How liberals inspire racial harmony.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

This is just one example, I've seen a few other videos. I can't think of a better way to make people sympathize with your cause then mobbing resturants and chasing people out of places they're enjoying a meal in. What's next bed wetters? Kicking down gates and threatening people in their homes?

Oh wait....


This is just one example, I've seen a few other videos. I can't think of a better way to make people sympathize with your cause then mobbing resturants and chasing people out of places they're enjoying a meal in. What's next bed wetters? Kicking down gates and threatening people in their homes?

Oh wait....

Not in castle doctrine, stand your ground states.
BLM - Be Like Monkeys

They should be crushed like the piece of shit cockroaches that they are.

Here in Florida, if something like that happened, there would be gun play. We have very liberal concealed carry laws here. We also have "stand your ground". So, whjen these pieces of shit start uprooting peaceful diners and trying to force them out, an armed citizen could then claim that he was in fear for his life, as he would not have been engaged in any illegal activity prior to be attacked (that's an important component of "stand your ground"). The use of deadly force would not be out of the question, and it would result in the world having to endure one less piece of shit wasting our air...
It is one thing to have a weapon, to be armed, it is another action when you point those weapons to intimidate and cause fear....This is why soldiers are taught to only use weapons when necessary and when allowed to do so through the chain of command in the form of orders....In the army we didn't walk around pointing weapons at each other blurting out menacing messages...A civilian is no different under the law of being armed and welding that weapons towards another unarmed human...

This is just one example, I've seen a few other videos. I can't think of a better way to make people sympathize with your cause then mobbing resturants and chasing people out of places they're enjoying a meal in. What's next bed wetters? Kicking down gates and threatening people in their homes?

Oh wait....

I've never been chased out of a restaurant and yelled at yet so I have not been "woke" and subsequently cured.
It is one thing to have a weapon, to be armed, it is another action when you point those weapons to intimidate and cause fear....This is why soldiers are taught to only use weapons when necessary and when allowed to do so through the chain of command in the form of orders....In the army we didn't walk around pointing weapons at each other blurting out menacing messages...A civilian is no different under the law of being armed and welding that weapons towards another unarmed human...

You're exactly correct.

You're ignorant if you think I would draw my weapon simply to intimidate or cause fear.

In this case, "stand your ground" would easily apply, as there's a violent mob uprooting people who are just trying to eat dinner. THAT'S where the intimidation factor is...
BLM - Be Like Monkeys

They should be crushed like the piece of shit cockroaches that they are.

Here in Florida, if something like that happened, there would be gun play. We have very liberal concealed carry laws here. We also have "stand your ground". So, whjen these pieces of shit start uprooting peaceful diners and trying to force them out, an armed citizen could then claim that he was in fear for his life, as he would not have been engaged in any illegal activity prior to be attacked (that's an important component of "stand your ground"). The use of deadly force would not be out of the question, and it would result in the world having to endure one less piece of shit wasting our air...
Although, I do not bother to characterize the people on either side, as you. I too am in a state with conceal carry (we not liberal so we do not characterize our laws as liberal, being just intelligent laws) and if attacked while dining and they started throwing things off table and shoving diners around and moving our direction, would have to assume I or my wife were in danger and stand my ground, very easily leading to what you suggest, as a shooting incident, outcome overall not projected, but within 6 feet is a very dangerous place to threaten or attack us from.
BLM - Be Like Monkeys

They should be crushed like the piece of shit cockroaches that they are.

Here in Florida, if something like that happened, there would be gun play. We have very liberal concealed carry laws here. We also have "stand your ground". So, whjen these pieces of shit start uprooting peaceful diners and trying to force them out, an armed citizen could then claim that he was in fear for his life, as he would not have been engaged in any illegal activity prior to be attacked (that's an important component of "stand your ground"). The use of deadly force would not be out of the question, and it would result in the world having to endure one less piece of shit wasting our air...

What is not understood by too many is this fact, the three leading posts (the OP, and #2 & 3) are examples of decades of systemic racism, and these three posters contribute to the hate and fear political activity that seek support in their appeal to the prejudices of ordinary people.

What created the BLM movement? History repeats when people won't learn from the past; clearly this thread is an example of that failure! Nowhere is there any attempt to put their feet into the shoes of others (that's a metaphor, Pete may need to look that word up).
It is one thing to have a weapon, to be armed, it is another action when you point those weapons to intimidate and cause fear....This is why soldiers are taught to only use weapons when necessary and when allowed to do so through the chain of command in the form of orders....In the army we didn't walk around pointing weapons at each other blurting out menacing messages...A civilian is no different under the law of being armed and welding that weapons towards another unarmed human...

Any legally carrier of a concealed weapon is well aware of the responsibility of wearing that weapon. His/her training before he/she was issued the permit covers that well. If you pull it and point it you best better be prepared to to use it. You don't menace or intimidate, just squeeze that trigger....
I'm sure that your military training and short career in Russia taught how to safely carry a weapon... Weapons handling safety universal in civilized militaries,
BLM - Be Like Monkeys

They should be crushed like the piece of shit cockroaches that they are.

