How Sessions Can Save His Scalp

Dealing with you Trumpsters is like stopping by some sort of bizarro world where all ideas, laws and principles are subject first and foremost to convenience.

Just to stop my "head from spinning" where are you going to get 218 votes to "impeach" Sessions when you only hold 194 seats?
And you'd need 67 votes in the Senate but only hold 48 seats. So tell me, you gonna pull this off?
Dealing with you Trumpsters is like stopping by some sort of bizarro world where all ideas, laws and principles are subject first and foremost to convenience.

Just to stop my "head from spinning" where are you going to get 218 votes to "impeach" Sessions when you only hold 194 seats?
And you'd need 67 votes in the Senate but only hold 48 seats. So tell me, you gonna pull this off?

Patriotic Americans who put their country and rule of law before Turmp hold at VERY LEAST 218 seats.
Okay, the morons and socks have been dealt with and so far nobody has given me a reason why Sessions can't reverse his recusal and get busy dealing with the real colluders and criminals....the Clintons.
Trump has been a big donor to Democrats, including one of the biggest pieces of shit Democrats ever. And he donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Clearly, he has a conflict of interest and cannot objectively examine whether or not the Russians helped Clinton lose the last election.

Soon after Trump lets loose his final fart in the WH, these same idiots will use your posts to "PROVE" he was a Democrat plant all along.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
Maybe he only learned in March that JR and Jared had been meetin with them Russian spies.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
Maybe he only learned in March that JR and Jared had been meetin with them Russian spies.

Lots of gay in that there post.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
Maybe he only learned in March that JR and Jared had been meetin with them Russian spies.

Lots of gay in that there post.
Go fuck yourself with your McCain thread.

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