How Is Any Of This The Nfl's Problem?

How does child abuse or spouse abuse become the NFL's problem?

I know it's the way of things these days to blame anyone or anything except the perp, but why wasn't it the casino's fault that the girl got knocked out in the elevator? Why wasn't it the homeowners association at fault because the kid got beaten with a switch?

Both if them worked for the NFL but it didn't happen at work so why is the NFL the bad guys here?

We are insane.

I totally agree. The NFL should not be expected to take action until AFTER a trial has taken place and a person has been found guilty. The NFL is NOT the police and it is not their job to dole out punishments to lawbreakers, nor to make decisions based on morals. I don't understand why people are so angry with the commissioner. He isn't punishing the players enough? That's stupid. It's not his responsibility to punish people for breaking the law. That is why we have the police, courts and prisons.
The NFL is to blame for this incident and not just Ray Rice. He is a representative of the league and must conduct himself at all times because no matter where he is or what he is doing he is and will always be associated with the league. The fact that Goddell only gave him a 2 game suspension for something that everyone was able to see doesn't help in that it sent a message to the public that DV isn't a big deal even if Goddell personally despises DV his ruling showed otherwise. So with that and everything else that has followed the public is in an outrage because for some reason people tend to think these athletes don't have faults but the league knows that these guys have faults and it is The NFL's responsibility to help, educate and train the many players, coaches, personnel people of the many issues that they may run into because at the end of the day everyone is a representative of the league and issues like these are what ultimately hurts the league.

My issue with everything that has been going the last few weeks with this is why is everyone finally putting forth their opinion on all these things when these issues have been around for decades in just the NFL itself. I'm tired of hearing al these people say they despise these guys when they themselves have plenty of skeletons in the closet that they are desperately trying to cover up. Whether you like him or not I feel like Stephen A. Smith shouldn't have gotten suspended for what he said a while back about the Ray Rice issue. I say that because the man is on a show based around opinion and that was his opinion and he isn't allowed to express that. I don't agree with what he said but if people aren't allowed to state their opinions and views then we will never learn and grow as a society. Everyone is being made to think and act all the same way and that to me doesn't allow for growth when you are told what to think.
The NFL is to blame for this incident and not just Ray Rice. He is a representative of the league and must conduct himself at all times because no matter where he is or what he is doing he is and will always be associated with the league. The fact that Goddell only gave him a 2 game suspension for something that everyone was able to see doesn't help in that it sent a message to the public that DV isn't a big deal even if Goddell personally despises DV his ruling showed otherwise. So with that and everything else that has followed the public is in an outrage because for some reason people tend to think these athletes don't have faults but the league knows that these guys have faults and it is The NFL's responsibility to help, educate and train the many players, coaches, personnel people of the many issues that they may run into because at the end of the day everyone is a representative of the league and issues like these are what ultimately hurts the league.

My issue with everything that has been going the last few weeks with this is why is everyone finally putting forth their opinion on all these things when these issues have been around for decades in just the NFL itself. I'm tired of hearing al these people say they despise these guys when they themselves have plenty of skeletons in the closet that they are desperately trying to cover up. Whether you like him or not I feel like Stephen A. Smith shouldn't have gotten suspended for what he said a while back about the Ray Rice issue. I say that because the man is on a show based around opinion and that was his opinion and he isn't allowed to express that. I don't agree with what he said but if people aren't allowed to state their opinions and views then we will never learn and grow as a society. Everyone is being made to think and act all the same way and that to me doesn't allow for growth when you are told what to think.

I agree to an extent with what you are saying, and you raise some really good points that I can't argue with, but I still don't think it's the job of the NFL to punish law breakers. That is for the authorities to deal with, and then, once found guilty in a court of law, the NFL should deal with them.

Perhaps Goodell only was erring on the side of caution and did plan on reviewing his decision when he found out more information. I just think people are being awfully hard on the NFL commissioner. He isn't the police. He's just the NFL commissioner and not an expert.

I think that a lot of people just hate Goodell and were waiting for something to pounce on him about.
Another thing is that I'm not a "fan" like that. While I think that domestic violence is horrible, I don't care about the players so much. I just enjoy watching the game.

To be honest, I was much more upset to hear about Adrian Peterson beating his son. That is a 4-year-old helpless and defenseless child who doesn't know any better. In the other situation, the dumb woman married him, so . . . now the NFL should punish him? It's just weird. Why a woman would marry a man who cold clocked her like is beyond my comprehension. . . must be the money. :D
There are so many things screwed up by the Rice situation and none of it was because of the NFL.....until now. Bowing to pressure the NFL is about to make things worse.

I have two issues with the situation:

1. There is video evidence if a crime; assault. Is assault not a crime if the victim doesn't press charges? I understand if there were no witnesses, but the whole country is a witness. Why isn't he arrested?

2. The NFL is essentially firing this guy. Well all that will do is discourage other NFL wives from reporting their abusive player husbands.

