How much damage has Trump done to Republican chances in 2022?

Wow are democrats really going to embrace gun control, semiconductors (what ever that is) and America's responsibility for climate change while China is raping the planet and slave labor makes products that "climate changers" call for? Don't get me started about the elitist Biden support for elitist college loans while kids who couldn't afford to get into college get to park their cars.
After Yvalde, even Republicans realized they had to do something or face a disaster in the polls
Ongoing. He's managed to turn the tide for Republicans in the Senate in a matter of three months....putting them on the losing side and not obtaining a majority.
On the House side, it's a bit harder to quantify. Republicans still hold the likely edge, but the margin may not be as great as it was going to be.

You would think if just and righteous patriots want their country back, they would abandon Trump and focus on candidates and the issues that concern wars..derp...grooming...derp...etc, etc, etc,....:)

Trump candidates are going to make it close

Beyond that, Trumps continued personal struggles allows Democrats to run against Trump in the midterms
The Summer started with Democrats on the Ropes
Biden’s popularity was crashing, His agenda was stalled, $5 a gallon gas

Republicans were gloating about how big their election wins would be in November. The House and Senate were givens, a landslide was obvious.

And then came Trump

The Jan 6 Committee brought damning information on Trumps actions and inaction
Trump backed MAGA candidates who can’t win in November
Trump was found storing Top Secret documents in his basement
Trump has continued his antics

Republicans are reeling from Trumps actions
Can they get the monkey off their back?

See, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Dems are going to win big in November and bring back abortion on demand nationwide.
The Summer started with Democrats on the Ropes
Biden’s popularity was crashing, His agenda was stalled, $5 a gallon gas

Republicans were gloating about how big their election wins would be in November. The House and Senate were givens, a landslide was obvious.

And then came Trump

The Jan 6 Committee brought damning information on Trumps actions and inaction
Trump backed MAGA candidates who can’t win in November
Trump was found storing Top Secret documents in his basement
Trump has continued his antics

Republicans are reeling from Trumps actions
Can they get the monkey off their back?

dont worry, poor old Joe will save the republican party
Infinitely more that Biden just did tonight to Republican chances in 2022.
So Biden killed Republican chances in November?..seems like they've done that all on their own.
Row the boat out into the middle of the lake, point the shotgun at the bottom of the boat and blow a hole in it. :auiqs.jpg:

I mean, we can't even call it self inflicted anymore. It's being done at will. :)
I didn’t say it was a law. I said if it is a policy of theirs. Good god dude lol

Policies are subject to change, and would be changed if they thought it would raise the Democrats' prospects in November.

Remember this fact, Billy, and don't forget it. Garland is a political hack who happens to be Sleepy Joe's Hand Picked Attorney General, and his mission is to help the regime retain power.
Policies are subject to change, and would be changed if they thought it would raise the Democrats' prospects in November.

Remember this fact, Billy, and don't forget it. Garland is a political hack who happens to be Sleepy Joe's Hand Picked Attorney General, and his mission is to help the regime retain power.
I bet dollars to donuts Trump will not be indicted before the election. The closer we get to the Election Day the more likely I am correct.
I bet dollars to donuts Trump will not be indicted before the election. The closer we get to the Election Day the more likely I am correct.

You are probably right, but its not because of any "policy", its just that they see more negativity in pursuing a political indictment at this time.
The Summer started with Democrats on the Ropes
Biden’s popularity was crashing, His agenda was stalled, $5 a gallon gas

Republicans were gloating about how big their election wins would be in November. The House and Senate were givens, a landslide was obvious.

And then came Trump

The Jan 6 Committee brought damning information on Trumps actions and inaction
Trump backed MAGA candidates who can’t win in November
Trump was found storing Top Secret documents in his basement
Trump has continued his antics

Republicans are reeling from Trumps actions
Can they get the monkey off their back?

What you type is of something else. Not the United States of America. Something changed to an endless propaganda agenda pushed as Democracy. But the reality is tyranny.
I bet dollars to donuts Trump will not be indicted before the election. The closer we get to the Election Day the more likely I am correct.

I think Garland has said as much

He has till Mid-September to indict and he does not seem to be in a rush
What you type is of something else. Not the United States of America. Something changed to an endless propaganda agenda pushed as Democracy. But the reality is tyranny.

Do you believe that Republicans are in as good a position as they were in May?
Without the 74 million Little Trumpsters, the Republican Party would just be mailing it in this year and getting ready for a Schlonging.

The nevertrumper faction of the GOP doesn't have a record to run on and get votes, even if they somehow took control.
The never trumpers never say anything of value period. They just go along with whatever crackpot propaganda the left spews. That’s why lefties like to prop them up.
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The never trumpers never say anything if value period. They just go along with what’re crackpot propaganda the left spews. That’s why lefties like to prop them up.
What does MAGA say of value?
Do you believe that Republicans are in as good a position as they were in May?
I was taught freedom and liberty. Even with flaws. I am no hero. I believed that Americans are smarter than most in the world. They are not at this point. MAGA Republicans are not different than Republicans. They are not even conservative as that does not exist. We are at the point of using common sense to keep the tatters of the Republic which is near pure Democracy that is pushed on us all so the Prog winners can shove the totalitarian government protocols with the help of a segment of Republicans to genuflect to our World Government leaders.
The never trumpers never say anything if value period. They just go along with what’re crackpot propaganda the left spews. That’s why lefties like to prop them up.


If someone agrees with the nevertrumpers, they might as well vote for Crazy Bernie.

At least the Bernie Bros have an ideology they want to implement, even if their ideas are all wrong. The NeverTrumpers like Liz and Mitt have hatred for the Trumpsters and nothing else. They are content to lose to whomever, as long as they retain "respectability".

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