How much is Too Much

Because our entire economy and standard of living depends on it. There aren't many things more worth fighting for than oil.
Why fight when you can simply share? Our mistake was not immediately joining OPEC from the start. We're an oil producing country. We started the entire enterprise for christsakes. We, like them, could have just been satisfied to make do all along and share our excess with those having too little. Enter the JP Morgans, the Rockefellers,.. always grasping for more than they need.
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You're not understanding the "quietly" part. Think. Why are we always fighting wars for oil? Big Oil lobbyists "quietly" corrupt our government from the inside. The entire Bush family is part of Big Oil. Great friends of the bin Ladens, didn't ya hear? Big Oil bribes our leaders and reps to either hold back or release reserves. How else could Big Oil still be enjoying major subsidies and tax breaks other than through constant corruption and peddling of propaganda? Separating money from politics is the only sustainable solution.

Government is us. Reagan was a corporate tool. The first thing people did upon settling down was form a government to keep the peace. It's not optional. Corruption of government occurs in one direction. Private interests bribe government officials to ill gain more profits. Once corrupted, government officials may then begin abusing their constituents, but it all begins with the Have Mores never being satisfied with having more than enough.
You can get medication for your paranoia.
Yes, see OPEC in the 70s, and then tell me why they didn't charge $100/gallon at the pump.

Now you see my point.
The members cheated.
With prices high they pumped more and more.
Which forced prices down.
They defeated themselves.

So, your point is, well, pointless.

If OPEC had maintained unity they could have driven prices to any point they desired.
The members cheated.
With prices high they pumped more and more.
Which forced prices down.
They defeated themselves.
No, sorry, you said they could charge whatever they want.

Now you say they can't. So which is it?

It appears that we agree they cannot, in fact , charge whatever they want.

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