How sad.. a US President called a "Prankster"...

Obama has foolishly squandered any chance at energy independence, so we're paying a price for his intentionally destructive energy policies. Putin is simply taking advantage of the fool we have in the White House.

Putin has just bitch-slapped the SOB once again, and the only consolation is the media is focusing on a missing aircraft some Pakistani nuclear physicists is probably equipping with a bomb.

Any 'good' idea on what you would have wanted him to do that he hasn't done thus far--Obama I mean--with regards to Crimea.
Obama is easily a top ten President and will be ranked higher than Reagan

Now I know Conservatives have been harping the "Worst President ever" mantra since he took office, but Historians look at things differently

First: What were you given and what did you leave?
Second: What challenges did you face and how did you handle them
Third: Lasting accomplishments

So first off, Obama was given an economy in collapse bordering on a Depression. He took decisive actions to save the banks, save the auto companies and reverse a Stock Market collapse. On top of that, he was given two catastrophic wars which he ended

Second, he faced the challenges of two wars, terrorism, a collapsing economy and the most disjointed political climate in generations

His lasting legacy will be a comprehensive Healthcare Plan which proudly bears his name. As hard as Conservatives tried to kill it, Obamacare will be around for generations filling a void that existed for 70 years. He also advanced gay rights in a historic period in Civil Rights

Easy top 10 President

Hard to say top 10; maybe top 12.

You make good points though; hard to argue intelligently with any of them except to say that I don't think he appreciated the clout of the office as much as some others. Some of that is because of the deficit; you can't trade horses if you don't have horses to start with. But there is a certain amount of vanity he could have played upon with the Congress that he didn't; he almost didn't want to be the President that authorized a stretch of I-99 (or whatever the road is) that goes from Lexington to Louisville as the McConnell Expressway in return for support elsewhere.
Last edited:
Obama is easily a top ten President and will be ranked higher than Reagan

Now I know Conservatives have been harping the "Worst President ever" mantra since he took office, but Historians look at things differently

First: What were you given and what did you leave?
Second: What challenges did you face and how did you handle them
Third: Lasting accomplishments

So first off, Obama was given an economy in collapse bordering on a Depression. He took decisive actions to save the banks, save the auto companies and reverse a Stock Market collapse. On top of that, he was given two catastrophic wars which he ended

Second, he faced the challenges of two wars, terrorism, a collapsing economy and the most disjointed political climate in generations

His lasting legacy will be a comprehensive Healthcare Plan which proudly bears his name. As hard as Conservatives tried to kill it, Obamacare will be around for generations filling a void that existed for 70 years. He also advanced gay rights in a historic period in Civil Rights

Easy top 10 President

Hard to say top 10; maybe top 12.

You make good points though; hard to argue intelligently with any of them except to say that I don't think he appreciated the clout of the office as much as some others. Some of that is because of the deficit; you can't trade horses if you don't have horses to start with. But there is a certain amount of vanity he could have played upon with the Congress that he didn't; he almost didn't want to be the President that authorized a stretch of I-99 (or whatever the road is) that goes from Lexington to Louisville as the McConnell Expressway in return for support elsewhere.

I think when the history of Obama is written, his biggest oppostion will not be outside forces but the Republican Party. This version of the Republican Party will go down as one of the worst in history. They intentionly gridlocked Washington and forced one of the least productive Congresses in history
Economically, Obama was expected to initiate an economic recovery while reducing his deficit. Two contradictory objectives
Obama has foolishly squandered any chance at energy independence, so we're paying a price for his intentionally destructive energy policies. Putin is simply taking advantage of the fool we have in the White House.

Putin has just bitch-slapped the SOB once again, and the only consolation is the media is focusing on a missing aircraft some Pakistani nuclear physicists is probably equipping with a bomb.

Any 'good' idea on what you would have wanted him to do that he hasn't done thus far--Obama I mean--with regards to Crimea.

Not run for President.

He should have stayed a Senator. Then he would be only fucking up Illinois.
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Obama is easily a top ten President and will be ranked higher than Reagan

Now I know Conservatives have been harping the "Worst President ever" mantra since he took office, but Historians look at things differently

First: What were you given and what did you leave?
Second: What challenges did you face and how did you handle them
Third: Lasting accomplishments

So first off, Obama was given an economy in collapse bordering on a Depression. He took decisive actions to save the banks, save the auto companies and reverse a Stock Market collapse. On top of that, he was given two catastrophic wars which he ended

Second, he faced the challenges of two wars, terrorism, a collapsing economy and the most disjointed political climate in generations

His lasting legacy will be a comprehensive Healthcare Plan which proudly bears his name. As hard as Conservatives tried to kill it, Obamacare will be around for generations filling a void that existed for 70 years. He also advanced gay rights in a historic period in Civil Rights

Easy top 10 President

Hard to say top 10; maybe top 12.