Political correctness and the idiot MSM is fucking this whole mess up.
The NFL is to blame for this incident and not just Ray Rice. He is a representative of the league and must conduct himself at all times because no matter where he is or what he is doing he is and will always be associated with the league. The fact that Goddell only gave him a 2 game suspension for something that everyone was able to see doesn't help in that it sent a message to the public that DV isn't a big deal even if Goddell personally despises DV his ruling showed otherwise. So with that and everything else that has followed the public is in an outrage because for some reason people tend to think these athletes don't have faults but the league knows that these guys have faults and it is The NFL's responsibility to help, educate and train the many players, coaches, personnel people of the many issues that they may run into because at the end of the day everyone is a representative of the league and issues like these are what ultimately hurts the league.

My issue with everything that has been going the last few weeks with this is why is everyone finally putting forth their opinion on all these things when these issues have been around for decades in just the NFL itself. I'm tired of hearing al these people say they despise these guys when they themselves have plenty of skeletons in the closet that they are desperately trying to cover up. Whether you like him or not I feel like Stephen A. Smith shouldn't have gotten suspended for what he said a while back about the Ray Rice issue. I say that because the man is on a show based around opinion and that was his opinion and he isn't allowed to express that. I don't agree with what he said but if people aren't allowed to state their opinions and views then we will never learn and grow as a society. Everyone is being made to think and act all the same way and that to me doesn't allow for growth when you are told what to think.

I agree to an extent with what you are saying, and you raise some really good points that I can't argue with, but I still don't think it's the job of the NFL to punish law breakers. That is for the authorities to deal with, and then, once found guilty in a court of law, the NFL should deal with them.

Perhaps Goodell only was erring on the side of caution and did plan on reviewing his decision when he found out more information. I just think people are being awfully hard on the NFL commissioner. He isn't the police. He's just the NFL commissioner and not an expert.

I think that a lot of people just hate Goodell and were waiting for something to pounce on him about.

Goddell bought that upon himself though when he first became commissioner and implemented the personal conduct policy and made himself the judge, jury and executioner. Everyone was surprised that he gave Rice a 2 game for what he did because historically he gives out harsh suspensions to almost make a point to that person and the rest of the league. I think most people were expecting at least a four game suspension and when he didn't do that and pretty much went soft it opened the door for people to wonder what happened behind the scenes and criticize his judgement. I feel he is getting criticized a bit unfairly because to me DV is a slippery slope (outside of this instance of course since there is video proof) and I feel he was trying to set a precedent in that he didn't want to punish Rice to harshly like he is used to for the facts to come out and Rice turns out innocent.
The NFL is to blame for this incident and not just Ray Rice. He is a representative of the league and must conduct himself at all times because no matter where he is or what he is doing he is and will always be associated with the league. The fact that Goddell only gave him a 2 game suspension for something that everyone was able to see doesn't help in that it sent a message to the public that DV isn't a big deal even if Goddell personally despises DV his ruling showed otherwise. So with that and everything else that has followed the public is in an outrage because for some reason people tend to think these athletes don't have faults but the league knows that these guys have faults and it is The NFL's responsibility to help, educate and train the many players, coaches, personnel people of the many issues that they may run into because at the end of the day everyone is a representative of the league and issues like these are what ultimately hurts the league.

My issue with everything that has been going the last few weeks with this is why is everyone finally putting forth their opinion on all these things when these issues have been around for decades in just the NFL itself. I'm tired of hearing al these people say they despise these guys when they themselves have plenty of skeletons in the closet that they are desperately trying to cover up. Whether you like him or not I feel like Stephen A. Smith shouldn't have gotten suspended for what he said a while back about the Ray Rice issue. I say that because the man is on a show based around opinion and that was his opinion and he isn't allowed to express that. I don't agree with what he said but if people aren't allowed to state their opinions and views then we will never learn and grow as a society. Everyone is being made to think and act all the same way and that to me doesn't allow for growth when you are told what to think.

I agree to an extent with what you are saying, and you raise some really good points that I can't argue with, but I still don't think it's the job of the NFL to punish law breakers. That is for the authorities to deal with, and then, once found guilty in a court of law, the NFL should deal with them.

Perhaps Goodell only was erring on the side of caution and did plan on reviewing his decision when he found out more information. I just think people are being awfully hard on the NFL commissioner. He isn't the police. He's just the NFL commissioner and not an expert.

I think that a lot of people just hate Goodell and were waiting for something to pounce on him about.

Goddell bought that upon himself though when he first became commissioner and implemented the personal conduct policy and made himself the judge, jury and executioner. Everyone was surprised that he gave Rice a 2 game for what he did because historically he gives out harsh suspensions to almost make a point to that person and the rest of the league. I think most people were expecting at least a four game suspension and when he didn't do that and pretty much went soft it opened the door for people to wonder what happened behind the scenes and criticize his judgement. I feel he is getting criticized a bit unfairly because to me DV is a slippery slope (outside of this instance of course since there is video proof) and I feel he was trying to set a precedent in that he didn't want to punish Rice to harshly like he is used to for the facts to come out and Rice turns out innocent.

