How much is Too Much

The price is not based on supply and demand since the energy companies have a monopoly and can charge what they want, if they want.
Big Oil is a cartel that decided long ago to cede their monopolistic price control powers to Wall Street. In return they gain relative stability, dollar based foreign exchange, and they get to play innocent victim. Errp, globally traded commodity! We just drill baby drill any more! Refine, refine, refine! Pump, pump, pump! Prices? Out of our hands! They quietly control pricing most at national levels through temporary mandates, concocted wars, release of reserves, taxes, subsidies, etc.
Noted that the "right" cannot seem to address the question.
I haven't driven more than a few hundred miles per year since 2009. I decided not to drive very far anywhere without getting well paid for it long before that. However, we are fixing up a school bus to travel around the country in after I officially retire next year. So I guess we'd just have to stay home if the price of diesel went up to over $10/gallon on average and hope it came back down soon. If it doesn't, we'll likely have wasted a lot of time, money, and effort for nothing.
Your responses show me that you are yet another sock. You should be more careful. You dropped out of character and are responding like your alter ego.
Obviously your imagination has more to say than you.
Still you show no capacity to address the topic with any semblance of intellect.
Not surprising given the Tiny Brain inside that beachball of a head.
I haven't driven more than a few hundred miles per year since 2009. I decided not to drive very far anywhere without getting well paid for it long before that. However, we are fixing up a school bus to travel around the country in after I officially retire next year. So I guess we'd just have to stay home if the price of diesel went up to over $10/gallon on average and hope it came back down soon. If it doesn't, we'll likely have wasted a lot of time, money, and effort for nothing.
It would impact all of us. Some more than other. All differently.

The wise make plans for the eventuality.
Have you considered a couple of mules for your trip?
What's the dollar number in your current life that would cause to to say EFF IT, I AINT PAYING
But that is a fantasy question, kind of. Hard to answer.

No, they could not just charge $30 a gallon, and then "everyone would just pay it". When gas goes to $4 a gallon, usage drops , entire markets shift (like which types of cars automakers make and sell), people travel less, etc.

And I did answer the question. At any number, I would continue to drive to work, use alternatives wherever possible.
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But that is a fantasy question, kind of. Hard to answer.

No, they could not just charge $30 a gallon, and then "everyone would just pay it". When gas goes to $4 a gallon, usage drops , entire markets shift (like which types of cars automakers make and sell), people travel less, etc.

And I did answer the question. At any number, I would continue to drive to work, use alternatives wherever possible.
Is it a fantasy question?

Are you saying the energy companies could not just charge any amount if they chose?
Is that not what OPEC did back in the 70s?
Are you saying the energy companies could not just charge any amount if they chose?
Is that not what OPEC did back in the 70s?
OPEC "The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization"
OPEC's objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers; an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry.
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OPEC "The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization"
OPEC quadrupled the price of oil because they could.

Of course, they realized, after some time, that such a unilateral action was, over time, self destructive but, they did it.
OPEC quadrupled the price of oil because they could.

Of course, they realized, after some time, that such a unilateral action was, over time, self destructive but, they did it.
Hey, way to deliberately miss the point!
"unilateral action" LOL.
Essentially, they can charge whatever they want for it. What are you going to do, not drive your car?

Well, one can choose to drive less, which is what I've done.

I work from home three days a week. Before the price of gas got stupid I was at the office five, if not six days a week. I'm allowing employees who want to work from home to do so if it's feasible.

Gas is actually getting a little cheaper around here. Last week I paid $3.99 a gallon. It felt like fuckin' Christmas...
How many bricks can you carry on your bike?
Lots, if you take the wheels off and make a "kimshi cart" from it.
Brush cart.JPG
Big Oil is a cartel that decided long ago to cede their monopolistic price control powers to Wall Street. In return they gain relative stability, dollar based foreign exchange, and they get to play innocent victim. Errp, globally traded commodity! We just drill baby drill any more! Refine, refine, refine! Pump, pump, pump! Prices? Out of our hands! They quietly control pricing most at national levels through temporary mandates, concocted wars, release of reserves, taxes, subsidies, etc.
There is no concocted wars, they do not release reserves, the government does, they do not manipulate the tax system but they do accept subsidies from the government
There is no concocted wars, they do not release reserves, the government does, they do not manipulate the tax system but they do accept subsidies from the government
You're not understanding the "quietly" part. Think. Why are we always fighting wars for oil? Big Oil lobbyists "quietly" corrupt our government from the inside. The entire Bush family is part of Big Oil. Great friends of the bin Ladens, didn't ya hear? Big Oil bribes our leaders and reps to either hold back or release reserves. How else could Big Oil still be enjoying major subsidies and tax breaks other than through constant corruption and peddling of propaganda? Separating money from politics is the only sustainable solution.

Government is us. Reagan was a corporate tool. The first thing people did upon settling down was form a government to keep the peace. It's not optional. Corruption of government occurs in one direction. Private interests bribe government officials to ill gain more profits. Once corrupted, government officials may then begin abusing their constituents, but it all begins with the Have Mores never being satisfied with having more than enough.
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