You make good points though; hard to argue intelligently with any of them except to say that I don't think he appreciated the clout of the office as much as some others. Some of that is because of the deficit; you can't trade horses if you don't have horses to start with. But there is a certain amount of vanity he could have played upon with the Congress that he didn't; he almost didn't want to be the President that authorized a stretch of I-99 (or whatever the road is) that goes from Lexington to Louisville as the McConnell Expressway in return for support elsewhere.

I think when the history of Obama is written, his biggest oppostion will not be outside forces but the Republican Party. This version of the Republican Party will go down as one of the worst in history. They intentionly gridlocked Washington and forced one of the least productive Congresses in history
Economically, Obama was expected to initiate an economic recovery while reducing his deficit. Two contradictory objectives

In advanced political science classes it will be probably well surveyed and you're, of course, correct. In 7th grade Social Studies however, the nuances of the job are not often so well investigated and broader concepts are explored. Obama has done much better than, I'm sure, Mudwhistle would have liked. He, in particularly, has been rooting for failure from day one which is thoroughly un-American not to mention sick and perverted. And you could say the same about a lot of others here as well. But when History (basic history anyway) is penned, he'll be remembered for closing down the jingoistic dark ages of the Bush years and restoring America's place in the world.
Obama has foolishly squandered any chance at energy independence, so we're paying a price for his intentionally destructive energy policies. Putin is simply taking advantage of the fool we have in the White House.

Putin has just bitch-slapped the SOB once again, and the only consolation is the media is focusing on a missing aircraft some Pakistani nuclear physicists is probably equipping with a bomb.

Any 'good' idea on what you would have wanted him to do that he hasn't done thus far--Obama I mean--with regards to Crimea.

Not run for President.

He should have stayed a Senator. Then he would be only fucking up Illinois.

I guess from the guy who says "Blacks are a problem" , this is about what I should have expected. You should have someone pray for you.
Obama is easily a top ten President and will be ranked higher than Reagan

Now I know Conservatives have been harping the "Worst President ever" mantra since he took office, but Historians look at things differently

First: What were you given and what did you leave?
Second: What challenges did you face and how did you handle them
Third: Lasting accomplishments

So first off, Obama was given an economy in collapse bordering on a Depression. He took decisive actions to save the banks, save the auto companies and reverse a Stock Market collapse. On top of that, he was given two catastrophic wars which he ended

Second, he faced the challenges of two wars, terrorism, a collapsing economy and the most disjointed political climate in generations

His lasting legacy will be a comprehensive Healthcare Plan which proudly bears his name. As hard as Conservatives tried to kill it, Obamacare will be around for generations filling a void that existed for 70 years. He also advanced gay rights in a historic period in Civil Rights

Easy top 10 President

Hard to say top 10; maybe top 12.

You make good points though; hard to argue intelligently with any of them except to say that I don't think he appreciated the clout of the office as much as some others. Some of that is because of the deficit; you can't trade horses if you don't have horses to start with. But there is a certain amount of vanity he could have played upon with the Congress that he didn't; he almost didn't want to be the President that authorized a stretch of I-99 (or whatever the road is) that goes from Lexington to Louisville as the McConnell Expressway in return for support elsewhere.

I think when the history of Obama is written, his biggest oppostion will not be outside forces but the Republican Party. This version of the Republican Party will go down as one of the worst in history. They intentionly gridlocked Washington and forced one of the least productive Congresses in history
Economically, Obama was expected to initiate an economic recovery while reducing his deficit. Two contradictory objectives

So he does neither, and still blames all on Bush.

That excuse shouldn't work for 5 months much less 5 years.

Senator Obama never liked his job. He never liked hard work. Blaming Republicans is just an excuse for his laziness.
Obama considers the following to be threats in order of importance:

1. The Tea Party
2. Fox News
3. Conservative Talk-show Hosts
4. White People
5. Christians
6. Gun Owners
7. Military Veterans
8. Sarah Palin
9. The American People
10. Fox News
Obama has foolishly squandered any chance at energy independence, so we're paying a price for his intentionally destructive energy policies. Putin is simply taking advantage of the fool we have in the White House.

Putin has just bitch-slapped the SOB once again, and the only consolation is the media is focusing on a missing aircraft some Pakistani nuclear physicists is probably equipping with a bomb.

