How many transgenders have you encountered?

Some time ago I ran into a person at a local convenience store who had previously been a male, but one day showed up to work in nail polish, a face 'high pitched' voice and started calling himself "Heather" instead of Heath.

I was disgusted and thought about trying to argue and reason him out of his self-destructive lifestyle, but felt it would cause a scene. Originally I planned never to patronize that establishment again if they were tolerant of that antisocial behavior among their employees, but decided to return again later. And strangely I never saw him there again - makes me wonder if he took his own life, like trannies do at an astronomically high rate.

And while not trying to be judgmental, the guy in question was obese and not very-well kept and probably would have had a hard time getting a woman; so I suspect he decided to "go transgender" because he felt he'd fit in more.

Definitely think this is proof that the media is encouraging this type of self-destructive behavior; because just a few decades ago I don't believe anyone would have thought to do this if they hadn't heard some fool in the media trying to tell them it was "normal".

Definitely makes me feel sorry for people like that - must really suck for lack of a better world to go through life hating yourself simply for being what nature designed you to be, hence the high mortality rate among these people.

Not to mention the false friends who enable this deviant behavior rather than trying to get the people help, much like those who promote anorexia, heroin addiction, or self-mutilation as "lifestyle choices" that are not to be judged - the guy in question had a "girl friend" who worked at the same store who simply treated his behavior like it was normal, and probably would have accused me of being intolerant if I had been kind enough to speak the truth and try to talk him out of his behavior - which might actually have saved his life assuming he took it.

Well, see, here's the problem. Most of us don't encounter them having known them before they "turned." So unless they are forced to wear yellow "TG" signs on their clothing, we may come into contact with these freaks of nature and NOT KNOW IT!

I mean I could be standing at a urinal, and have one of these deviants walk in, look at my tiny tiny penis, and go into a stall and pee.
Encountered? Right off the bat you know you are entering Dumbland. I've known two, one neighbor and friend over fifty years ago, who eventually committed suicide as we live in a world not only dumb but cruel. The other was a guy transitioning, at work who was a programmer, that was twenty years ago. This rather stupid idea that gender identification is a social construct is as dumb as those who believe gay is a choice. As I always suggest switch hit if you think its not genetic.

The video below will correct the minds of the people with minds, for the rest dumbland is a refugee from the complexity that is life.

Geena Rocero: Why I must come out | TED Talk |

Check above first.

Want to Silence Transphobes in Your School District? Be Nice to Transgender Kids.

Normalization of abnormal behaviors

Zero Tolerance: Censored by the Left | Alice Domurat Dreger

Really Changing Sex - The Hastings Center

“Sport in Transition” paper supports the rights of transgender and intersex athletes | Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport

Do you know what causes homosexuality - would it matter? Hate is so pleasant for some people.

know what really causes homosexuality....
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Encountered? Right off the bat you know you are entering Dumbland. I've known two, one neighbor and friend over fifty years ago, who eventually committed suicide as we live in a world not only dumb but cruel. The other was a guy transitioning, at work who was a programmer, that was twenty years ago. This rather stupid idea that gender identification is a social construct is as dumb as those who believe gay is a choice. As I always suggest switch hit if you think its not genetic.

The video below will correct the minds of the people with minds, for the rest dumbland is a refugee from the complexity that is life.

Geena Rocero: Why I must come out | TED Talk |

Check above first.

Want to Silence Transphobes in Your School District? Be Nice to Transgender Kids.

Normalization of abnormal behaviors

Zero Tolerance: Censored by the Left | Alice Domurat Dreger

Really Changing Sex - The Hastings Center

“Sport in Transition” paper supports the rights of transgender and intersex athletes | Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport

Do you know what causes homosexuality - would it matter? Hate is so pleasant for some people.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Seriously, dude, high school kids will continue to lust lke we did.
Some time ago I ran into a person at a local convenience store who had previously been a male, but one day showed up to work in nail polish, a face 'high pitched' voice and started calling himself "Heather" instead of Heath.

