small bunch of microbes - politicians can kill you life work again?

Imagine what it is like right now to plan for the future as a business owner. The owner doesn't know if he or she will even be allowed to be open for business two weeks from now, or a month from now Indeed, politicians and their unelected (and unaccountable) health advisors keep insisting that they might elect to close down businesses or impose new restrictions on large portions of the economy at any time.
The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can't pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, "elective" healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed "unessential" by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren't permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)
Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another "shutdown." We're even told this could go on for years.
One would have to be impressively naive and deeply ignorant about how businesses work to think that commerce, investment, and entrepreneurship would just continue as usual under these conditions. In reality, the threat of a government-mandated lockdown hanging over the heads of countless business owners and entrepreneurs will mean there will be far less willingness and ability to invest in businesses, offer products and services, or employ people.
The Problem with Regime Uncertainty
This problem has a name: "regime uncertainty." Economic historian Robert Higgs defines it as "a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights."

Broadly understood, of course, "investing" isn't just a matter of people putting money in mutual funds or buying municipal bonds. "Investors" are people who buy and manage apartment buildings. Investors include doctors and dentists who invest enormous amounts of time and money into a private healthcare office. Investors are people who put their life savings into starting a new restaurant or tavern

Worse, the author overlooks one other thing! Inflation! The cost of doing business has now just gone way up! Restaurants will have to factor this uncertainty into the cost of providing a meal. Employers will have to factor the uncertainty and weakened economy and slower business into what they pay. The price of everything is going to go UP. Wages are going to go down. Healthcare up. Food costs UP. Co-insurance and deductibles UP. People will have less to spend, savings exhausted, unable to buy and afford less. Banks will contract, business will suffer, further raising the cost of business. We have boned ourselves in the ass and the economy is going to spiral inward, the Dollar is going to weaken or collapse, then another virus will hit.

And all just to save who knows how many lives, by ruining everyone else's. This was like a dose of cyanide to a capitalistic society.

Capitalism could collapse leading into a mini-depression. The government will have to step in and take over becoming a totalitarian socialist oligarchy. Isn't it just a little interesting-- -- this is EXACTLY what the Left and Democrats have been wanting, touting and trying to lead us to for years! And they were the ones who WANTED the shutdown, demanded it, and have been screaming bloody murder about ending it.




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Speaking amebas like Putin, Merkel, Macron and lot of other good-for-nothing liars have already killed economies of their countries. Who will want to own a business when a small bunch of microbes - politicians can kill you life work again?

Imagine what it is like right now to plan for the future as a business owner. The owner doesn't know if he or she will even be allowed to be open for business two weeks from now, or a month from now Indeed, politicians and their unelected (and unaccountable) health advisors keep insisting that they might elect to close down businesses or impose new restrictions on large portions of the economy at any time.
The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can't pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, "elective" healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed "unessential" by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren't permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)
Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another "shutdown." We're even told this could go on for years.
One would have to be impressively naive and deeply ignorant about how businesses work to think that commerce, investment, and entrepreneurship would just continue as usual under these conditions. In reality, the threat of a government-mandated lockdown hanging over the heads of countless business owners and entrepreneurs will mean there will be far less willingness and ability to invest in businesses, offer products and services, or employ people.
The Problem with Regime Uncertainty
This problem has a name: "regime uncertainty." Economic historian Robert Higgs defines it as "a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights."

Broadly understood, of course, "investing" isn't just a matter of people putting money in mutual funds or buying municipal bonds. "Investors" are people who buy and manage apartment buildings. Investors include doctors and dentists who invest enormous amounts of time and money into a private healthcare office. Investors are people who put their life savings into starting a new restaurant or tavern

Worse, the author overlooks one other thing! Inflation! The cost of doing business has now just gone way up! Restaurants will have to factor this uncertainty into the cost of providing a meal. Employers will have to factor the uncertainty and weakened economy and slower business into what they pay. The price of everything is going to go UP. Wages are going to go down. Healthcare up. Food costs UP. Co-insurance and deductibles UP. People will have less to spend, savings exhausted, unable to buy and afford less. Banks will contract, business will suffer, further raising the cost of business. We have boned ourselves in the ass and the economy is going to spiral inward, the Dollar is going to weaken or collapse, then another virus will hit.

And all just to save who knows how many lives, by ruining everyone else's. This was like a dose of cyanide to a capitalistic society.

Capitalism could collapse leading into a mini-depression. The government will have to step in and take over becoming a totalitarian socialist oligarchy. Isn't it just a little interesting-- -- this is EXACTLY what the Left and Democrats have been wanting, touting and trying to lead us to for years! And they were the ones who WANTED the shutdown, demanded it, and have been screaming bloody murder about ending it.




Dems did not ask for this, son. This is Donald Trump all the way.
Dems did not ask for this, son. This is Donald Trump all the way.
Wake up, Flyboy. Democrats have screamed for the shutdown and want to prolong it. They even insisted it was their right to decide how and when to reopen, not Trump. You OWN it now.
And I favor it too until we know "what the hell is going on".
And if you never know what is going on?
What if it takes another 6 months to know?
Oh well, we have already crashed the economy.
But wait! You said Trump OWNS IT. Now you say you FAVOR IT. So, you favor what Trump is doing. But you've had it with Republicans and are switching parties.
Ahha. :cuckoo:
Dems did not ask for this, son. This is Donald Trump all the way.
Wake up, Flyboy. Democrats have screamed for the shutdown and want to prolong it. They even insisted it was their right to decide how and when to reopen, not Trump. You OWN it now.
And I favor it too until we know "what the hell is going on".
And if you never know what is going on?
What if it takes another 6 months to know?
Oh well, we have already crashed the economy.
But wait! You said Trump OWNS IT. Now you say you FAVOR IT. So, you favor what Trump is doing. But you've had it with Republicans and are switching parties.
Ahha. :cuckoo:
AHHA! I favor it until we know "what the hell is going on". We don't know at this point, and we lost 2 months while Trump denied that the virus would affect us much, and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" Just like the "Russian hoax".
The economy would tank anyway as the virus spreads. Who is going to buy anything unless they have a need?
If people crowd the stores and the virus erupts, then what? It is ok to agree with Trump and he is still a feckless grifter who has been sold snake oil by another grifter.
Oh, I am not switching parties. It doesn't work that way. I cannot support a person like Trump.

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