How Fox News covers Melania vs how they covered Michelle Obama

Why Fox is shameless propaganda

How did CNN and MSNBC cover Michelle Obama versus how they cover Melania?

Shameless propaganda?

Funny how you guys only get irritated by the bias at Fox, but have no issue with bias you agree with.
Michelle Obama is the dog faced pony soldier that Biden was talking about......

It's pretty funny really.
The entire rest of the media industry including entertainment and Hollywood have treated Melania horribly... but by God someone makes a video of Fox saying some shit about Michelle and folks like RW are triggered.

Why should the media respect Melanie when even Impeached Trump doesn't respect her?
It's pretty funny really.
The entire rest of the media industry including entertainment and Hollywood have treated Melania horribly... but by God someone makes a video of Fox saying some shit about Michelle and folks like RW are triggered.

Why should the media respect Melanie when even Impeached Trump doesn't respect her?
Because she is the first lady. And to suggest a woman doesn't deserve respect simply because her husband doesn't - how very leftist of you to think that way.
Love how Fox attacked Michelle for how much she spent for a gown to visit the Queen and then fawn over every outfit that Melania wears
Rightwinger.....Michelle became very political. Very very political. And she had good intentions with the school lunch programs. But she forgot the corruption of the government contractors and the attitude of the government employees working in the schools.
It's pretty funny really.
The entire rest of the media industry including entertainment and Hollywood have treated Melania horribly... but by God someone makes a video of Fox saying some shit about Michelle and folks like RW are triggered.

I have never heard any media treat Melania horribly. Where did that come from?
When Michelle Obama gave a speech in 2008 the media praised her, then when Melania gave the exact same speech in 2016 the media criticized her.

Michelle Obama is an accomplished person in her own right. She excelled in academics. Melania is accomplished only at taking her clothes off and probably in wiggling in a pleasing way while the orange whore is on top of her.
You are one sick individual.

The fact that Melania is a gold digger has never been questioned

And how exactly is this important?
Michele Obama began a campaign to address child obesity. But gee... only a few years prior she was a board member of a snack food company. But okay, maybe she realizes that company contributed to the problem in a big way and now she wants to do something to pay back. And at first she did. She spoke clearly about the problem of sugary drinks and snacks for children. But then the sugar lobbyist in Washington would have none of that. So what did she do? She sold out and changed her message completely and never, not once did she utter the word sugar again.
Which is worse?
Why are conservatives so outraged over healthy eating?
It's pretty funny really.
The entire rest of the media industry including entertainment and Hollywood have treated Melania horribly... but by God someone makes a video of Fox saying some shit about Michelle and folks like RW are triggered.

I have never heard any media treat Melania horribly. Where did that come from?
When Michelle Obama gave a speech in 2008 the media praised her, then when Melania gave the exact same speech in 2016 the media criticized her.

Imagine that
Michelle Obama is an accomplished person in her own right. She excelled in academics. Melania is accomplished only at taking her clothes off and probably in wiggling in a pleasing way while the orange whore is on top of her.
You are one sick individual.

The fact that Melania is a gold digger has never been questioned

And how exactly is this important?
Michele Obama began a campaign to address child obesity. But gee... only a few years prior she was a board member of a snack food company. But okay, maybe she realizes that company contributed to the problem in a big way and now she wants to do something to pay back. And at first she did. She spoke clearly about the problem of sugary drinks and snacks for children. But then the sugar lobbyist in Washington would have none of that. So what did she do? She sold out and changed her message completely and never, not once did she utter the word sugar again.
Which is worse?
Why are conservatives so outraged over healthy eating?
I think Michelle Obama lobbying for the misnamed Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, which replaced whole milk in school lunches with low fat milk that has had most of it's nutrition stripped out so that companies can use that nutritious milk fat to make other profitable products is outrageous.

The bottom line is that they remove most of the nutrition from the milk and sell it to school districts for the same price as whole milk. So basically, they get to sell the same product twice. That's a fucking rip-off.

And it also allowed companies to sell fake meat to school districts by replacing part of the meat with cheap meat "fillers" made from mega-processed soy protein isolates.

There is nothing healthy about it.
Since I have never watched MSNBC, I did not know. That's a shame. She didn't sign on for this when she married Donald. She's also got a son to raise, and you can ask any former first lady with children what the presidency did to their childhoods. I have nothing against her. It's a tough job.
I don't like fox news, but it looks like they have it right on Melania. Moochele is a dog.
Well actually, a couple times Fox THOUGHT they were covering Melania with praise when they were in fact covering Michelle, like when they covered the plagiarized Michelle speech Melania said she was up half the night composing all by herself.
It was a speech writer, whom I suspect set her up, just as so much else has been set up.
She SAID she wrote it herself. But it was probably the Devil that made her do it. Nevertheless, good attempt at your cover up job.
Where did she state she wrote it herself? Also, the speech writer actually offered to quit.
Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania's plagiarized speech
You are right that somebody did offer to fall o their sword for Melania, but nobody believed Melania.
melania claimed she wrote plagiarized michelle speech video - Yahoo Video Search Results

Why Fox is shameless propaganda

is cnn different?....

Is this board?

Feel free to find a corresponding video but it seems to me if you were gonna draw up a comparison you'd go where your resources are. Fox Noise has always used race baiting as its bread and butter. You know, obsessing over --- Jeremiah Wright... Henry Louis Gates.... "White House Hip Hop Barbecue"..... "New Black Panthers".... Shirley Sherrod.... even the fake edit of Hillary Clinton at a black church. It's what pays the bills down there.

i asked my question first.....

Actually the OP already demonstrated Fox Noise first. All you did was pose the question. It's still open, go find it if you think it's out there.
Michelle Obama is an accomplished person in her own right. She excelled in academics. Melania is accomplished only at taking her clothes off and probably in wiggling in a pleasing way while the orange whore is on top of her.

Why do you keep calling that person "Michelle"? Hussein Obama calls that person Michael.

It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.

Very true, Michelle graduated from Harvard Law and Melania is a former prostitute

And you are a deranged idiot, who is in the last stage of Trump Derangement Syndrome. :cuckoo:

I pity you!
Michelle Obama is an accomplished person in her own right. She excelled in academics. Melania is accomplished only at taking her clothes off and probably in wiggling in a pleasing way while the orange whore is on top of her.
You are one sick individual.

The fact that Melania is a gold digger has never been questioned

And how exactly is this important?
Michele Obama began a campaign to address child obesity. But gee... only a few years prior she was a board member of a snack food company. But okay, maybe she realizes that company contributed to the problem in a big way and now she wants to do something to pay back. And at first she did. She spoke clearly about the problem of sugary drinks and snacks for children. But then the sugar lobbyist in Washington would have none of that. So what did she do? She sold out and changed her message completely and never, not once did she utter the word sugar again.
Which is worse?
Why are conservatives so outraged over healthy eating?

Because it's forced healthy eating. If I want to go eat a burger I don't need to woman at the drive thru telling me I need to eat a salad.

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