We have a zero chance of that regardless of who is in the White House. The Oil Patch has increased its production in the US by nearly 50% since 2008. Most of that increase has to do with the price of crude rather than any government policy from either party.

Crude Oil Production
Ask them

Obama is a top 10 President

not what i have been hearing and reading RW.....the most frequent thing i seem to see is something along the lines of lefties saying they dont think he is great but he is better than who the right puts up....that dont sound top 10 to me.....

He is a top ten president. No question.

matter of opinion.....his weak leadership qualities will knock off "points"....and dont tell me he is a strong leader.....this Country is even more divided then when Bush got through fucking it up.....
Hard to say top 10; maybe top 12.

You make good points though; hard to argue intelligently with any of them except to say that I don't think he appreciated the clout of the office as much as some others. Some of that is because of the deficit; you can't trade horses if you don't have horses to start with. But there is a certain amount of vanity he could have played upon with the Congress that he didn't; he almost didn't want to be the President that authorized a stretch of I-99 (or whatever the road is) that goes from Lexington to Louisville as the McConnell Expressway in return for support elsewhere.

I think when the history of Obama is written, his biggest oppostion will not be outside forces but the Republican Party. This version of the Republican Party will go down as one of the worst in history. They intentionly gridlocked Washington and forced one of the least productive Congresses in history
Economically, Obama was expected to initiate an economic recovery while reducing his deficit. Two contradictory objectives

So he does neither, and still blames all on Bush.

That excuse shouldn't work for 5 months much less 5 years.

Senator Obama never liked his job. He never liked hard work. Blaming Republicans is just an excuse for his laziness.
When the history of this era is written, it will not only blame Bush, but his whole party. 9-11 attacks, Afghanistan, Iraq, torture, collapsed economy......then rampant and obstructive politics to inhibit not just the economic recovery but our entire political system

History will not be kind to Republicans
not what i have been hearing and reading RW.....the most frequent thing i seem to see is something along the lines of lefties saying they dont think he is great but he is better than who the right puts up....that dont sound top 10 to me.....

He is a top ten president. No question.

matter of opinion.....his weak leadership qualities will knock off "points"....and dont tell me he is a strong leader.....this Country is even more divided then when Bush got through fucking it up.....

he's not strong. but he's not destructive like bush/cheney either. the country is divided because the right went insane the day he was sworn in and began to rant and rave that he was born in Kenya and that they wanted their "country back" (from what? I figure the black guy who was elected).
It's March 17 and America has currently not started WWIII, which means it has the right man in the Oval Office right now.

I don't care wtf the Neo-Cons and their lackeys say, we're on the winning side. America and the EU have the upper hand here. Crimea is a rather small territory with nothing on it but mostly old people. In exchange for trying to strong arm it back into the Russian Federation, Putin's now beginning to get sanctioned up the ass for it.

The first set of sanctions are a warning shot, but the EU and America can cripple Russia's economy and do far more damage than Russia can do to us.

Putin's so bad as Russian leader, that his country is in worse shape now than it's ever been. The proletariat is ready for an uprising. The demonstrations against him in Moscow have been unprecedented.

Of course Republicans have a hard-on for Putin, he's a fucking loser just like they are, always dreaming about returning everything to "the way things were".

Let's see his people pay an across the board income tax of 15% (don't I wish!!!), he brought back the Russian Orthodox church from the brink bringing ethics, morals and principles back to Russia, he's quelled the subversive GAY FUCKERS from corrupting the traditions and culture of Russia, he's demanded that if you work or live in Russia, you must SPEAK THE LANGUAGE (shades of our PROGRESSIVE president's Teddy Roosevelt's proclamation in 1907 on what our immigrants should do!)and this from the Tamps Tribune...

2013 Accomplishments of Vladimir Putin

The Tampa Tribune reports: Displaying the killer instincts of a chess grandmaster, Vladimir Putin rang out 2013 with an exceptional list of accomplishments.

The Russian president humiliated the United States (Specifically B.Insane Obuma)by sheltering NSA leaker Edward Snowden, brokered a Syrian chemical weapons deal that averted a seemingly inevitable U.S. military strike and outmaneuvered the 28-nation European Union in the wrestling match for influence over Ukraine, says The Tampa Tribune.

Putin also surprised both his own people and the world by pardoning his old foe, former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, adds Tampa Tribune, and allowing an amnesty that got two Pussy Riot punk band members and over two dozen Greenpeace anti-oil drilling activists out of prison.

"It's Putin's moment. He should feel quite happy," said Gleb Pavlovsky, a political strategist and onetime adviser to the Kremlin, notes Tampa Tribune.

