Diamond Member
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?
Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.
Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove this....it will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.
The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan
The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?
3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;
a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.
b. Extending the war by several years
c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.
d. Red Army control of half of Europe.
But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?
Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.
And thousands of American lives were wasted.
Let's find out.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?
Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.
Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove this....it will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.
The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan
The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?
3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;
a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.
b. Extending the war by several years
c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.
d. Red Army control of half of Europe.
But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?
Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.
And thousands of American lives were wasted.
Let's find out.