How Franklin Roosevelt Made Memorial Day Necessary

Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of our war dead, is the time to note that hundred of thousands of same need not have died....had Roosevelt been more pro-America and less pro-Stalin.

Here's more evidence that there could have been an end to the war if not for Roosevelt and Stalin:

7. " In 1940, [George H.] Earle was appointed as Ambassador to Bulgaria. During World War II, he served again in the United States Navy, this time as Lieutenant Commander and as a special emissary to the Balkans, where Earle proposed a plan that he believed might bring the war in Europe to an early end.

The German ambassador and the head of the German secret service had secretly proposed a coup against Adolf Hitler that would end with Hitler turned over to the US as a war criminal, but the plot was not approved by the US government." "George Howard Earle", Governors of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,David Martin, "How FDR Dragged out WW II for Stalin

Again? ".... bring the war in Europe to an early end."

Bringing the war to an early end would have saved 200 thousand American servicemen's lives.

that the US did not approve-----by no means PROVES that the US did not want
an early end to the war------could be that the plan was no damned good

"...could be that the plan was no damned good..."

Well.....let's investigate that....

And....the same George Earle that Roosevelt had selected for a fact-finding mission to Europe....and then ignored the facts that Earle provided.....

8. "George H. Earle’s series of secret negotiations with the German underground, which began with [Hitler’s chief spy Adm. Wilhelm] Canaris…. he sent Canaris’s initial query regarding a negotiated peace to the White House via diplomatic pouch in early 1943….

The next approach to Earle, also in that spring of 1943, came from Baron Kurt von Lersner, a German aristocrat of Jewish extraction who lived in virtual exile in Turkey. He, too, had a proposal for the Allies. Earle wrote, “According to Lersner— and I could not doubt him; he had placed his life in my hands— some of the highest officials in Germany, [ambassador to Turkey Franz von] Papen included, loved their country but hated Hitler. They wanted to end the war before he bled Germany of all her youth, all her strength and resources. At the same time, they were deeply concerned about Russia’s growing might and power.” …

Earle sent off another dispatch to FDR at the White House marked “Urgent.” Again, Earle received no reply. “I pressed the matter with every ounce of my persuasion and judgment,” Earle wrote, “but I sensed the old trouble. Lersner’s call for an overt stand against Communist expansion distressed Roosevelt.” …

Earle wrote that his German contacts came back to him with another more specific plan, laying out the involvement of Field Marshal Ludwig Beck; Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, chief of police of Berlin; Prince Gottfried Bismarck, a Potsdam official and grandson of the “Iron Chancellor”; and a well-known cavalry officer, Freiherr von Boeselager. Again, the plan was to stage a coup, turn over Hitler and his top henchmen to the Allies, and bring about Germany’s “unconditional surrender, with one condition”: The Russians were not to be allowed into Central Europe, including Germany or territory at that time controlled by Germany." "Wedemeyer Reports!: An objective, dispassionate examination of World War II, postwar policies, and Grand Strategy," Hardcover – 1959by General Albert C. Wedemeyer

Get the picture??? FDR would not sign on to ending the war unless Stalin inherited...occupied...... Europe.

Soooo......what's the explanation for Roosevelt refusing to allow the war to end???

Answer: Joseph Stalin you find this a "bad plan">.".. the plan was to stage a coup, turn over Hitler and his top henchmen to the Allies, and bring about Germany’s “unconditional surrender, with one condition”: The Russians were not to be allowed into Central Europe, including Germany or territory at that time controlled by Germany." the benefit of saving 200,000 American lives.
Happy Memorial Day.

you said nothing particularly new-----there was an anti hitler movement and it consistently failed in attempts to kill adolf

"-there was an anti hitler movement and it consistently failed in attempts to kill adolf"

Know why?

1. The Allies had the contacts with the anti-Nazi resistance in every other nation....except Germany.
Stalin forbid any talks with anti-Nazi Germans.

a. The Allied command was not allowed to support or associate itself with the anti-Nazi resistance. Following the Soviet orders, only unconditional surrender would be order which obviously prolonged the war; the German army, which would have overthrown Hitler and surrendered to the Allies, would not be allowed to expect any hand in determining conditions of their post-war treatment.

b. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.
The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country." German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. "Archival evidence indicates that the Soviet’s wanted the war to continue long enough for them to conquer Eastern Europe and in order for Germany to be utterly destroyed or “pastoralized” which was called for in the Morgenthau Plan which was actually written by Soviet spy Harry Dexter White. The Soviets were also clamoring for a “second front” in France in order to deflect the allies out of Italy and the Balkans which was too close to Russia."
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up

2.. Under Stalin's orders, backed by Roosevelt, Eisenhower was not allowed to offer aid to the anti-Nazi, anti-communist German resistance in the Wehrmacht, or the Abwehr....

