How Is the Economy Doing Under President Trump?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
Toys R. Us has expanded….they are now selling shopping carts, lighting fixtures, display cases etc… Trump’s economy at work.
The economy is doing great...just look around...any attempt to revise reality will fail....
I saw a Dairy Queen today offering TEN dollars an hour to make ice cream cones and flip burgers! Wow. I would say there is a hell of a lot of competition for workers because ALL the fast food joints are upping their starting wages for people.
Newspapers are laying off staff, consolidating printing plants and cutting back to tabloid format with fewer pages.

That means fewer trees are dying to produce bird-cage liners and fish guts wrap.

What's NOT to like?
  • The United States economy continues to expand at better-than-expected rates.
    • Department of Commerce figures released mid-March show the economy grew at an annual rate of 2.9 percent during the final three months of 2017, which beat their prior estimate of 2.5 percent.
    • The monthly Employment Situation Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released in March shows that nonfarm payroll employment rose by 313,000 in February. The average job numbers in 2018 are the strongest since 1997.
    • The economy grew at an annual rate of 3.1 percent over the past three quarters.
    • Since January 2017, over 2.5 million jobs have been added to the economy.
  • Unemployment has dropped to its lowest levels since before the Great Recession and wages are rising.
    • Recent data shows the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits dropped to more than a 45-year low in mid-March.
    • The Department of Labor data from February shows a 4.1 percent unemployment rate, which is a 17-year low.
    • In February, average hourly earnings rose to $26.75, continuing record gains made in 2018.
    • According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans now worried about unemployment is down 36 percentage points from the high of 59 percent in 2010, including a seven-point decline in the past year.
  • President Trump’s tax cuts are the biggest gross tax cuts in American history, with $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts over ten years and $4.5 trillion in reforms.
Toys R. Us has expanded….they are now selling shopping carts, lighting fixtures, display cases etc… Trump’s economy at work.

Can you believe this reply, folks? All this liberal has to say in reply to a boatload of good economic news, including the creation of record-setting numbers of manufacturing jobs, is to note that Toys R Us has gone bust (even though the chain's demise had nothing to do with Trump's policies but with its own failure to adapt to the 21st-century market).

This is an example of the fact that liberals do not welcome good economic news and do not want the economy to do well, as long as Trump is in office. It's that simple. For all their talk about caring about people, they want people to suffer with a bad economy while Trump is in office, and they're not happy that the economy has been steadily improving under Trump.
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Trump is making America great again!
Creating millions of jobs
Deporting criminals that have taken millions of our jobs unlawfully and allowing Americans to fill them.
Shutting down the h1b scam that has screwed over the American worker!
Getting us out of tpp
fighting china's unfair trade policies

Trump is doing what a real leader does.
This is an example of the fact that liberals do not welcome good economic news and do not want the economy to do well, as long as Trump is in office.

Economic stability is always in flux , and always predicated on legislative elements prior to any sitting potus Mike , the best analogy being ripples of water as stones are thrown

For example, the Clinton era was a rather good economy , which he took credit for, while introducing the two most destructive pieces of economic doom to ever grace our country

That took about a decade for those ripples to bite us in the azz

The Trump administration rests it's laurels on past remedies for that ,as well as speculative cheerleaders, we're simply on the high side of the wave

Nothing he has done in a years time has really HAD time to fully manifest , so sorry the jury is out , and no you do not have the privilege of calling what you can't grasp 'liberal'

Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
Flake News!
The economy is doing pretty well, at this moment. It is coming in part from the momentum of prior years, and in part at the cost of massive deficit spending, due primarily to the Trump tax cuts. Like Reagan before him, Trump is borrowing and spending to beat the fuckin' band, hoping for growth and associated tax receipts to pay the bill.

The question now is whether we'll have the type of dynamic growth we were so clearly promised to pay for the deficit spending. Those who are bitching that "it hasn't happened yet, the tax cuts failed" are merely ignorant partisans hoping for the worst. It's too soon to know, but by mid summer to late summer we should have a good idea.

The stock market - clearly unbeknownst to the ignorant partisans - is not the economy. It has been in a consolidation pattern since January, not sure which direction to go, expecting big earnings. Earnings have been good, but not what is hoped for. The longer the consolidation period, the more pronounced the next move, up or down.

So, while the partisans continue their ridiculous bleating about little, the rest of us are watching, analyzing, and hoping for the best, not interested in the bullshit politics of the issue.
The economy is doing pretty well, at this moment. It is coming in part at the cost of massive deficit spending, due primarily to the Trump tax cuts. Like Reagan before him, Trump is borrowing and spending to beat the fuckin' band.

The question now is whether we'll have the type of dynamic growth we were so clearly promised to pay for the deficit spending. Those who are bitching that "it hasn't happened yet" are merely ignorant partisans hoping for the worst. It's too soon to know, but by mid summer to late summer we should have a good idea.

The stock market - clearly unbeknownst to the ignorant partisans - is not the economy. It has been in a consolidation pattern since January, not sure which direction to go, expecting big earnings. Earnings have been good, but not what is hoped for. The longer the consolidation period, the more pronounced the next move, up or down.

So, while the partisans continue their ridiculous bleating about little, the rest of us are watching, analyzing, and hoping for the best.

Thanks for your measured response as always. You've shown all of us how to be mature adults.
Like Reagan before him, Trump is borrowing and spending to beat the fuckin' band, hoping for growth and associated tax receipts to pay the bill.

Reaganomics ride again.....


Like Reagan before him, Trump is borrowing and spending to beat the fuckin' band, hoping for growth and associated tax receipts to pay the bill.

Reaganomics ride again.....


Yep. Conservative Keynesianism.
I think it is very clear, the ruling class doesn't give two shits about the ever expanding national debt.

W doubled....Big Ears doubled it...and now The Donald will do the same. Can you say $40 TRILLION national debt?

Yet another example of how the two criminal parties are aligned, but many partisan Americans are blind to this fact.
I think it is very clear, the ruling class doesn't give two shits about the ever expanding national debt.

W doubled....Big Ears doubled it...and now The Donald will do the same. Can you say $40 TRILLION national debt?

Yet another example of how the two criminal parties are aligned, but many partisan Americans are blind to this fact.


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