How Sessions Can Save His Scalp

Dream on spunky - the minuet Jeff Sessions "UN-recuses" himself the Congress will impeach his ass for lying under oath so fast it will make his head spin.

Jeff's goose is cooked unless Trump gets convinced that firing Sessions will mean more problems, not less.

You're the one dreaming, Sally.....Congress can't "Impeach" an Executive branch official....STFU
I think you Tommy boy are getting a distinct feeling about where all of this is headed.

Trump wouldn't be making all these aggressive maneuvers unless he was getting pretty desperate to halt investigation.
His recusal showed he is weak and will never be an effective AG because of it. He's dead weight, get rid of him now.
Dream on spunky - the minuet Jeff Sessions "UN-recuses" himself the Congress will impeach his ass for lying under oath so fast it will make his head spin.

Jeff's goose is cooked unless Trump gets convinced that firing Sessions will mean more problems, not less.

You're the one dreaming, Sally.....Congress can't "Impeach" an Executive branch official....STFU

doofus, President is an Executive Branch official.

At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
If he'd promised the Senate he'd recuse himself from investigating either campaign, Trump would have pulled his nomination. He made no such promise.
Ol Jeff's recusal was a terrible mistake. He didn't inform the President he was going to do it, and the outcome has been far worse than anybody could have predicted. He not only failed to cover Trump's back, but he shut the door on a Clinton indictment. That's where your collusion and treason are to be found. So how can this get fixed without firing Sessions and trying to get a new AG through Schumer's gauntlet to confirmation? He must immediately UNrecuse himself. I could be mistaken but without a statute being quoted in his recusal statement, Sessions can decide he shouldn't have disqualified himself.


By doing so, he can then instruct Rosenstein to fire Mueller for the the many conflicts of interest he and his team have. Congress is powerless to stop this or do anything about it. He can then order the FBI Director to pursue a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation. Spare Chelsea because she's Ivanka's friend and not the criminal her parents are. This solves the problem and Sessions saves his scalp.

That would be a good START....Also...

Order the FBI to re-open the Hillary E-Mail investigation in light of over 400 new e-mails containing classified / official info Hillary was required to turn into the State Dept by law but never did.

Order an investigation into Hillary/DNC-Ukraine Collusion

Order the investigation into Obama, Lynch, and Johnson's decision to by-pass the Dept of Immigration's refusal to allow Putin's lawyer into the country and their part in setting up the meeting between the lawyer and Trump Jr.

Order the FBI to immediately take over the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Scandal, to include Hillary's potential part in it (since she immediately hired DWS after she was fired for facilitating / running the entire thing, AND an explanation why the FBI allowed the Keystone Cops (Capitol Police) to take over / lead the investigation of a case involving potential US Treason Espionage and International / Foreign terrorist-connected espionage on the US.
doofus, President is an Executive Branch official.

Yes hairlip, we know the President leads the Executive branch but no Cabinet officer has ever been impeached.....if you were an American you'd know that.
BTW, it's clear this is Sessions last chance at a reprieve. If he doesn't do it, when the August break commences, Trump will fire him and make a recess-appointment which carries to the end of the calendar year.
doofus, President is an Executive Branch official.

Yes hairlip, we know the President leads the Executive branch but no Cabinet officer has ever been impeached.....if you were an American you'd know that.

...why don't you quote the entire post? Wtf is wrong with you?

It clearly informs you that YES, all civil officers can be impeached by Congress, just like President.

It's in black and white in the Constitution you rightwingers always claim to be experts at.
It clearly informs you that YES, all civil officers can be impeached by Congress, just like President.

It's in black and white in the Constitution you rightwingers always claim to be experts at.

Name one or STFU.
It clearly informs you that YES, all civil officers can be impeached by Congress, just like President.

It's in black and white in the Constitution you rightwingers always claim to be experts at.

Name one or STFU.

Name one what, retard?

Do you NOT understand black and white words in the Constitution? Do you dispute that Congress has the power to impeach AG?

You stupid defensive argument amounts to - "well they didn't do it umm therefore", but therefore nothing, they will do it this very special time in very special, first time circumstances.
Jeff will not change his mind, Tom Horn, because he loves America and he now understands that Trump is the great fascist.
It clearly informs you that YES, all civil officers can be impeached by Congress, just like President.

It's in black and white in the Constitution you rightwingers always claim to be experts at.

Name one or STFU.

Name one what, retard?

A Cabinet member who's been impeached by Congress ya fucking idiot.

Do you NOT understand black and white words in the Constitution? Do you dispute that Congress has the power to impeach AG?

You stupid defensive argument amounts to - "well they didn't do it umm therefore", but therefore nothing, they will do it this very special time in very special, first time circumstances.
There is no crime that was committed unlike in The Watergate case. This whole thing is a Sham, and a Witch Hunt and Fishing Expedition.

Even Mueller being appointed was based on a Sham and a Felony Leaking of Classified Information about Nothing.

The Russian Dossier created by Fusion GPS was a scam too.

And so was THE DNC Server being hacked since no one was allowed to look at it, and The DNC had Pakistani Hackers working for them who did indeed steal data from The DNC and Congress.

You have criminals (Pakistani Foreign Nationals) working as Hackers at THE DNC with Super User Access in their Information Technology Department who stole CLASSIFIED INFORMATION from The DNC Server and CONGRESS, and were fired from THE DNC, and SCHULTZ hires them to work with her and Hillary Clinton?

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doofus, President is an Executive Branch official.

Yes hairlip, we know the President leads the Executive branch but no Cabinet officer has ever been impeached.....if you were an American you'd know that.

No Cabinet Officer has ever been Impeached; however, Obama's former criminal US AG Eric Holder was the 1st Cabinet member to EVER be CENSURED.

Holder was Censured (rather than Indicted and convicted as he should have been) for his criminal counts of Felony Perjury for his part in the Fast and furious scandal.

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