On May 10, 1945, shortly after the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, General Dwight Eisenhower saluted and gave credit to Europe's resistance forces. He mentioned them by name, as follows: France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. 'You fought on,' he said in a speech carried by the BBC, "regardless of the disappointments you suffered and the danger you have undergone."
NYTimes, May 11, 1945, "Eisenhower Praises Anti-Nazi Resistance."

a. Who is missing from Eisenhower's list of national anti-Nazi resistance?

That's right: German anti-Nazis, of whom thousands were executed by the Reich.
"The History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945, Third Edition," by Peter Hoffman

I am getting the definite feeling that not only was Josef Stalin a Georgian dog---
he was a very brilliant dog bastard and outsmarted the other ALLIES. ---
reminds me of Muhummad
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
oohhh.,, I get it're just smarter than everyone else, huh? fucking lunatic

1. Watch you language, dunce.
2. The language alone proves me smarter.
9. And still another of the anti-Nazi, anti-communist German underground resistance...Count Helmuth James von Moltke, of the Kreisau Circle.... In 2011, Douglas Waller released his book on Bill Donovan and the OSS, which became the CIA. He describes the attempt by von Moltke to contact the OSS in Turkey. Moltke was prepared to accept "unequivocal military defeat and occupation of Germany."

von Moltke and his associates, which included the head of German Army Intelligence, Wilhelm Canaris, would overthrow Hitler, and establish a provisional anti-Nazi government. The German army would withdraw from the west, and "hold the Red Army at the Tilsit-to-Lemberg line in Poland." "Wild Bill Donovan: The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage," by Douglas Waller, p. 191-192

This would have ended the war, and, in 1943, and kept Stalin out of Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia....and, of course, Germany.

Under the communist occupation of Roosevelt's administration, the plan got nowhere in Washington. von Moltke returned to Berlin, was arrested by the Gestapo, and executed in January, 1945.

Instead, Roosevelt quashed every plan to produce a peace with anti-Nazi Germans, in support of Communist expansion in Europe. Somehow, this was a higher priority than removing Hitler and ending our loss of blood and treasure.
"How Franklin Roosevelt Made Memorial Day Necessary"

How the OP exhibits her ridiculous OCD concerning FDR.

Let's take that immense leap into fantasy and imagine that you can actually think....

See if you can deny the thesis of this thread:

1. . The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
And, it wasn't.

2. The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
It served no American purpose....only those of Joseph Stalin.
And that was good enough for Roosevelt.

None of the other dolts could you can't either.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Consider this: please get the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Consider this: please get the mental health treatment you so clearly need.

"Consider this: please get the mental health treatment you so clearly need."

I was going to say 'is this the best you can do?'....

....but we both know it is.
wouldnt be Memorial Day on USMB w/o an anti- American thread by PoliticalSpice

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
It is clear from the non-answers from the Roosevelt girly-men, no one can deny that there was a large and well organized anti-Nazi, anti-Hitler, anti-communist underground in Germany.

And that the Stalin/FDR axle wouldn't allow to be contacted for fear that peace might break out!!

10. Then there was OSS documentation of a significant anti-Nazi movement. a. The first indication that the OSS was in direct contact with members of the émigré community is provided in a report filed with the OSS Washington Office on September 8, 1943, by Lanning Macfarland (OSS Istanbul) who informed Washington of the "Founding of a Free German Movement in the Service of the Western Allies." In the document the group was identified as Deutsche Freiheitsbund DFB or the German Freedom Movement and described as "an organization of Germans who have united to work for the liberation of Germany and her reconstruction along democratic lines, in close co-operation with the Allies in the common struggle against Hitlerism."
"They possess valuable contacts with like-minded men inside Germany, with circles in the Wehrmacht and all sectors of German economic life, on the employer as well as the labor side." National Archives, RG 226, Entry 190, Box 72, Folder 14. Complete text available in Jürgen Heideking, and Christof Mauch, American Intelligence and the German Resistance to Hitler: 1996 pp. 70-83.

b. OSS agent Theodore A. Morde wrote memos to Washington about von Papen's plan to overthrown Hitler.

