How much damage has Trump done to Republican chances in 2022?

Without the 74 million Little Trumpsters, the Republican Party would just be mailing it in this year and getting ready for a Schlonging.

The nevertrumper faction of the GOP doesn't have a record to run on and get votes, even if they somehow took control.
They aren't willing to admit it but Cheney and Kinzinger weren't outliers. They ARE the future of the RINOs in congress. These fools are whistling past the grave yard. These kinds of negative polls happen with the same regularity as flu season. It's an attempt to suppress voter enthusiasm. NOTHING can do that this year. They farked things up waaaay too badly for that.
In reality all but two of Trump's endorsements lost. All in all Trump coattails is a good place to be.

If you are in a Red State, it is
A Trump endorsement in a Battleground state is death with independents

Trump candidates in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are getting killed
The democrat fantasy includes the botched raid on the Trump residence that seems to have backfired. Democrats are in big trouble in 2022 but lefties afflicted with TDS concentrate on the former president. No surprise here.
You mean the Panty raid by the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation? Yes that's what it's being called.
yeah ... have you noticed the idiot left isnt talking about Trump having dangerous nuclear secretes anymore now theyve reverted to the old tried and true process crimes bullshit .

Nobody has revealed what was in those TOP SECRET documents
They probably never will
You would have been right last May
Democrats we’re headed for an election disaster

Then came a string of legislative victories…….and Trump doing his magic and crashing his party
"Legislative victories"? These are political fantasies of throwing money at a problem that seems like a success story to the propaganda specialists in the media while Americans are aware that illegal aliens are infiltrating our borders with drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans and inflation is on the rise while American foreign policy seems to be non-existent and crime rates are out of this world.
If you are in a Red State, it is
A Trump endorsement in a Battleground state is death with independents

Trump candidates in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are getting killed
Walker just moved ahead in Georgia ! take any battle ground poll and add 5 points for republicans ... in many battle ground and blue states people voting republican will not reveal who the are voting for because of the justly founded fear they have of backlash either from family or employers ! dems hate has tainted the polling system .
The Summer started with Democrats on the Ropes
Biden’s popularity was crashing, His agenda was stalled, $5 a gallon gas

Republicans were gloating about how big their election wins would be in November. The House and Senate were givens, a landslide was obvious.

And then came Trump

The Jan 6 Committee brought damning information on Trumps actions and inaction
Trump backed MAGA candidates who can’t win in November
Trump was found storing Top Secret documents in his basement
Trump has continued his antics

Republicans are reeling from Trumps actions
Can they get the monkey off their back?

Shouldn't you wait until November to declare victory?....
84 million voted against Trump in 2020

How are you going to convince them they are wrong?
Keep saying it. It won't change a damned thing. Your party royally screwed this nation's working class and are also hammering the poor in ways they can SEE AND FEEL. If they actually believed your claim here, they wouldn't be coming after Trump as hard and relentlessly as they are. They are scared SPITLESS that he'll come back and ruin their games.

They're much more paranoid of him this go round because they know he has no need to moderate his behavior for political reasons AND because they won't have effective control of the Congress so that they can push investigations non-stop.
Nobody has revealed what was in those TOP SECRET documents
They probably never will
Nothing. It was a set up photo shoot. Throw some papers on the floor. See, top secret, nuclear codes. You don't need a special master, we looked at them.

You do know that the nuclear codes really aren't written on a post it note. They are secret for 3 to 10 days at a time, then they aren't secret any more.
Trump ain't your freaking problem or the solution to your freaking problems lefties. Y'all are in charge and so far the old dude doesn't seem to have the confidence of the American public and most of the democrat sycophants coming up for reelection don't seem to have confidence in the future of the democrat party. It ain't likely to be pretty for democrats in November.
"Legislative victories"? These are political fantasies of throwing money at a problem that seems like a success story to the propaganda specialists in the media while Americans are aware that illegal aliens are infiltrating our borders with drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans and inflation is on the rise while American foreign policy seems to be non-existent and crime rates are out of this world.

Lets see…..
Since May

Gun Control
Climate Change
Student Loan Forgiveness

How much damage has Trump done to Republican chances in 2022?​

Absolutely NONE!

The DemonicRats on the other hand............EVERY time they open thier lying spew holes, make another slanderous accusation, or point their diseased fingers at someone else and blame them for the problems the Nazicrats created..............100 more people dump the Dems and go to another party.
Trump ain't your freaking problem or the solution to your freaking problems lefties. Y'all are in charge and so far the old dude doesn't seem to have the confidence of the American public and most of the democrat sycophants coming up for reelection don't seem to have confidence in the future of the democrat party. It ain't likely to be pretty for democrats in November.

I agree
Trump is a major headache for Republicans and will cost them the Senate in 2022, just like he did in 2020

Meanwhile, Biden’s approval numbers are rising
Another thing Republicans we’re not planning last May was the Supreme Court repealing Roe v Wade

It turned the November election into a referendum on abortion

Republicans are running from the abortion issue
Wow are democrats really going to embrace gun control, semiconductors (what ever that is) and America's responsibility for climate change while China is raping the planet and slave labor makes products that "climate changers" call for? Don't get me started about the elitist Biden support for elitist college loans while kids who couldn't afford to get into college get to park their cars.
The Summer started with Democrats on the Ropes
Biden’s popularity was crashing, His agenda was stalled, $5 a gallon gas

Republicans were gloating about how big their election wins would be in November. The House and Senate were givens, a landslide was obvious.

And then came Trump

The Jan 6 Committee brought damning information on Trumps actions and inaction
Trump backed MAGA candidates who can’t win in November
Trump was found storing Top Secret documents in his basement
Trump has continued his antics

Republicans are reeling from Trumps actions
Can they get the monkey off their back?

Ongoing. He's managed to turn the tide for Republicans in the Senate in a matter of three months....putting them on the losing side and not obtaining a majority.
On the House side, it's a bit harder to quantify. Republicans still hold the likely edge, but the margin may not be as great as it was going to be.

You would think if just and righteous patriots want their country back, they would abandon Trump and focus on candidates and the issues that concern wars..derp...grooming...derp...etc, etc, etc,....:)

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