How is job creation supposed to compete with welfare?


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.

Welfare has to be lower in wages than min. wage, and jobs must also carry wage increases, potentially other benefits as well when businesses grow.

The reality is that the Middle Class is being decimated and stripped out for low wages in foreign nations, thus, the Welfare State is now looking too generous than it really is, simply because businesses (especially high profit ones and crony capitalists) aren't upholding their contract with citizens.

I'm a free market guy, but I'm also a believer in borders and defense of national principles, interests and the like. When you have some worth billions through nothing more than arbitraging their currency and/or labour practices, they are benefiting fewer and fewer while damaging long term national interests.
Dementia Joe is handing out money to keep people from going back to work. He's giving the lazy among us a taste of communism and while importing illegals to take jobs.

The economy will crash soon and Joe and Company will implement full on communism with military rule.
We used to have something called "work ethic" back in the day. My departed Grandfather talked about how taking financial assistance was a shame that no healthy man would ever want. That is how much things change in a couple of generations.
Yes, it's sad.
Many are able to convince themselves that they are staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Unions are also enabling the mass unemployment.
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.

I'm too skeered to go to work. The democrats tell me I might die a horrible death if I even go out in public, let alone have to work beside, with, or for another human.
We used to have something called "work ethic" back in the day. My departed Grandfather talked about how taking financial assistance was a shame that no healthy man would ever want. That is how much things change in a couple of generations.
Now it’s a shame if you don’t jump on every government program available. How do we stop this?
I can't blame anyone for taking advantage of the situation. Apparently, some states with the extra Fed. contribution are getting $1,000.00 a week. With as bad as restaurants and many other businesses are desperate for workers, you don't think a lot will hire folks and pay cash? Could make it a dang good year for some folks.

Heck, we have a co-President situation, who have one goal in mind, take over and run the government as a Socialist country forever. Might as well get while the getting's good. Obviously, the Democrats don't give a tinker's dam about the public.
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.
It’s a huge problem and it’s just what the demoncats want !! They want you 100 percent on welfare
You have to pay employees $17-18 an hour or hope to find someone who just wants to work
We used to have something called "work ethic" back in the day. My departed Grandfather talked about how taking financial assistance was a shame that no healthy man would ever want. That is how much things change in a couple of generations.
Many folks under 40 ( with no college degrees ) rather stay home play video games , smoke pot and drink
It's easy to find good workers if an employer pays well. If an employer has a hard time finding workers they aren't worth working for. Do you expect someone to work hard for $12 per hour? Who is that abjectly dumb? You want work ethic then pay for it. This nobody wants to work anymore is rubbish. Untrue. You want lower wages for people than welfare pays. That's the fault of employers then they aren't keeping up.
If a business has a hard time finding workers it's 100 percent the fault of the business. I would hope they move overseas
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.
It's the beginning of a massive labor movement.


So maybe Mcdonalds pays 3B in dividends instead of 4B?

now how much they'll pay without the workers?
And when we all make zero then nobody's rich.
What Welfare?
There is ADC and Disability, but that is about it.
If you mean the epidemic stimulus checks, that had been 3 checks in 16 months, for a total of $4200.
I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.


You import a lot of foreign nationals to do the jobs Americans on unemployment or welfare won't do ... :thup:


Sound of Madness

The welfare budget also includes the Medicaid Program which is a program for health care for low-income Americans. With the inclusion of Medicaid the overall spending on welfare totaled $827 billion in fiscal year 2020. This represents 18% of the spending in the entire federal government.

About 68 million Americans received some type of government assistance through the major welfare programs in 2018. Meaning, about 21.3% of American people are using one or more programs like SSI, TANF, and SNAP. This costs the USA about $212 billion every year.

So we do not spend much on welfare.
That is less than $12,000 per person.
And likely half of that is for medical emergencies.
The welfare budget also includes the Medicaid Program which is a program for health care for low-income Americans. With the inclusion of Medicaid the overall spending on welfare totaled $827 billion in fiscal year 2020. This represents 18% of the spending in the entire federal government.

About 68 million Americans received some type of government assistance through the major welfare programs in 2018. Meaning, about 21.3% of American people are using one or more programs like SSI, TANF, and SNAP. This costs the USA about $212 billion every year.

So we do not spend much on welfare.
That is less than $12,000 per person.
And likely half of that is for medical emergencies.

While we are at it ... Give me your credit card.
My friends and I will decide what we think we should pay for with the money you don't really have ... :thup:

I’m just thinking here and I don’t have some stupid link to someone else with a media platform. But how does this work out in the end?

Welfare pays better than not just minimum wage but really a thousand a week is getting into well paid profession territory. How do we correct that?

It can’t be done by raising taxes on those people with the jobs. It can’t be done with more government spending.

How do we get out of this now that 50k a year is the new poverty level? 15 an hour can’t compete.

So how do we get those 2 million jobs filled with people on welfare making more.
It's the beginning of a massive labor movement.


So maybe Mcdonalds pays 3B in dividends instead of 4B?

now how much they'll pay without the workers?
And when we all make zero then nobody's rich.
So, communism or we all starve. Which is an odd stance since everywhere communism has been tried millions starve to death anyway. But hey, while your kids are starving because you were too lazy to go to work you can regale them with your worker movement battle stories.

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