How Many Friends do You Have That Are Not Your Own Race?

What is you socially designated race and what you think your race is?

  • I think of myself as black

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Hispanic racially, even though it is not a race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Asian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Polynesian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think of myself as Polynesian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone knows I am of a mixed race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I know I am of mixed race

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It would be easier to count how many friends I have of my own race. I’m black and only have two black friends. The rest are a mix of white, south East Asian and Persian.
"How Many Friends do You Have That Are Not Your Own Race?"
None, of course, nor does anyone else have any as there is only one "race" of humans.
I have friends of all different races. I learn a little from all of them. My better half is actually Ecuadorian. She's hot, too. Legs for days, lemme tell ya.

Best workers I've ever hired are Mexicans. They show up on time. They don't complain. They keep their shirts tucked in. They're polite. They're bilingual. And they're hard workers. If I take a crew of Mexican guys on a base, they get it done and get outta there. Most of the white dudes complain all day worrying about what time we're gonna get outta there so they can go watch the football game at the bar. Then they show up with a hangover the next morning. Late. With their shirts untucked. And no lunch money. That's another thing. The Mexican guys bring their lunches, as do I. They're not blowing 20 minutes to go get lunch, eat it for 20 more, then come back on site another 20 minutes later.
I don't have any friends...
That's why we're all here at USMB. :lmao:

People would say I'm white. But I'm part Sioux as well. One of my best school friends growing up was/is black. Friends with Korean, several Native Americans, HIspanics galore (despite what people say, the mainstay of this demographic are moral, and hardworking, friendly).

Does black Irish count?

Seriously though, I have two what I consider friends (someone you can trust with all of your secrets, someone who you would help bury the body, no questions asked and vice versa, someone who will pick up the phone no matter the hour or what they're doing), I married one of them, the other I've known since we were 17. If it matters, he's half Mexican...

Now, I do have acquaintances of varying ethnicity backgrounds whose company I have been known to keep and enjoy...
This old US News article is interesting. It says that 40% of white Americans, 25% of blacks and 10% of Hispanics (yes, Hispanics are not a race, but it is in the freaking report) do not have friends of a different race.

This led to a discussion with the wife and she pointed out that many people are more restrictive by what they mean when they say friend, so perhaps a better question would be how many people do you like to interact with socially who are of a different race? I asked her if Face Book friends count, and she said if you spend a lot of time interacting with them or not.

Then we realized how many people we interact with in games and discussion groups that are racially unknown. When she plays LOTRO she has no idea what the persons race is and racial disagreements never come out. (Hmm, wonder if there is something to that?)

Then I thought what about here? How many people do I like talking to here on USMB are not white?

So I decided to do a poll, and ask people what race they SELF IDENTIFY as. Sure you can lie if you want, but I am trying to make this as generic and multiple faceted as possible.

The choices start with what most people think you are racially and what you think you really are to be more precise.

Of course if you dont want to answer, dont it is no big deal, but I am wondering how much easier it is to get along with people when I dont know their race vrs when I do, but then again, I have never asked people what their races are until now.

I lived in one of the most racial diverse cities in the world for 30 years. Our neighbourhood was 25% White, 25% black or mixed race, and 50% Asian. We lived within walking distance of both Chinatown, and Little India. We also lived within walking distance of Greektown, but Little Italy was a short transit ride away. Friends, neighbours and co-workers were all different races, religions and cultures.

My Wednesday night poker game was about 20 people on two tables and at any given time, 1/3 were white, 1/3 were Asian. I kept track one night and that ratio stayed consistent all night long.

Now I live in a rural area where I can count on the fingers of one hand how many non-whites, or non-Christians I’ve met since I’ve been here. These people have a lot more fear of diversity than the city folk. I find a lot of fear of Muslims here, but I have yet to meet a Muslim here.
While I agree with your observation, I am not really tallking about politics here, but only how one identifies themselves racially and how many friends they have of another race.

How many nonwhite friends do you have (assuming that you are white, which is a poor assumption).

In RL do people think of you as a particular race?

I dont want you to say anything that makes you uncomfortable, so no problemo if you dont want to answer the question.
I hate to break it to you, but how many you have shouldn't matter.
I think it is a ridiculous question.
Anyone who tries to answer it is just virtue-signalling.

No offense.
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I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
That's called projecting........
This old US News article is interesting. It says that 40% of white Americans, 25% of blacks and 10% of Hispanics (yes, Hispanics are not a race, but it is in the freaking report) do not have friends of a different race.

This led to a discussion with the wife and she pointed out that many people are more restrictive by what they mean when they say friend, so perhaps a better question would be how many people do you like to interact with socially who are of a different race? I asked her if Face Book friends count, and she said if you spend a lot of time interacting with them or not.

