How long is Reid going to block money for kids with cancer and dead soldiers families

If he continues this DEADLY game his reelection will be as much in jeopardy as any GOP member.

Nah...people who vote for him will blame the republicans no matter. He is untouchable because there is no media outlet that will show reality here. What will happen is this week congress will vote, and pass, specific legislation for both of these.
Just like last time, the media did not cover the obvious "make it hurt" choices of this administration, and will not this time either, in fact they will play up to it.
He is obviously a pillar in the liberal camp which operates soley on political goals / more votes; so if it is politically expedient, he will continue to block monies, and do all other vehemently pernicious abuses to the American people without regard.
If he continues this DEADLY game his reelection will be as much in jeopardy as any GOP member.

That's why he's doing this. It's his last term. He announced his retirement and won't be running for reelection. Although the next democrat to follow him might suffer.
If he continues this DEADLY game his reelection will be as much in jeopardy as any GOP member.

Nah...people who vote for him will blame the republicans no matter. He is untouchable because there is no media outlet that will show reality here. What will happen is this week congress will vote, and pass, specific legislation for both of these.
Just like last time, the media did not cover the obvious "make it hurt" choices of this administration, and will not this time either, in fact they will play up to it.

Dunno man. People who don't normally get involved or pay attention are more likely to take notice because of social media.
My brother is a perfect example. 40 and never voted but now talking about registering.
Hasn't the Senate passed a bill that would restore funding to all of the Government based on the Ryan Budget?

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