October 5 and 6 1943: "Report by OSS Agent Theodore A. Morde: Conversations with German Ambassador Franz von Papen in Turkey"

September 30, 1943: Report by the OSS Research and Analysis Branch: The Foreign Laborer in Germany as an MO Target

All of these reports can be found in the Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, F.D. Rosevelt Papers, President's Secretary's File Box 153, [Formerly 167] Folder OSS/Donnovan 1941-1943. Complete text is available in Jürgen Heideking, and Christof Mauch, American Intelligence and the German Resistance to Hitler: 1996 130

Soooo......why would Franklin Roosevelt refuse to contact these factions....and end the war years earlier?????


Joseph Stalin.
Surely these revelations will convince American historians of your charges. Please package all this intelligence up and send copies to the appropriate historical organizations. I can't wait to hear the historian's response.
Oh here comes the same old BS appeal to authority.

If the state says jump, you say how high.

It is the only response he can come up with.....he certainly can't deny the facts.
just because you posted something with a reference doesn't make it a fact moron.
all of your references are opeds , not fact fucking lunatic.

"all of your references are opeds , not fact fucking lunatic."

You lie, low-life.

For example...

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of theintelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116
"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!


. "George H. Earle’s series of secret negotiations with the German underground,which began with [Hitler’s chief spy Adm. Wilhelm] Canaris…. he sent Canaris’s initial query regarding a negotiated peace to the White House via diplomatic pouch in early 1943….

The next approach to Earle, also in that spring of 1943, came from Baron Kurt von Lersner, a German aristocrat of Jewish extraction who lived in virtual exile in Turkey. He, too, had a proposal for the Allies. Earle wrote, “According to Lersner— and I could not doubt him; he had placed his life in my hands— some of the highest officials in Germany, [ambassador to Turkey Franz von] Papen included, loved their country but hated Hitler. They wanted to end the war before he bled Germany of all her youth, all her strength and resources. At the same time, they were deeply concerned about Russia’s growing might and power.” …

Earle sent off another dispatch to FDR at the White House marked “Urgent.” Again, Earle received no reply. “I pressed the matter with every ounce of my persuasion and judgment,” Earle wrote, “but I sensed the old trouble. Lersner’s call for an overt stand against Communist expansion distressed Roosevelt.” …

Earle wrote that his German contacts came back to him with another more specific plan, laying out the involvement of Field Marshal Ludwig Beck; Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, chief of police of Berlin; Prince Gottfried Bismarck, a Potsdam official and grandson of the “Iron Chancellor”; and a well-known cavalry officer, Freiherr von Boeselager. Again, the plan was to stage a coup, turn over Hitler and his top henchmen to the Allies, and bring about Germany’s “unconditional surrender, with one condition”: The Russians were not to be allowed into Central Europe, including Germany or territory at that time controlled by Germany." "Wedemeyer Reports!: An objective, dispassionate examination of World War II, postwar policies, and Grand Strategy," Hardcover – 1959by General Albert C. Wedemeyer

In your face, boyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!
11. So.....the OSS (CIA) had reports from several agents who found substance to plans by anti-Nazis to bring the war to an early conclusion....years before it ended, with the commensurate saving of American lives.

Get this: Roosevelt's hand-picked head of OSS, Bill Donovan, also advised Roosevelt to go ahead with the plans.

October 27, 1943 "Report from 'Dogwood' [Alfred Schwarz, OSS Istanbul] to OSS Washington: OSS Channel to the German High Command",Schwarz informed his contact at the OSS about von Moltke and the Kreisau plan.

And from the head of OSS William Donovan who sent Morde to Istanbul the following shows that FDR was very much in the loop:

October 29, 1943: Memorandum from OSS Director William J. Donovan to President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Support for the Morde-Papen Plan

You'll never guess the response: the pro-Stalinists in the White House took one look at the report from Morde, and issued this memo: "Morde should not again be given a passport to leave this country." "American Intelligence And The German Resistance To Hitler: A Documentary History (Widerstand, Dissent and Resistance in the Third Reich),"by Jurgen Heideking Christoph Mauch, p.144

"The President wanted Theodore Morde's passport yanked [He did so on November 10, 1943]. People like him had no business causing mischief outside the country in the middle of a war, he told [Sec'y of State] Stettinius." "Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage," by Joseph E. Persico, p. 269

After all....Morde might actually succeed in bringing about the demise of Hitler, and impede Stalin's plans of conquest. And.....Roosevelt couldn't allow that.

