How does one propose a tax cut that is unpopular?

Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Here’s your $22 tax cut and here’s my $2000 tax cut. What you don’t like your tax cut?

And when I cut your Medicare $33 you lose dummy!
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Here’s your $22 tax cut and here’s my $2000 tax cut. What you don’t like your tax cut?

And when I cut your Medicare $33 you lose dummy!
Says the freak that supported the robbing of Medicare by Obama to the tune of $700 billion to fund the Obamacare startup, even though Democraps swear the ACA pays for itself.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
You have never been honest even one minute of your life!
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
How does one propose a tax cut that is unpopular?

You don't.
But when the media lies, nonstop, saying the tax cut will raise middle class taxes, people believed them.
When you know this tax gift to millionaires means eventual cuts to Medicare, you don’t want it. Social security cuts too dummies've been using the worn out excuse for decades.
The truth is Congress has been stealing roughly $500 billion per year from the Medicare fund and Obama jacked that up to close to a trillion....yet they claim we're borrowing from China.
This is a boldfaced lie.
Congress is stealing from FICA to pay for their perks and their sexual-harassment claims. This is why the Dems cheered when Bush said that privatizing Social Security was dead.
They waste our money and they dare to say they know how to spend it better than we do.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
You have never been honest even one minute of your life!
That's your opinion.
Course your opinion is worthless.
Especially since you can only win an argument if you put words in other people's mouths.
You can't even come up with your own responses without stealing mine.

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