I certainly don't disagree that he should be suspended, even forever, but I don't know about punishing people before they've had a trial UNLESS they might be deemed possibly dangerous to be around other people . . . I guess in some cases DV could qualify a person as dangerous, but I don't really think Rice or Peterson do. I don't object to them being punished and kicked out of the league if found guilty though, because they do give the league a bad image, and they are criminals. This instance was caught on video, but should that matter if the man hasn't had a trial yet? Sometimes, surprising details come out at trial time, so who knows what isn't on the video?
If Vince Lombardi were still alive and running the NFL, none of this shit would be happening. The problem is there is no moral code anymore. Too much money in the game.
If Vince Lombardi were still alive and running the NFL, none of this shit would be happening. The problem is there is no moral code anymore. Too much money in the game.

Expecting a moral code in the NFL is as realistic as expecting a moral code anymore in any part of American society. Ain't happening. It'll eventually all blow over and it will be business as usual. Bread and circuses FTW!
The official account shows that Hope Solo extended her shutout record to 73 games as the U.S. women’s national team beat Mexico 4-0 in a friendly Thursday night in Rochester, N.Y. But as the NFL grapples with its domestic-violence crisis, Solo, who has been accused of the same crime, continues to play for her pro soccer team as well as the national team as she awaits trial in November. Solo has pleaded not guilty to two counts of misdemeanor domestic violence in an alleged assault of her half-sister and 17-year-old nephew last summer in Kirkland, Wash. Hope Solo and the domestic violence case no one is talking about - The Washington Post

I'll ask the exact same question: how is it the fault of the game of soccer or the WNT?

It's also different in that there aren't any videos of it happening so she could be innocent. Apples and oranges here.
Just another example of hypocrisy....rules for thee but not the favored of the moment.
How does child abuse or spouse abuse become the NFL's problem?

I know it's the way of things these days to blame anyone or anything except the perp, but why wasn't it the casino's fault that the girl got knocked out in the elevator? Why wasn't it the homeowners association at fault because the kid got beaten with a switch?

Both if them worked for the NFL but it didn't happen at work so why is the NFL the bad guys here?

We are insane.

At the end of the day the NFL makes billions of dollars entertaining people. If their employees are in the news for committing egregious acts on others and people are appalled by that they won't continue to buy their product. That is what makes it their business.
The official account shows that Hope Solo extended her shutout record to 73 games as the U.S. women’s national team beat Mexico 4-0 in a friendly Thursday night in Rochester, N.Y. But as the NFL grapples with its domestic-violence crisis, Solo, who has been accused of the same crime, continues to play for her pro soccer team as well as the national team as she awaits trial in November. Solo has pleaded not guilty to two counts of misdemeanor domestic violence in an alleged assault of her half-sister and 17-year-old nephew last summer in Kirkland, Wash. Hope Solo and the domestic violence case no one is talking about - The Washington Post

I'll ask the exact same question: how is it the fault of the game of soccer or the WNT?

It's also different in that there aren't any videos of it happening so she could be innocent. Apples and oranges here.
Just another example of hypocrisy....rules for thee but not the favored of the moment.

Not at all. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. Doesn't work.
How does child abuse or spouse abuse become the NFL's problem?

I know it's the way of things these days to blame anyone or anything except the perp, but why wasn't it the casino's fault that the girl got knocked out in the elevator? Why wasn't it the homeowners association at fault because the kid got beaten with a switch?

Both if them worked for the NFL but it didn't happen at work so why is the NFL the bad guys here?

We are insane.

At the end of the day the NFL makes billions of dollars entertaining people. If their employees are in the news for committing egregious acts on others and people are appalled by that they won't continue to buy their product. That is what makes it their business.

Sure but I doubt very seriously that 99.9% of NFL fans would have stopped watching if Rice only missed a game or two. It's gone beyond any of that and into the realm of the silly.
NFL players sign a moral clause, as well as "personal conduct" agreements with the NFL.
Therefore the NFL is within contractual rights to suspend etc.
NFL franchises exist at the public's pleasure. If teams do nothing to punish egregious behavior - fans just might lose interest and stop going to games/buying merchandise etc. and the franchise pays dearly for it.
This is why it is the NFL's "concern" and why they insist on conduct clauses.
TV Ratings Thursday Night Football Drops With Snoozer Game - Hollywood Reporter
We are a nation that accepts shifting blame for the mistakes we make. The nfl commissioner is no more responsible than I am for the man that jumped the Whitehouse fence.
That's right. The owners of the teams the players are on, should be the ones who have the authority to discipline a player, and new contractual clauses should be included and refined very tightly, for even an attorney to want to pause before taking a wrongful lawsuit case.

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