How many so called "statist" Republitards know their state constitutions?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
After all, if you're really all for "states rights" why be "patriots" for the federal Constitution and not the constitutions of your individual states?
Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.
Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.

OOPS!!! :rofl:

Might want to consider going back to your day job:

After all, if you're really all for "states rights" why be "patriots" for the federal Constitution and not the constitutions of your individual states?

Wow you lack any understanding at all of what it means to be a constitutionalist. Protecting the rights of the States is part and parcel of being a Constitutionalist. Read up on enumerated powers brainiac.

You also might consider looking up the meaning of the word statist while you are at it. It has NOTHING at all to do with States rights.
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Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.

Funny how you call someone out for not understanding the meaning of a word, yet I've seen you do the very same thing yourself. Funny how that works.
Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.

This reminds me of one of my idiot neighbors a few years back. He was one of those guys that absolutely loves cars and engines. He would get a woody whenever he heard an engine go vroom, vroom!! It was comical, in a sad pathetic kind of way....

Anyway, this simpleton who never graduated from high school let alone college, started his own company repairing cars. He called it GS ENGINEERING. I asked him how he came up with the name and he said " I fix the engines, I am a (sic) engineer". :cuckoo: :clap2:
Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.

Funny how you call someone out for not understanding the meaning of a word, yet I've seen you do the very same thing yourself. Funny how that works.

The one time you called me out for that I asked you to show me, form the definition, how I did not understand the word. As I recall, you failed to take me up on that challenge.

Funny how that works.
Funny how you call someone out for not understanding the meaning of a word, yet I've seen you do the very same thing yourself. Funny how that works.

Funny how some folks are actually embarrassed by their lapses,

and Learn from their mistakes.

Oh, wait!

That's not "funny" ~ it's SMART.

Too bad libtards don't take a page out of that book.
This reminds me of one of my idiot neighbors a few years back. He was one of those guys that absolutely loves cars and engines. He would get a woody whenever he heard an engine go vroom, vroom!! It was comical, in a sad pathetic kind of way....

Anyway, this simpleton who never graduated from high school let alone college, started his own company repairing cars. He called it GS ENGINEERING. I asked him how he came up with the name and he said " I fix the engines, I am a (sic) engineer". :cuckoo: :clap2:

And yet,

with all of your (supposed) advanced education,

you don't understand the play on words...

This reminds me of one of my idiot neighbors a few years back. He was one of those guys that absolutely loves cars and engines. He would get a woody whenever he heard an engine go vroom, vroom!! It was comical, in a sad pathetic kind of way....

Anyway, this simpleton who never graduated from high school let alone college, started his own company repairing cars. He called it GS ENGINEERING. I asked him how he came up with the name and he said " I fix the engines, I am a (sic) engineer". :cuckoo: :clap2:

And yet,

with all of your (supposed) advanced education,

you don't understand the play on words...

What the hell are you smoking? Of course I get it, that is why the story is funny.
Amazing, no statists Republitards know their state constitution, shame on you statists!!

Ah "new" words..overused by Ayn Rand..perhaps the worst novelist ever.

But let's use Statist in a sentence shall we?

President George Washington proved himself a "statist" after quelling the Whiskey Rebellion.

Hey..I like this new term!
Maybe you should learn what statist means before you start mocking people.


Advocate of statism

Statist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That means that statists are actually the people that want federal control of everything, not the people who believe in states rights.

Funny how you call someone out for not understanding the meaning of a word, yet I've seen you do the very same thing yourself. Funny how that works.

The one time you called me out for that I asked you to show me, form the definition, how I did not understand the word. As I recall, you failed to take me up on that challenge.

Funny how that works.

Oh really? I don't remember you asking any such question. Here, let me jog your memory since I guess you're recalling some other time that someone called you out on your BS.

Go ahead and show me where you responded to my question. I'll wait.
After all, if you're really all for "states rights" why be "patriots" for the federal Constitution and not the constitutions of your individual states?

I happen to "know" mine to a fair degree. For example, Basshole, I know that it is a poorly constructed work.

But, in any event, you ask a silly question for stupid reason. One can endorse what YOU call "states rights" without having expert knowledge on the ins and outs of one's own State constitution. What you call "states rights" is actually Federalism and it is an important check on the prospect of the Federal Government obtaining too much power.


I was responding only to the general question of who knows his own state Constitution.

The author of the OP, ignorant as he tends to be, has mis-used the term Statist.

LIBS are the statists. The Basshole is too ignorant to grasp that fact.
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Oh really? I don't remember you asking any such question. Here, let me jog your memory since I guess you're recalling some other time that someone called you out on your BS.

Go ahead and show me where you responded to my question. I'll wait.

Wow, I missed that one. In answer to your question though.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Reid Campaign Targets Angle Supporters With Phishing Website

When are you going to answer mine?
Oh really? I don't remember you asking any such question. Here, let me jog your memory since I guess you're recalling some other time that someone called you out on your BS.

Go ahead and show me where you responded to my question. I'll wait.

Wow, I missed that one. In answer to your question though.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Reid Campaign Targets Angle Supporters With Phishing Website

When are you going to answer mine?

Reids site wasn't collecting data or stealing anyones information that visited it. How does your source prove anything was being phished. People shouldn't use terminology that they don't understand.

What did you ask me?
Oh really? I don't remember you asking any such question. Here, let me jog your memory since I guess you're recalling some other time that someone called you out on your BS.

Go ahead and show me where you responded to my question. I'll wait.

Wow, I missed that one. In answer to your question though.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Reid Campaign Targets Angle Supporters With Phishing Website

When are you going to answer mine?

Reids site wasn't collecting data or stealing anyones information that visited it. How does your source prove anything was being phished. People shouldn't use terminology that they don't understand.

What did you ask me?

* * * *

While creating a spoofed website may have reflected the childish ways of the Reid campaign, the way the Reid campaign set up the spoofed website was more nefarious.

The Reid campaign activated the prior sections of Angle's original website where supporters of Angle could enter their e-mail and other contact information for future campaign communications, as well as a form to sign up as a volunteer. I know that the "contact" section was operable because I filled it out the form and hit the "submit" button.

Turning these contact and volunteer functions live must have been a deliberate Reid campaign decision, because the "contribute" function on the spoofed website was inoperable. The Reid campaign clearly wanted to gather names and contact information on Angle supporters, but did not want to go so far as to take fraudulent donations.

* * * *
-- excerpted from Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Reid Campaign Targets Angle Supporters With Phishing Website [with my own highlighting]

As is often the case, RDD saying something and it being valid are two different things.

How the fuck would YOU, RDD, know what purpose was behind the obviously conscious decision of the Reid campaign efforts to engage in the "spoofing" of the angle web site?

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