Here in Florida, if something like that happened, there would be gun play. We have very liberal concealed carry laws here. We also have "stand your ground". So, whjen these pieces of shit start uprooting peaceful diners and trying to force them out, an armed citizen could then claim that he was in fear for his life, as he would not have been engaged in any illegal activity prior to be attacked (that's an important component of "stand your ground"). The use of deadly force would not be out of the question, and it would result in the world having to endure one less piece of shit wasting our air...

What is not understood by too many is this fact, the three leading posts (the OP, and #2 & 3) are examples of decades of systemic racism, and these three posters contribute to the hate and fear political activity that seek support in their appeal to the prejudices of ordinary people.

What created the BLM movement? History repeats when people won't learn from the past; clearly this thread is an example of that failure! Nowhere is there any attempt to put their feet into the shoes of others (that's a metaphor, Pete may need to look that word up).
What created the BLM movement? The key players were a Black Marxist President who hates America and the Police and a biased Media that hates America and the Police.
What is not understood by too many is this fact, the three leading posts (the OP, and #2 & 3) are examples of decades of systemic racism, and these three posters contribute to the hate and fear political activity that seek support in their appeal to the prejudices of ordinary people.

What created the BLM movement? History repeats when people won't learn from the past; clearly this thread is an example of that failure! Nowhere is there any attempt to put their feet into the shoes of others (that's a metaphor, Pete may need to look that word up).

He really is this stupid folks.


This is just one example, I've seen a few other videos. I can't think of a better way to make people sympathize with your cause then mobbing resturants and chasing people out of places they're enjoying a meal in. What's next bed wetters? Kicking down gates and threatening people in their homes?

Oh wait....

Not in castle doctrine, stand your ground states.

One day soon someone who has had enough will open up on these people killing many. Then the next group of this anti-American losers will hit the stage wanting our Second Amendment. The one used on the first group that was violating his rights to live free.

This is just one example, I've seen a few other videos. I can't think of a better way to make people sympathize with your cause then mobbing resturants and chasing people out of places they're enjoying a meal in. What's next bed wetters? Kicking down gates and threatening people in their homes?

Oh wait....

Not in castle doctrine, stand your ground states.

One day soon someone who has had enough will open up on these people killing many. Then the next group of this anti-American losers will hit the stage wanting our Second Amendment. The one used on the first group that was violating his rights to live free.

Won't be me unless they get past my fences and the German Shepherd. I love 6 channel home security video, don't you?
Lots of scary hate filled disinformation floating around. Our beloved country is a mess, how did we get here?
What is not understood by too many is this fact, the three leading posts (the OP, and #2 & 3) are examples of decades of systemic racism, and these three posters contribute to the hate and fear political activity that seek support in their appeal to the prejudices of ordinary people.

What created the BLM movement? History repeats when people won't learn from the past; clearly this thread is an example of that failure! Nowhere is there any attempt to put their feet into the shoes of others (that's a metaphor, Pete may need to look that word up).

A recent event has inspired me to ridicule Spooge Catcher a little further.

I suppose we should give a fruit fly's fuck about "putting ourselves in their shoes".

Why put myself in the shoes of assholes who act like this?

Why put myself in the shoes of people who resist arrest?

Why put myself in the shoes of ignorant dumbfucks who try and pass fakey money?

Why put myself in the shoes of use fat fucking "poor" people who steal shit, knock down store owners and then get themselves killed trying to take away a cop's gun?

Why put myself in the shoes of useless parasites who burn down cities, loot stores and commit murder because police shot a rapist who was trying to get a knife after resisting arrest?

This is how utterly stupid bed wetting liberals are though, and they have the gall to assert we should try and find empathy with parasites that that gun down cops doing their jobs or show up at hospitals, harass security and declare that they hope these people die?

When I say that repulsive pieces of shit like Spooge Catcher, and all the other leftist parasites should have been aborted I am not kidding in any way at all.

It is one thing to have a weapon, to be armed, it is another action when you point those weapons to intimidate and cause fear....This is why soldiers are taught to only use weapons when necessary and when allowed to do so through the chain of command in the form of orders....In the army we didn't walk around pointing weapons at each other blurting out menacing messages...A civilian is no different under the law of being armed and welding that weapons towards another unarmed human...
This couple didn't break any laws.
It is one thing to have a weapon, to be armed, it is another action when you point those weapons to intimidate and cause fear....This is why soldiers are taught to only use weapons when necessary and when allowed to do so through the chain of command in the form of orders....In the army we didn't walk around pointing weapons at each other blurting out menacing messages...A civilian is no different under the law of being armed and welding that weapons towards another unarmed human...
This couple didn't break any laws.
Bed wetters believe resisting their terrorism should be illegal, just like ISIS except even dumber.

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