I was disgusted and thought about trying to argue and reason him out of his self-destructive lifestyle, but felt it would cause a scene. Originally I planned never to patronize that establishment again if they were tolerant of that antisocial behavior among their employees, but decided to return again later. And strangely I never saw him there again - makes me wonder if he took his own life, like trannies do at an astronomically high rate.

And while not trying to be judgmental, the guy in question was obese and not very-well kept and probably would have had a hard time getting a woman; so I suspect he decided to "go transgender" because he felt he'd fit in more.

Definitely think this is proof that the media is encouraging this type of self-destructive behavior; because just a few decades ago I don't believe anyone would have thought to do this if they hadn't heard some fool in the media trying to tell them it was "normal".

Definitely makes me feel sorry for people like that - must really suck for lack of a better world to go through life hating yourself simply for being what nature designed you to be, hence the high mortality rate among these people.

Not to mention the false friends who enable this deviant behavior rather than trying to get the people help, much like those who promote anorexia, heroin addiction, or self-mutilation as "lifestyle choices" that are not to be judged - the guy in question had a "girl friend" who worked at the same store who simply treated his behavior like it was normal, and probably would have accused me of being intolerant if I had been kind enough to speak the truth and try to talk him out of his behavior - which might actually have saved his life assuming he took it.

Dear IndependantAce
I support all people having support to go through spiritual healing so they can be at peace and not have conflicts over whether they are gay straight transgender etc. The same spiritual healing process that helps people to change from gay to straight also helps people come out gay or transgender if that is their natural default state.
(here's a post on that spiritual healing process that is not at all what people think when they first hear about people changing orientation from gay to straight: How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education)

I've seen enough to know that there isn't one rule that fits all people in all cases.

As for Transgender people I've interacted with personally
1. one person online started out as a young married man, but had issues rejecting Christianity as hypocritical for condemning gays and cross dressing etc. By the time I explained about forgiveness, and there were even gay churches, and Christians preaching forgiveness for gays where some are born that way from the womb and others are made by man (and we discussed how spiritual karma from past generations might cause people to be born as homosexual in this one as a result of past actions that weren't forgiven and resolved, so the karma is repeated until it is addressed later), this young man came out as transgendered and finally embraced the personal realization that "he" was actually a female personality/soul born in a male body. When "he" finally forgave, and accepted identifying as a "she" then "she" felt God's love for the first time, and accepted "herself" and finally felt happiness, liberation and love.

Now, I wasn't trying to proselytize or push LGBT at all, and had no idea that was the issue here. I was as shocked as anyone, including this man's family when they didn't see this coming either.

All I was doing was trying to help my friend online to overcome negative rejection of Christianity as some kind of hate judgment thing, when the message is about love and forgiveness. Because my friend got support of "his/her" ex wife, parents and family and underwent counseling before making any changes, where everyone was happy that "Tess" was finally happy, then I accepted on faith that this was the right decision for "Tess." at first I was more on the side of slowing down, and not making hasty decisions, but trying out the new persona for a while before changing anything permanently. But my friend knew what was right for "her" and followed that path and is very happy today.

Even jabs at me that I was trying to discourage the change, and suggested to try wearing different clothes first and not go all out until absolutely certain.

2. another Transgender relationship was with a father turned female and a son who "thought" he might do the same.

He was going through such a spiritual crisis, that I called over a friend to help with prayer.
My friend (the son) had collapsed on the floor, was breathing normally but just not responding to communication, as if in a trance. I called my friend who made a detour to come help and prayed for this young man to recover from whatever "attack" he was experiencing.

Afterwards, he went through more counseling for impulses he was suffering, telling him to go after children. So he got help and stayed away from kids until these impulses finally got under control and went away. He decided he wasn't transgender after all, and was at peace with being a man as he was born.

