How Sessions Can Save His Scalp

Do you NOT understand black and white words in the Constitution? Do you dispute that Congress has the power to impeach AG?

You stupid defensive argument amounts to - "well they didn't do it umm therefore", but therefore nothing, they will do it this very special time in very special, first time circumstances.


Do you NOT understand black and white words in the Constitution? Do you dispute that Congress has the power to impeach AG?

You stupid defensive argument amounts to - "well they didn't do it umm therefore", but therefore nothing, they will do it this very special time in very special, first time circumstances.



Hmm strange, you sound exactly what you look like when you deny basic facts of the matter because you have some preconceived thesis to maintain.
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn.

Comey & McCabe.

Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Fusion GPS is pleading The 5th which is what everyone in The Democrat Party, Clinton or Obama Regime has done. This is in complete contrast to The Trump administration who is voluntarily giving testimony, emails and other documents, even going so far as to let our intelligence community look at The Trump Tower Server that had a Fake Ping planted on it.

Hell, even Russia let us look at Alpha Bank Server. Yet no one is allowed to look at The DNC server?

Where the phuck is Susan Rice and Loretta Lynch?

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.

Not only did the DNC hire Pakistani Nationals with Criminal Backgrounds who were hackers who stole data from THE DNC because they were given Super User Access, but they stole data from CONGRESS. They gave these Foreign Nationals jobs in the DNC's Information Technology department, allowed them access to Classified Information, that they stole.

Schultz after being fired from THE DNC for being an Unethical Whore, (only was fired because she got caught) took these Criminal Hackers who had also been banned from THE DNC to work with her for the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Nah, nothing wrong about THAT AT ALL!
Ol Jeff's recusal was a terrible mistake. He didn't inform the President he was going to do it, and the outcome has been far worse than anybody could have predicted. He not only failed to cover Trump's back, but he shut the door on a Clinton indictment. That's where your collusion and treason are to be found. So how can this get fixed without firing Sessions and trying to get a new AG through Schumer's gauntlet to confirmation? He must immediately UNrecuse himself. I could be mistaken but without a statute being quoted in his recusal statement, Sessions can decide he shouldn't have disqualified himself.


By doing so, he can then instruct Rosenstein to fire Mueller for the the many conflicts of interest he and his team have. Congress is powerless to stop this or do anything about it. He can then order the FBI Director to pursue a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation. Spare Chelsea because she's Ivanka's friend and not the criminal her parents are. This solves the problem and Sessions saves his scalp.

Trump brought a special prosecutor on because he tried to get Comey to lay off Flynn and then fired Comey without cause. Justice Department guidelines required Sessions to recuse himself. Restricted employees are not allowed to endorse or work closely with campaigns. Also worth noting that Trump himself shut the door on a Clinton prosecution.

Your course of action would create a firestorm never seen before. The Justice Department is not a agency for getting even with your political enemies. If Trump does that, he should be impeached and removed.
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Obama should have been Impeached...several times over...along with

Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Brenna, Clapper, & Comey...who also deserved to be indicted, charged, and convicted.
Were these guys 'CABINET OFFICERS'?

I mean pother than Bill Clinton, who was President....

(BTW, thank you for proving all the snowflakes who keep claiming Clinton was never Impeached are WRONG!)

.. yes, secretary of war.

Why the fuck are you guys in this insane denial mode that Sessions can be impeached?

It's in black and white in Constitution that CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO IMPEACH ANY CIVIL OFFICER.

Since when is Constitution not good enough of proof for you?

Dealing with you Trumpsters is like stopping by some sort of bizarro world where all ideas, laws and principles are subject first and foremost to convenience.
Ol Jeff's recusal was a terrible mistake. He didn't inform the President he was going to do it, and the outcome has been far worse than anybody could have predicted. He not only failed to cover Trump's back, but he shut the door on a Clinton indictment. That's where your collusion and treason are to be found. So how can this get fixed without firing Sessions and trying to get a new AG through Schumer's gauntlet to confirmation? He must immediately UNrecuse himself. I could be mistaken but without a statute being quoted in his recusal statement, Sessions can decide he shouldn't have disqualified himself.


By doing so, he can then instruct Rosenstein to fire Mueller for the the many conflicts of interest he and his team have. Congress is powerless to stop this or do anything about it. He can then order the FBI Director to pursue a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation. Spare Chelsea because she's Ivanka's friend and not the criminal her parents are. This solves the problem and Sessions saves his scalp.

You're right, you don't know what you are talking about. He can't reverse his recusal. That would mean he was lying when he created the statement. Damn, you righties are dumb.
Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

The Donald is backing The Macker.

Donald Trump is just one of many big name donors funding Terry McAuliffe's campaign to win the Virginia governor's mansion this fall, according to newly released financial disclosure reports

Trump was a big donor to Terry McAufillfe, a close personal friend of the Clintons.

Conflict of interest! Trump should be fired.

Keep walkin, shithead.

Stop posting while you're behind.
You're right, you don't know what you are talking about. He can't reverse his recusal. That would mean he was lying when he created the statement. Damn, you righties are dumb.

No, it would mean he changed his mind...that's not "lying" run along.
Trump has been a big donor to Democrats, including one of the biggest pieces of shit Democrats ever. And he donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Clearly, he has a conflict of interest and cannot objectively examine whether or not the Russians helped Clinton lose the last election.

Right. That's why he appointed Barack Obama to SCOTUS
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn. Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.

The "leaker" on Flynn? Bwahahahahaha.....Flynn leaked himself when he lied in his financial disclosure forms released by Trump. You should start taking notes if you can't remember things that happened only a few months ago.

Michael Flynn did not initially reveal income from Russia-related ...
Apr 1, 2017 - Michael Flynn did not initially reveal income from Russia-related entities on ... Michael Flynn submitted a personal financialdisclosure form to federal ... fees he received from Russia-related entities in 2015, new filings show.
Michael Flynn Failed to Disclose Income From Russia-Linked Entities ...
Apr 1, 2017 - The former national security adviser initially did not list income from companies linked to Russia on a financial disclosure form released by the ...
Michael Flynn initially failed to disclose payments from Russia-linked ...
Apr 2, 2017 - Former national security adviser Flynn initially failed to disclose recent ... In an initial filing submitted in February, just days before he left the ...
doofus, President is an Executive Branch official.

Yes hairlip, we know the President leads the Executive branch but no Cabinet officer has ever been impeached.....if you were an American you'd know that.

No Cabinet Officer has ever been Impeached; however, Obama's former criminal US AG Eric Holder was the 1st Cabinet member to EVER be CENSURED.

Holder was Censured (rather than Indicted and convicted as he should have been) for his criminal counts of Felony Perjury for his part in the Fast and furious scandal.
Nice how The Obama Admin swept Selling Assault Rifles to Mexican Drug Cartels under the rug.

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