Roosevelt's "strategy presumed, indeed, drew inspiration from, a belief in the unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler, which the very existence of a significant anti-Nazi German resistance movement belied.

For the sake of the policy then, the significant anti-Nazi German resistance movement had to be denied, shut out. Otherwise, “total war,” and the total destruction it required, wasn’t justified. Otherwise,...Stalin wouldn’t win. "The World Turned Upside Down

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

On Memorial Day.....remember those members of our armed forces who were sacrificed in the name of Soviet communist expansion.
Rosevelt was a communist, he needed the Soviet Union to win ww2, not the USA. It was essential for him, that the Soviet Union gets as near the Atlantic as possible. It was to his inconvenience that he needed to land US troops in Europe.
11. So.....the OSS (CIA) had reports from several agents who found substance to plans by anti-Nazis to bring the war to an early conclusion....years before it ended, with the commensurate saving of American lives.

Get this: Roosevelt's hand-picked head of OSS, Bill Donovan, also advised Roosevelt to go ahead with the plans.

October 27, 1943 "Report from 'Dogwood' [Alfred Schwarz, OSS Istanbul] to OSS Washington: OSS Channel to the German High Command",Schwarz informed his contact at the OSS about von Moltke and the Kreisau plan.

And from the head of OSS William Donovan who sent Morde to Istanbul the following shows that FDR was very much in the loop:

October 29, 1943: Memorandum from OSS Director William J. Donovan to President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Support for the Morde-Papen Plan

You'll never guess the response: the pro-Stalinists in the White House took one look at the report from Morde, and issued this memo: "Morde should not again be given a passport to leave this country." "American Intelligence And The German Resistance To Hitler: A Documentary History (Widerstand, Dissent and Resistance in the Third Reich),"by Jurgen Heideking Christoph Mauch, p.144

"The President wanted Theodore Morde's passport yanked [He did so on November 10, 1943]. People like him had no business causing mischief outside the country in the middle of a war, he told [Sec'y of State] Stettinius." "Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage," by Joseph E. Persico, p. 269

After all....Morde might actually succeed in bringing about the demise of Hitler, and impede Stalin's plans of conquest. And.....Roosevelt couldn't allow that.

Roosevelt's "strategy presumed, indeed, drew inspiration from, a belief in the unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler, which the very existence of a significant anti-Nazi German resistance movement belied.

For the sake of the policy then, the significant anti-Nazi German resistance movement had to be denied, shut out. Otherwise, “total war,” and the total destruction it required, wasn’t justified. Otherwise,...Stalin wouldn’t win. "The World Turned Upside Down

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

On Memorial Day.....remember those members of our armed forces who were sacrificed in the name of Soviet communist expansion.

and how did the communist thing work out, oh yeah, it collapsed......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking lunatics that like to try and re-write history by quoting Nazi German books on how the war was extended by collusion between FDR and Stalin. there are only two strategic methods of conducting war, I'm sure you know what they are....but then again, probably not.
There were probably lots of other examples during WW2 but the Military and what passed for military intelligence at the time knew that Iwo Jima was a little stinking rock that had been fortified for almost half a century. The Japanese had every inch of the island zeroed in with mortar and artillery fire and small arms. The stated reason at the time for taking Iwo Jima was to suppress Japanese fighters from harassing American bombers on daylight raids on Japan. After almost 7,000 Marines were killed in a freaking month taking the island the FDR administration later switched objectives claiming that the "real reason" for sacrificing so many Marines was to offer a landing site for crippled bombers but the crippled bombers were already using other safe landing sites. It's said that the dying president audibly gasped when handed the casualty lists. Iwo Jima's tiny airfield could have been bombed into oblivion and the island should have been bypassed to starve but the invasion was intended to produce incredible casualties to justify using the Bomb.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
oohhh.,, I get it're just smarter than everyone else, huh? fucking lunatic

