How Putin Made Political Corruption Great Again


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
who wants to make the "deals" with such thug? only the other thugs , right?

The analogy has clear limits, of course: Putin’s “establishment” strength is backed by an authoritarian system and rigged elections. Voters in America were free to reject Clinton, and did so. The scale of establishment corruption in Putin's Russia isn’t close to comparable to the United States.

In Russia, the recent round of anti-corruption protests revealed that grass-roots politics in the country is not dead. These protests differed from those of 2011 and 2012, which were sparked by the flawed elections of 2011. This time, the demonstrations occurred across the country, and drew the participation of all the country’s major cities (the protests of five years ago were confined largely to Moscow and St. Petersburg). The immediate pretext was outrage over Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev’s vast real estate holdings, fueled by opposition politician Alexey Navalny; Muscovites were also protesting against a city housing program that attempted to demolish tenants’ property. Both demonstrations targeted the sort of upper-level corruption that infects Putin’s government: Rewarding high-ranking bureaucrats and businessmen from his inner circle for services and loyalty, with the possibility of getting richer by using and abusing state properties and contracts.

For Russia’s youth, who made up the bulk of those who took to the streets, this merging of business and political interests embodies the injustice of life under Putin (the protests even had overtones of Occupy Wall Street). These Russians resent the corruption and crony capitalism that have enriched so few at the expense of so many. Many can’t even remember a Russia before Putin. They place Russia’s problems at his feet, but don’t hear any solutions from him. Their chief complaint is not that he is too conservative or too liberal, but that he embodies the corrupt establishment, which has lost their trust.

Much of this tension grew, ironically, from Putin’s desire to be embraced by the global community. In his first two presidential terms, he tried hard to join the global establishment. He clearly enjoyed his interactions with its leaders, and desired their respect. But when they rejected him, he turned against them, seeking instead to build a new patriotic consensus by disrupting the post-war liberal order."

How Putin Made Political Corruption Great Again
who wants to make the "deals" with such thug? only the other thugs , right?

Are you talking about Obama again? "I can be more flexible after the election."
Hillary sold her country out for $145 million.

What did Mueller, Holder, and Obama get in 2009 while Russians were buying politicians like Hillary and engagin in bribery, extortion, and intimidation while going after Urnanium One?
- Russian money
- Clinton Cash

What did Comey, McCabe, Lynch, and Obama get in 2014 - 2016 while Russia was hacking politicians, conning snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, running PsyOps missions in the US, and interfering?
- Russian cash (Like Hillary did?)
- Russian stocks (Like John Podesta?)
- Permission to invade Syria?
- Propaganda on Trump in the form of the Dossier?
Why aren't libturds trying to migrate to Venezuela?

They are pathetic hypocrites that think giving everyone free stuff will work here, even though it has failed everywhere in the world.
They are pathetic hypocrites that think giving everyone free stuff will work here, even though it has failed everywhere in the world.

Always remember these are drones we're discussing. Not cognizant, informed or even curious. They're entertained, not educated. They repeat shit they believe in. Otherwise they're parrots. There is no "thinking" going on in a person's head when they post drivel like this.

Their meat puppet queer messiah even said

obozo said:
The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.

The meat puppet had a "reset" with Moscow. How did they fuck that all up so fast?

That's what leftists do... They fuck up every thing they touch. Worse that getting your house invaded by fucking raccoons.

Why aren't libturds trying to migrate to Venezuela?

many western losers have migrated to putlers Muscovy ,
View attachment 170405



You mean like when Bernie went there and with whom Ted Kennedy attempted to conspire with actual soviet agents, engaged in a cold war tactical struggle with us? That Russia, that the left loved when they only murdered 50 million people? Your beloved soviet union?

No one I know carries any love for that country, and ridicule them for embracing your regressive political "philosophy" 100 years ago. Which only proves just how stupid libturds are after the dozens of other examples around the world.

Why aren't libturds trying to migrate to Venezuela?

many western losers have migrated to putlers Muscovy ,
View attachment 170405



You mean like when Bernie went there and with whom Ted Kennedy attempted to conspire with actual soviet agents, engaged in a cold war tactical struggle with us? That Russia, that the left loved when they only murdered 50 million people? Your beloved soviet union?

No one I know carries any love for that country, and ridicule them for embracing your regressive political "philosophy" 100 years ago. Which only proves just how stupid libturds are after the dozens of other examples around the world.

you dont even know that USSR and Muscovy ("russia", Nigeria in snow) are 2 different countries and we talk in 2018 reality. and this story has nothing to do with commies . by the way about your friend putler


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