Then we realized how many people we interact with in games and discussion groups that are racially unknown. When she plays LOTRO she has no idea what the persons race is and racial disagreements never come out. (Hmm, wonder if there is something to that?)

Then I thought what about here? How many people do I like talking to here on USMB are not white?

So I decided to do a poll, and ask people what race they SELF IDENTIFY as. Sure you can lie if you want, but I am trying to make this as generic and multiple faceted as possible.

The choices start with what most people think you are racially and what you think you really are to be more precise.

Of course if you dont want to answer, dont it is no big deal, but I am wondering how much easier it is to get along with people when I dont know their race vrs when I do, but then again, I have never asked people what their races are until now.

My best two friends are Filipino and Italian\Mexican, and I am a Canadian born in the Frog region of Canada...

I also prefer to date non-white not because I hate white people but I prefer Asian, Pacific Islander and Hispanic\Latin over whites...

Now I answered your post, so do I get a cookie!?!
My best friend right now is the nice African American associate at best buy who went out of her way to find 13 LOL dolls for my grandchild. They are out of stock in most of the country.
I hate to break it to you, but how many you have shouldn't matter.
I think it is a ridiculous question.
Anyone who tries to answer it is just virtue-signalling.

No offense.
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I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
That's called projecting........
No....projecting would be telling someone that they are guilty of a crime I myself is guilty of.

No....the physiological term is being a realist.


noun: realist; plural noun: realists
  1. 1.
    a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "I am a realist, with no time for your world of make believe"
    • a person who believes that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "the classical realist believes that the state is the most important actor in the international system"
  2. 2.
    an artist or writer whose style is characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
    "Dickens and other nineteenth-century realists"
  3. 3.
    a person who believes in the theory of realism.
    "modern philosophical realists"
adjective: realist
  1. 1.
    accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "a realist view of the world, its problems, and its future"
    • relating to or denoting the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "a political realist standpoint"
  2. 2.
    representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.
    "a realist drama"
    • relating to an artistic or literary movement or style characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
      "realist painters and sculptors"
  3. 3.
I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
That's called projecting........
No....projecting would be telling someone that they are guilty of a crime I myself is guilty of.

No....the physiological term is being a realist.


noun: realist; plural noun: realists
  1. 1.
    a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "I am a realist, with no time for your world of make believe"
    • a person who believes that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "the classical realist believes that the state is the most important actor in the international system"
  2. 2.
    an artist or writer whose style is characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
    "Dickens and other nineteenth-century realists"
  3. 3.
    a person who believes in the theory of realism.
    "modern philosophical realists"
adjective: realist
  1. 1.
    accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "a realist view of the world, its problems, and its future"
    • relating to or denoting the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "a political realist standpoint"
  2. 2.
    representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.
    "a realist drama"
    • relating to an artistic or literary movement or style characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
      "realist painters and sculptors"
  3. 3.
The self delusion is strong with this one.
I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
That's called projecting........
No....projecting would be telling someone that they are guilty of a crime I myself is guilty of.

No....the physiological term is being a realist.


noun: realist; plural noun: realists
  1. 1.
    a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "I am a realist, with no time for your world of make believe"
    • a person who believes that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "the classical realist believes that the state is the most important actor in the international system"
  2. 2.
    an artist or writer whose style is characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
    "Dickens and other nineteenth-century realists"
  3. 3.
    a person who believes in the theory of realism.
    "modern philosophical realists"
adjective: realist
  1. 1.
    accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "a realist view of the world, its problems, and its future"
    • relating to or denoting the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "a political realist standpoint"
  2. 2.
    representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.
    "a realist drama"
    • relating to an artistic or literary movement or style characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
      "realist painters and sculptors"
  3. 3.
The self delusion is strong with this one.
Projecting means you "project" what you believe is true onto or into others statements or beliefs.
I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
That's called projecting........
No....projecting would be telling someone that they are guilty of a crime I myself is guilty of.

No....the physiological term is being a realist.


noun: realist; plural noun: realists
  1. 1.
    a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "I am a realist, with no time for your world of make believe"
    • a person who believes that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "the classical realist believes that the state is the most important actor in the international system"
  2. 2.
    an artist or writer whose style is characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
    "Dickens and other nineteenth-century realists"
  3. 3.
    a person who believes in the theory of realism.
    "modern philosophical realists"
adjective: realist
  1. 1.
    accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
    "a realist view of the world, its problems, and its future"
    • relating to or denoting the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.
      "a political realist standpoint"
  2. 2.
    representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.
    "a realist drama"
    • relating to an artistic or literary movement or style characterized by the representation of people or things as they actually are.
      "realist painters and sculptors"
  3. 3.
The self delusion is strong with this one.
Nope......I'm just a realist.
If you knew anything about my background, and the ethnicity of my family, you'd understand.

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