From consulting with his friends, the most we could figure out is they were playing with some kind of shaman sorcery or occult/dark forces when these negative impulses hit. Whatever it was, these voices had him convinced he needed to be female instead of male, so when my friend did the prayer to remove the negative energy and restore the positive healing energy, the voices went away and the young man was able to go back to what he is naturally which is male. And to stop the other voices that were telling him things like he needed to turn into woman, or he needed to go after children etc.

so in his case, his father may be a valid Transgender female but the son was not.

3. last I have a new friend who is Transgender male to female and cannot tolerate anyone referring to "her" as "him or he or his"

I try to support my friend in achieving personal goals regardless of gender identity. And have met with another community activist who plans to set up a jobs network and temp agency just for Transgender workers since they are often harder to place with companies if people aren't comfortable how to handle such employees.
Who forced every girl in America to accept males into their shower?

See, that's the kind of stuff that has everyone avoiding you on the street, because they know that you're always thinking about such things, every moment of every day.
Never crossed my mind in my life anyone would be so perverted they would try to force girls to accept males into their shower. You freaks really dug deep on that one.
What happen to ones personal freedoms? Oh'yess, teh christian taliban only says that when it comes to helping people, education and investment in America. HOw foolish of me!
Freedom to be a deviant and cut off your genitals and call that an "identity" isn't what the Founders had in mind.

Probably not, but I fail to see how what someone else does with their body is any of your business. Matthew is a bit of a retard, but he's right when he refers to you people as the Christian Taliban.
Encountered? Right off the bat you know you are entering Dumbland. I've known two, one neighbor and friend over fifty years ago, who eventually committed suicide as we live in a world not only dumb but cruel. The other was a guy transitioning, at work who was a programmer, that was twenty years ago. This rather stupid idea that gender identification is a social construct is as dumb as those who believe gay is a choice. As I always suggest switch hit if you think its not genetic.

The video below will correct the minds of the people with minds, for the rest dumbland is a refugee from the complexity that is life.

Geena Rocero: Why I must come out | TED Talk |

Check above first.

Want to Silence Transphobes in Your School District? Be Nice to Transgender Kids.

Normalization of abnormal behaviors

Zero Tolerance: Censored by the Left | Alice Domurat Dreger

Really Changing Sex - The Hastings Center

“Sport in Transition” paper supports the rights of transgender and intersex athletes | Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport

Do you know what causes homosexuality - would it matter? Hate is so pleasant for some people.

know what really causes homosexuality....

A lot do switch hit.
Only a couple.. and they were in a very seedy bar in t he French Quarter.

Oh that's a good one !

If they are a reAlly good tran, you probably wouldn't know .

As a kid I worked at a clothing outlet store . Cross dressers would come in looking for large sized women's clothes. This one had a full beard! That's like not even trying !

They were harmless though .

Transgender and crossdresser are not interchangeable. Most crossdressers/transvestites are happy with their gender and the majority of them are happily heterosexual.
A few. They're all desperate, mentally ill, and generally speaking, stupid as well. Jobless, hysterical, and dirty as well.
Only one that I had personal contact with. She looked good until a mutual friend brought me up to speed and said "she" had a bigger one than me.
emilynghiem wrote, "I find the issue is not with exercising beliefs in private, but imposing them in public through govt on everyone else regardless of their beliefs.

All the beliefs about LGBT either for or against, are all FAITH BASED neither proven nor disproven.

So the argument is why are progay beliefs being pushed through govt to the point of penalizing people who are either antigay or Constitutionalists and don't believe in govt endorsing EITHER beliefs for or against LGBT?"

Civil rights are civil rights, what you believe in the recesses of your mind are irrelevant to rights. Rights come from society and government is society. We can disagree, feel uncomfortable, or hate those different from ourselves, and we can even try to use government in our dislike. But every citizen has the right to be who they are, and because of that, laws are necessary and really kinda simple. No one is pushing anything. Equality and the right to live free is part of our national values.

