How I broke my addiction to this board

After considerable thought I have decided to continue boycotting this board....I may return some day if I note significant change amongst those who now control the censorship process.

'But wait...hold on there you not realize one can say just about anything on this board and not get banned?'

That is what several have told which I reply.....

Remember Psych 101 and that old worn out phrase--

'If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it...does it really make a noise?'

Likewise....I may post the most significant words and or messages ever heard or seen on any message board in this universe but if my message is sent to the basement...will anyone see or hear it?

Therein lies the problem I see on this a nutshell;


What is many do not realize they are being censored as in their post is not is simply moved to the basement.

Thus they problem my post is still there and available for everyone to see....unfortunately most will not see it.....thus it might as well have been removed or deleted.

Thus 'covert censorship' allows this board to maintain they believe in freedom of speech and should be thanked for allowing folks to say whatever they want.

Very clever tactic for those who do not believe in freedom of speech.
Posting on message boards can be very addicting to many....I posted about my addiction in the past but now I can report I am no longer addicted.

I used a simple method to break my addiction....I quit posting on here and started posting on another board....gradually I lost my desire to post here....and I had no strong desire to continue posting on the board I fled I was able to quit posting on politics altogether with no withdrawal symptoms.

I think some who would like to break their addiction might find this helpful.

Irregardless...the state of the nation now being in a continual state of a NATIONAL EMERGENCY....and every conservative voice is needed I may return.....I am seriously considering it.
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Posting on message boards can be very addicting to many....I posted about my addiction in the past but now I can report I am no longer addicted.

I used a simple method to break my addiction....I quit posting on here and started posting on another board....gradually I lost my desire to post here....and I had no strong desire to continue posting on the board I fled I was able to quit posting on politics altogether with no withdrawal symptoms.

I think some who would like to break their addiction might find this helpful.

Irregardless...the state of the nation now being in a continual state of a NATIONAL EMERGENCY....and every conservative voice is needed I may return.....I am seriously considering it.
I cut off my fingers.
After considerable thought I have decided to continue boycotting this board....I may return some day if I note significant change amongst those who now control the censorship process.

'But wait...hold on there you not realize one can say just about anything on this board and not get banned?'

That is what several have told which I reply.....

Remember Psych 101 and that old worn out phrase--

'If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it...does it really make a noise?'

Likewise....I may post the most significant words and or messages ever heard or seen on any message board in this universe but if my message is sent to the basement...will anyone see or hear it?

Therein lies the problem I see on this a nutshell;


What is many do not realize they are being censored as in their post is not is simply moved to the basement.

Thus they problem my post is still there and available for everyone to see....unfortunately most will not see it.....thus it might as well have been removed or deleted.

Thus 'covert censorship' allows this board to maintain they believe in freedom of speech and should be thanked for allowing folks to say whatever they want.

Very clever tactic for those who do not believe in freedom of speech.
What I read is, “I have the right to be an asshole and any attempt at decorum and maturity is censorship, because I say so.” GROW UP!

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