How Does Taxing the Rich "Help" the Middle Class?

But that's YOU. You said you are poor, so you're paying NOTHING in taxes? So aren't YOU the problem?
I'm single now, so I do pay taxes.

when I was married I paid nothing. We got it all back. But if you think about the cost to send me all my taxes back....

ooops, I asked you to think, sorry

You paid nothing because you're a moocher. Right? You expected to be taken care of by the government. You must be proud.
aww, making shit up in a pathetic attempt to flame me.

Taxes come out of a paycheck moran.

better luck next time

And? You paid nothing because you're a moocher. People who don't pay taxes are looking to mooch off the rest of us that actually work hard for a living. Why didn't you kick in your fair share???
such as?

I didn't set the numbers, moronic leftist like you did. The tax system is set the way you want it, not me. So suck it my bitch, and while your at it, pick me up sammich.

"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

The idea obviously is that they pay more in taxes and then we can increase benefits that then go to the poor.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Think the govt will do anything but trickle it down to you, if they get their hands on it? Unless, of course, you are one of them.
Much more important question is how does taxing the working class and poor benefit the wealthy?

Obey your 1% owners, give them your money. Do not consider your own family's future or your own. Take a second job if one isn't enough and vote a straight Repub ticket because they who openly promise to take more of your earnings.
answer the fucking question

or just be honest for once if your pathetic life and admit you're an idiot and you just learned that taxing the rich won't help anyone

That IS the answer. And there's more -

Tickle down voodoo could work. It never has but hey, it just might kick in any day now, right?

Higher taxes for the poor and working class means the 1% can buy more tanks we'll never use. That's important because a military that is bigger than the next 13 country's combined isn't nearly big enough.

Just shut up and hand over your money.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

I didnt even lay out what my idea of fair share is idiot
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.
it doesn't. all it does if FEED this monster tyrant/Fascist Federal Government and allows the Progressive/Democrat/commie party to use it for their DIRTY POLITICS of class warfare

this government NEEDS TO BE cut down to size. it's is starting to CONSUME WE THE PEOPLE trying to keep it a float every years they add more agencies onto it
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

I didnt even lay out what my idea of fair share is idiot
you made it clear that the rich should pay more than the not so rich. Unless you are talking about a flat tax, you support the rich paying higher percentages on taxes.
so, yes you did lay out what you think butt chunk.
Uses more resources? Well, they also pay more taxes- local taxes, state taxes, etc. for each of those places, just as anyone pays. Because they pay for one, doesn't exempt them from paying for the others as well. Be grateful some have more to pay the higher rax rate of second, third residences incur. More road usage? Then more road taxes are paid through greater fuel usage. People think simply because someone has more they don't pay more. They pay more and support their local and state more to better offer even lower taxes for yourselves over all, unless, of course, their reps eat it all up, without sharing it with the communities.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
it doesn't. all it does if FEED this monster tyrant/Fascist Federal Government and allows the Progressive/Democrat/commie party to use it for their DIRTY POLITICS of class warfare

this government NEEDS TO BE cut down to size. it's is starting to CONSUME WE THE PEOPLE trying to keep it a float every years they add more agencies onto it
what we need is an agency to study the size of government and over a period of time come up with new agencies to oversee the existing agencies so that we can control the growth.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.

Citizen A puts all sorts of trucks on the roads. Citizen B drives one car. Citizen A responsible for much more wear on roads.

Also if China invaded tomorrow who has more to lose? The poor person has much les to lose. The rich person should be paying more to military to protect more.
it doesn't. all it does if FEED this monster tyrant/Fascist Federal Government and allows the Progressive/Democrat/commie party to use it for their DIRTY POLITICS of class warfare

this government NEEDS TO BE cut down to size. it's is starting to CONSUME WE THE PEOPLE trying to keep it a float every years they add more agencies onto it
what we need is an agency to study the size of government and over a period of time come up with new agencies to oversee the existing agencies so that we can control the growth.

we have agencies on top of agencies. but you talk of cutting anything. THE LEFT goes completely ape shit. it's eating us citizens alive now
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.

Citizen A puts all sorts of trucks on the roads. Citizen B drives one car. Citizen A responsible for much more wear on roads.

Also if China invaded tomorrow who has more to lose? The poor person has much les to lose. The rich person should be paying more to military to protect more.
you have no clue what it costs to put a license on a truck for a year do you. It can easily exceed 10k per truck.
the rich person already pays more for military.
I pay over 5k a year for property tax on my home, the average person in the lower income areas might pay 1000.
the guy driving the toyota might pay 80 for registration on his car, my pickup is 180. I have a travel trailer that is 180 for the registration and the only time Its on the road in Maryland is for 30 miles that it takes me to get out of the state.
Im on well water, however if they decided to run city water and or sewage to the lower income housing development, I would be forced to pay for the pipes that run along my road front property and for the forced connection to my house, I have just over 1000ft of road front that I would be charged for so the guy next door could get water.
I dont think you understand fair share either.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.

