How is a reality tv host with bad hair, 2 impeachments, 91 charges and nonstop smearing by media leading an incumbent POTUS with 50+ experience?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
Because every thing you said was untrue. It was the Democrats talking points but that doesn't mean that it was true at all. (Except that the liberal Mainstream media was slamming him non-stop...that was true and they lost market share and became irrelevant all in one fell swoop)

And it's obvious that Biden was profiting from his time in office....he almost got to the point of installing a cash register on his office door. He led no important legislation or did anything but sell access to the White House when he was VP. Every appointment he and Obama made basically is responsible for the current economic mess that we are enjoying. (And trying to thwart every positive move he made)

Good luck trying to sell what nobody has bought yet.
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
Perhaps. It also could have something to do with his followers as well. My theory is the brainwashing his cult received for thirty years by Limbaugh, et al. laid the groundwork for the acceptance of a man like Trump.

To be fair, he personally didn't kill 100,000 people with COVID or play 10,000 rounds of golf during his term.
Perhaps. It also could have something to do with his followers as well. My theory is the brainwashing his cult received for thirty years by Limbaugh, et al. laid the groundwork for the acceptance of a man like Trump.

To be fair, he personally didn't kill 100,000 people with COVID or play 10,000 rounds of golf during his term.
Hold on…are you sure it wasn’t the terrible stench on the Kenyan that delivered Trump to core Americans? Are you sure it’s not the terrible stench coming from the Kenyan on steroids (Biden) that’s re-delivering Trump to core Americans?
We have a 2 Party System and the Party in power is actively working against the country. The GOP winning is the only way to change that.
I don't know as I agree with that. They might be misguided and believe things that aren't truly going to solve the problems....but I don't think they are trying to destroy the country. They just have a unique perspective of what is good.
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
He isn't. Except in the rush to tout made up polls 11 months before an election...which mean nothing.
If Biden and Trump are the nominees, Biden wins.

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