1. Watch you language, dunce.
2. The language alone proves me smarter.

Watch you language?? do you mean watch YOUR language? you call me the dunce, yet you can't grasp the basic use of the English language. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
oohhh.,, I get it're just smarter than everyone else, huh? fucking lunatic

1. Watch you language, dunce.
2. The language alone proves me smarter.

Watch you language?? do you mean watch YOUR language? you call me the dunce, yet you can't grasp the basic use of the English language. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
She is an ignoramus, adopted out of Asia, no knowledge of America or its history, a Michelle Malkin wannabe
There were probably lots of other examples during WW2 but the Military and what passed for military intelligence at the time knew that Iwo Jima was a little stinking rock that had been fortified for almost half a century. The Japanese had every inch of the island zeroed in with mortar and artillery fire and small arms. The stated reason at the time for taking Iwo Jima was to suppress Japanese fighters from harassing American bombers on daylight raids on Japan. After almost 7,000 Marines were killed in a freaking month taking the island the FDR administration later switched objectives claiming that the "real reason" for sacrificing so many Marines was to offer a landing site for crippled bombers but the crippled bombers were already using other safe landing sites. It's said that the dying president audibly gasped when handed the casualty lists. Iwo Jima's tiny airfield could have been bombed into oblivion and the island should have been bypassed to starve but the invasion was intended to produce incredible casualties to justify using the Bomb.
This is highly likely. I am wondering, in the strategic sense, that if the a-bomb had never been invented, then would the Japanese have been able to slowly grind all the Americans to zero through those island, by inflicting large casualties in a protracted Vietnam style war? I am speculating, that the much larger American forces were still finite in head count, so the Japanese eventually would have turned the war around after inflicting enough American causalities.
Frau Braun at her best for Memorial Day

Unconditional Surrender is the only option America would accept
But Frau Braun here wants us to take it easy on Hitler


I know you're on the Left....but that could be you in the middle, too.
Frau Braun

That is your best retort for defending Hitler?

Beyond the lie in your avi.....this one is simplest to reveal.....

See if you can find any post of mine that defended Hitler.

We both know that the motive for your attempted smear is that I provide the truth about FDR.
Frau Braun

How else could you object to the unconditional surrender of a Nazi regime engaged in genocide?

Are you really that sick or just play that way on USMB?

"...a Nazi regime engaged in genocide?"

Are you nuts?????

What do you think Stalin was doing, you dunce???

"The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gads, you FDR-groupies are stupid.

Frau Braun

Your only justification is "he did it too"?

Only a Nazi lover could justify genocide and the subjugation of Western Europr
There were probably lots of other examples during WW2 but the Military and what passed for military intelligence at the time knew that Iwo Jima was a little stinking rock that had been fortified for almost half a century. The Japanese had every inch of the island zeroed in with mortar and artillery fire and small arms. The stated reason at the time for taking Iwo Jima was to suppress Japanese fighters from harassing American bombers on daylight raids on Japan. After almost 7,000 Marines were killed in a freaking month taking the island the FDR administration later switched objectives claiming that the "real reason" for sacrificing so many Marines was to offer a landing site for crippled bombers but the crippled bombers were already using other safe landing sites. It's said that the dying president audibly gasped when handed the casualty lists. Iwo Jima's tiny airfield could have been bombed into oblivion and the island should have been bypassed to starve but the invasion was intended to produce incredible casualties to justify using the Bomb.
This is highly likely. I am wondering, in the strategic sense, that if the a-bomb had never been invented, then would the Japanese have been able to slowly grind all the Americans to zero through those island, by inflicting large casualties in a protracted Vietnam style war? I am speculating, that the much larger American forces were still finite in head count, so the Japanese eventually would have turned the war around after inflicting enough American causalities.
By the time the Bomb was dropped the Japanese were practically defenseless. They had no air defense and their navy had been obliterated. The Allies were pounding the mainland with daylight raids even by Feb 1945 when 7,000 Marines were sacrificed to take a stinking little island. The Japanese were trying to negotiate surrender terms with Stalin when Truman refused to talk to them. Everything is political and the democrat party refused to be truthful with the American people when they ran a virtual corpse for a 4th term and fired the sitting V.P. for a dumb assed bean counter senator from Missouri that the Military could push around at will.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the

"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "

This quote remains accurate. The OP has shown nothing but speculative opinion and no objective data to refute the quote.

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