Citizen A puts all sorts of trucks on the roads. Citizen B drives one car. Citizen A responsible for much more wear on roads.

Also if China invaded tomorrow who has more to lose? The poor person has much les to lose. The rich person should be paying more to military to protect more.
you have no clue what it costs to put a license on a truck for a year do you. It can easily exceed 10k per truck.
the rich person already pays more for military.
I pay over 5k a year for property tax on my home, the average person in the lower income areas might pay 1000.
the guy driving the toyota might pay 80 for registration on his car, my pickup is 180. I have a travel trailer that is 180 for the registration and the only time Its on the road in Maryland is for 30 miles that it takes me to get out of the state.
Im on well water, however if they decided to run city water and or sewage to the lower income housing development, I would be forced to pay for the pipes that run along my road front property and for the forced connection to my house, I have just over 1000ft of road front that I would be charged for so the guy next door could get water.
I dont think you understand fair share either.

Who is the cause of more pollution?

Sorry there are many reasons rich people should pay more. How much is debatable. With all the bogus tax breaks the rich often pay a lower %, buffet said his was lower than his secretary. If the rich are like the Waltons they pay so little to employees that they are on welfare.
The economy we're seeing now is the result of 30+ years of St Reagan's supply side nonsense.

High unemployment and record debt. Pretty good, eh?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.

Citizen A puts all sorts of trucks on the roads. Citizen B drives one car. Citizen A responsible for much more wear on roads.

Also if China invaded tomorrow who has more to lose? The poor person has much les to lose. The rich person should be paying more to military to protect more.
you have no clue what it costs to put a license on a truck for a year do you. It can easily exceed 10k per truck.
the rich person already pays more for military.
I pay over 5k a year for property tax on my home, the average person in the lower income areas might pay 1000.
the guy driving the toyota might pay 80 for registration on his car, my pickup is 180. I have a travel trailer that is 180 for the registration and the only time Its on the road in Maryland is for 30 miles that it takes me to get out of the state.
Im on well water, however if they decided to run city water and or sewage to the lower income housing development, I would be forced to pay for the pipes that run along my road front property and for the forced connection to my house, I have just over 1000ft of road front that I would be charged for so the guy next door could get water.
I dont think you understand fair share either.

Who is the cause of more pollution?

Sorry there are many reasons rich people should pay more. How much is debatable. With all the bogus tax breaks the rich often pay a lower %, buffet said his was lower than his secretary. If the rich are like the Waltons they pay so little to employees that they are on welfare.
He might have paid a lower percentage but did he pay less actuall tax in dollar amount?
as far as the pollution, you tell me, is it the guy that lives in the neighborhood with a 1/8 acre lot that has only grass on it, or is it the guy like me with the many acres that are natrually wooded and left alone.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
I dont think you can actually understand the idea of fair share.
If citizen A is paying 300,000 toward a bill, and citizen B is paying 2000 how is A not paying a fair share?
lets not even get into those that get back without putting in.
your idea of fair is seriously warped.

When citizen A helps create lots of inequality, making wages stagnant and slowing the economy, then yes they probably should pay more in taxes.

Also citizen A tends to use up more resources. For instance probably has multiple homes. Might own a business that puts lots of trucks on the road causing wear.
Owns multiple homes, didnt that put people to work building them? how about the people that maintain them, he also pays taxes on both homes. Not taking up more resources. Owns a business that puts lots of trucks on the road, are these trucks self driving or does he have to hire someone to actually steer them, do they load and unload by themselves? do you purchase the products at the stores he is filling the shelves of? does he pay thousands of dollars a year in every state his trucks are operated in?
try again, what resources is he using that he is not already paying more for.
But lets look at citizen B, or even C who pays nothing, they are in areas that require a higher police concentration, more stores and more roads, they send their children to a public school while citizen A sends his to private, they might use public transportation that is subsidized with tax dollar.
who actually uses more resources.

Both Mittens and Drumpf hire illegals.

Drumpf sends his business to China, builds hotels to sell to China.

Fiorina sent her business to India.

We've all had the experience of talking to someone on the phone who is in a different country.

WalMart, Hobby Lobby and others buy their products from China while Bush shut down more than 40K US factories.

The economy we're seeing now is the result of 30+ years of St Reagan's supply side nonsense.

High unemployment and record debt. Pretty good, eh?

Out of control inequality has really slowed down the economy.

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