How Many of These TV Shows did You Watch in 2014?

2 out of 190. Mr Selfridge and House of Cards was missing.

I would like Mr. Selfridge but for the actor playing Mr. Selfridge Piven just isn't one of my favorite actors. I don't dislike him as much as Cruise, Cage & Clooney, but he tends to that side of the scale for me.
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.

I prefer the regular cooking shows where I can learn recipes and tips. :) I watch cooking shows and travel shows all the time. I love those kind of shows!
None. I cannot get television where I am. Some of these titles are interesting though.

A person got some shows for me about the supernatural. Well done.
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.

I prefer the regular cooking shows where I can learn recipes and tips. :) I watch cooking shows and travel shows all the time. I love those kind of shows!

The British bakeoff episode I have seen has tips in it, like how to keep fruit added to a cake from coming to the top. It is good on the technique stuff
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.

I prefer the regular cooking shows where I can learn recipes and tips. :) I watch cooking shows and travel shows all the time. I love those kind of shows!

One of my favorites from the past and if you can these days get this combo was AnneMarie Victory with World Class Cuisine. We are talking killer food with awesome background. Techniques to die for.

If I miss one thing about television it is missing cooking shows.
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.

I prefer the regular cooking shows where I can learn recipes and tips. :) I watch cooking shows and travel shows all the time. I love those kind of shows!

I like both and as far as regular cooking shows, Good Eats was the very best.
12 but the list left off a lot of shows. I also watch:

Good Eats
Auction Hunters
American Pickers

If you like cooking competition shows, I suggest the Great British Bakeoff if it is available to you.

I prefer the regular cooking shows where I can learn recipes and tips. :) I watch cooking shows and travel shows all the time. I love those kind of shows!

One of my favorites from the past and if you can these days get this combo was AnneMarie Victory with World Class Cuisine. We are talking killer food with awesome background. Techniques to die for.

If I miss one thing about television it is missing cooking shows.

I've never seen that one. I watch Food Network and the Cooking Channel. Sometimes they have some good ones on Create channel.
When I was little, I remember my mom used to watch the Two Fat Ladies religiously. They were like the original Paula Dean--butter and cream, cream and butter. Interesting enough, one of them used to be a successful lawyer and lost her career to booze before she went into cooking.
When I was little, I remember my mom used to watch the Two Fat Ladies religiously. They were like the original Paula Dean--butter and cream, cream and butter. Interesting enough, one of them used to be a successful lawyer and lost her career to booze before she went into cooking.

I heard Julia Child really did drink a lot of wine while cooking. :D
When I was little, I remember my mom used to watch the Two Fat Ladies religiously. They were like the original Paula Dean--butter and cream, cream and butter. Interesting enough, one of them used to be a successful lawyer and lost her career to booze before she went into cooking.

I heard Julia Child really did drink a lot of wine while cooking. :D

But that was the beauty of it--after she had her stroke and stopped she sounded exactly the same as she did before while being all boozy. Crafty on her part. No wonder she was a spy.

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