2013 Accomplishments of Vladimir Putin - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

You little FAGERALS are not only delusional liars, your stupidity show continually!

It was a good year for Putin

He showed himself to be a manly man by showing the Pussy Riot girls who is boss and putting queers in their place

I can see why Conservatives love him

Don't forget he's nominated for the Peace Prize...and he's served more than 14 days to even get a nomination, Until the obomanation! ....Syria would be a bloodbath if it wasn't for him kicking sand in B. Insane's face!...Beside the turd in the White House is giving Al Qaeda's allies weapons in the Syrian fight... a real mental case in D.C. running the place!
And then he has perverts as yourself supporting him...nice play!
Let's see his people pay an across the board income tax of 15% (don't I wish!!!), he brought back the Russian Orthodox church from the brink bringing ethics, morals and principles back to Russia, he's quelled the subversive GAY FUCKERS from corrupting the traditions and culture of Russia, he's demanded that if you work or live in Russia, you must SPEAK THE LANGUAGE (shades of our PROGRESSIVE president's Teddy Roosevelt's proclamation in 1907 on what our immigrants should do!)and this from the Tamps Tribune...

2013 Accomplishments of Vladimir Putin

The Tampa Tribune reports: Displaying the killer instincts of a chess grandmaster, Vladimir Putin rang out 2013 with an exceptional list of accomplishments.

The Russian president humiliated the United States (Specifically B.Insane Obuma)by sheltering NSA leaker Edward Snowden, brokered a Syrian chemical weapons deal that averted a seemingly inevitable U.S. military strike and outmaneuvered the 28-nation European Union in the wrestling match for influence over Ukraine, says The Tampa Tribune.

Putin also surprised both his own people and the world by pardoning his old foe, former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, adds Tampa Tribune, and allowing an amnesty that got two Pussy Riot punk band members and over two dozen Greenpeace anti-oil drilling activists out of prison.

"It's Putin's moment. He should feel quite happy," said Gleb Pavlovsky, a political strategist and onetime adviser to the Kremlin, notes Tampa Tribune.

2013 Accomplishments of Vladimir Putin - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

You little FAGERALS are not only delusional liars, your stupidity show continually!

It was a good year for Putin

He showed himsaelf to be a manly man by showing the Pussy Riot girls who is boss and putting queers in their place

I can see why Conservatives love him

He's a big tough guy alright. Only a real man would have an endangered tiger trapped and tranked so he could shoot him.

They love the man and hate their own country. Send them to live in Russia cuz they're just a drag on our welfare system here.

Luddly's pissed, she didn't get her EBT card renewed today! :badgrin:
Some schmuck got his money locked up and he lashes out verbally and I'm supposed to care?

Hammer them motherfuckers with everything you got Obama

Your monkey's been jerking off too much Grandpa.... first you go blind, then you lose your mind! :badgrin:

and you know this by experience ?

A blind liberals told me, so you know he's lost his mind! Consequences of a subversive careful, grasshopper!:lol:
You do get some wood when Putin speaks don't cha?

I do, I enjoy watching all the girly men in this regime, wet their pants in outright fear... One Marxist to another!

I have to agree with you. Men admire strength. We warned people that Obama wasn't presidential material. Obozo has been tested throughout his entire term of office. He failed to measure up and so Vlad feels empowered to do whatever he wants.
awwww poor obama was called a "prankster" by a Russian! big deal!
What bothers you about it? That he was call a "Prankster"? or that he was call a "Prankster" by a Russian?
The SOB has been called much worse, "prankster is pretty tame really.
He is a top ten president. No question.

matter of opinion.....his weak leadership qualities will knock off "points"....and dont tell me he is a strong leader.....this Country is even more divided then when Bush got through fucking it up.....

he's not strong. but he's not destructive like bush/cheney either. the country is divided because the right went insane the day he was sworn in and began to rant and rave that he was born in Kenya and that they wanted their "country back" (from what? I figure the black guy who was elected).

i hate tell you this Jill.....not everyone on the right is a bigot and bought that bullshit.....there are lots of people on the right who dont like the guy because of his policies,just like other Politicians...the Policies....i delivered Mail to Democrats who voted for the guy but after his first term they did not think as highly of him as they did 4 years Bush, Obama is not a very good leader....after OBL was killed the guys approval ratings went up 5-10 points....instead of using that to maybe bring some of the more moderate Republicans around to at least hear what he has to say....a week later he is out here telling a crowd of Latinos that Republicans are your Enemy....there went that little burst.....

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