Jazz Jennings

How many transgenders have you encountered?
My most recent contact was with a nut who couldn't keep a job, who sashayed into a public building with a stupid twitchy dog that didn't have a leash (his "therapy" dog....I asked him if it had been trained especially to perform certain duties ....which is the standard for service dogs that are to be allowed into public buildings. Of course it hadn't. Because it's not a real therapy dog, he's just a fucking nut who is all about special privileges). He told me he had recently lost 200 lbs, because as soon as he got his obamacare, he had gastrointestinal surgery to lose weight). When I asked him about his dog, he was like "Why is there a problem? Because there can't be one, she's a therapy dog". I asked him what tasks she had been trained to perform, and of course she hadn't been trained at all. I explained to him that it was a liability issue, when you are in a public lobby where there are disabled people and children...and the dog is not leashed and has had no special training.

His fag response as she was wallowing the twitching, collarless dog that was climbing all over him, was "Oh she'll be fine". Oh, good. I'm sure she doesn't have fleas, either.

And that was just the most recent one. I have another one who I've known since he was about 16, when his crazy mother decided to turn him into a girl named Serena.
emilynghiem wrote, "I find the issue is not with exercising beliefs in private, but imposing them in public through govt on everyone else regardless of their beliefs.

All the beliefs about LGBT either for or against, are all FAITH BASED neither proven nor disproven.

So the argument is why are progay beliefs being pushed through govt to the point of penalizing people who are either antigay or Constitutionalists and don't believe in govt endorsing EITHER beliefs for or against LGBT?"

Civil rights are civil rights, what you believe in the recesses of your mind are irrelevant to rights. Rights come from society and government is society. We can disagree, feel uncomfortable, or hate those different from ourselves, and we can even try to use government in our dislike. But every citizen has the right to be who they are, and because of that, laws are necessary and really kinda simple. No one is pushing anything. Equality and the right to live free is part of our national values.

Jazz Jennings

How many transgenders have you encountered?, government is NOT "society" and does not dictate *rights*.

More shell games with language in the hopes that nobody will notice, thus allowing you to totally change the narrative.

Human rights do NOT originate from GOVERNMENT. The entire world (well except a couple of notable exceptions) agrees that government can NOT grant (or deny) human rights, and when it does, regardless of what laws it has passed to make it appear that it is justified in doing so, it can still be held accountable (and the offensive members tried) for violation of those rights.

Like all totalitarian communist douchebags, you continue to push the narrative that everything worth having must come from the government, and we exist only at the behest and command of the government.

Total horseshit. You can die for believing that, once the people find out who you are and put you on trial for crimes against humanity.



Lemme tell ya about ONE.

The only one I've definitely know to be transgendered.

I'm not going to say where - only that it's in a small town where men are men and most women are as good at "man stuff" as any male - yet retain their femininity.

The individual uses a name that is ambiguous - could equally be male or female-sounding.

By day HE dresses in coveralls and work boots, looking right at home in them. After morning coffee HE goes off to work as a maritime welder - one of the best in 1,000 miles.

Once off work, home to clean up and dress in appropriately female type attire. Not fancy, not overdone. Minimal and tasteful makeup then off to moonlight running oil painting classes whose attendees are mostly female.

This person is highly regarded across the community - many who don't know him/her well assume there are two persons. No "in your face" or special demands. When dressed as male, uses the men's room (true, it IS a single-seater) and when dressed as a female, uses the "ladies" room (it, too, is a one-holer). t

The individual avoids going to "the bit city" and, that, I think, is a good thing.

Oh, the transition is complete. It took a lot less time than had been imagined because financial support from both male and female members of the community.

In that little town you crack any "heshee" jokes in the bar and they better be about somebody from "outside" parading "their stuff" 'cause you try it on "our neighbor" and your face will become intimately acquainted with the place out back where drunks piss in the dirt.

I'm not joking.

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