How does one propose a tax cut that is unpopular?

Democrats can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Islamic method of lying about everything.
At least 87 of them are card carrying communists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
Republicans can't be honest about anything.
They've adopted the Nazi method of lying about everything.
At least 93 of them are card carrying Fascists that believe the ends justify the means.
That means every one of them is a lying criminal.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
You "saw" what you wanted to see, rather than me mocking the 87 card carrying commie lie which YOU gave a pass to.
the robbing of Medicare by Obama to the tune of $700 billion to fund the Obamacare startup
The lies just keep on coming.
It's a motherfucking fact.

Guy Benson - Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare

National Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press
National Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press

By Noel Sheppard | August 12, 2012 12:01 PM EDT
UPDATE: Maddow responds.

She's touted by the liberal media as one of the brightest commentators on television, yet MSNBC's Rachel Maddow got thoroughly demolished by National Review editor Rich Lowry on Sunday's Meet the Press.

When continually asked by Lowry to defend the President's $700 billion Medicare cuts in ObamaCare, Maddow repeatedly refused making herself look tremendously foolish (video follows with transcript and commentary):

RICH LOWRY, NATIONAL REVIEW: Republicans should go on offense on Medicare, because the president as part of ObamaCare passed $700 billion in cuts in Medicare. And Romney wants to repeal ObamaCare, including those cuts. So at the top of those…

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: Wait, wait, wait.

LOWRY: Hold on. Hold on. So at the top of the ticket, Romney versus Obama, there's only one of those guys who wants any cuts affecting current seniors.

MADDOW: Wait, wait, wait, does Romney versus Ryan, then. The Ryan plan keeps the Obama cuts for Medicare.

LOWRY: The Ryan plan does…

MADDOW: So is it Romney or Ryan?

LOWRY: …mostly as a matter of just preserving the CBO baseline. But the top of the ticket is Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney wants to repeal those cuts, and the fact is, Rachel ...

MADDOW: That's amazing...

LOWRY: The fact is Rachel if a Republican were proposing $700 billion, had passed $700 billion in Medicare cuts, you'd be savaging that president for their brutality to seniors.

Indeed, as would the media. But instead of going after Obama for real cuts to Medicare, his media have and will continue to distort what's in Ryan's plan specifically to save the program.​
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
President Reagan and Congressional Republicans discovered that broad tax cuts may appeal to working-class voters even if richer constituents reap most of the rewards. The key GOP move was to keep tax-cut promises sweepingly general. If voters are given a choice between tax cuts and spending on specific programs, they choose to maintain or increase spending. When they are given a choice between tax cuts and lower deficit levels, they choose lower deficits. It's a different matter, however, if no one mentions the need to cut specific programs or the possibility of higher deficits. In that case, voters assume that tax cuts will be paid for by cuts in “government waste.” This is the centerpiece of the Republican tax cut strategy. 1980s Republicans had few moral qualms about promising tax cuts without mentioning the specific programs that might have to be cut. They saw this approach as the strategic analogue to years of Democratic promises to increase spending without detailing how to pay for new or expanded programs.

Republicans could also take advantage of the general unpopularity of major kinds of U.S. taxes. In contrast to many other advanced industrial democracies, the United States relies heavily on highly visible taxes – property taxes at the local level and the income tax at the national level. As middle-class market incomes stagnated during the economic crisis, reductions in highly visible taxes became a popular way to boost family budgets.

Republican fealty to tax-cut politics was set in cement soon after Reagan left office. In his first term, successor Republican President George H. W. Bush wanted to address rising deficits and broke a pledge never to raise taxes. This was not so different from what Reagan himself did when he accepted tax increases in 1982. But when Bush was not reelected, modern-day Republicans drew an iron-clad lesson: tax cuts are the road to electoral success and tax increases spell defeat at the polls. Republicans also began to realize that deficits could be financed with foreign capital, and that voters did not punish politicians for big deficits. Their strategy became unshakable.

With that past as the prologue to current GOP tax cut bill, what does the GOP manage to do? Pen and pass a tax cut that most Americans don't want!

Seriously!?! Just what kind of f*ck-up must one be to propose tax cuts and not be able to convince a majority of the polity that the tax cut is good enough for them to support it? Of all the things legislators and government executives might do, cutting taxes has traditionally been the most popular thing available to choose from their "basket of goodies."
I'm sorry, but how "bat sh*t stupid" must Congressional Republicans be to (1) craft an unpopular tax cut and (2) not materially change it so that it is popular?

Might it be unpopular because it's been billed as something it's not, say as "the biggest tax cut in history?"
That probably has something to do with it though it's also quite likely that voters know that at their peril will they trust in a damn thing the GOP, and Trump in particular, says.


When the economy sky-rockets you will see how "unpopular" it is.
the robbing of Medicare by Obama to the tune of $700 billion to fund the Obamacare startup
The lies just keep on coming.
It's a motherfucking fact.

Guy Benson - Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
The Right lie in packs, as you well know.

Here is the truth:

The $700 Billion Medicare Myth || Center for Medicare Advocacy

The Affordable Care Act achieves savings in the Medicare program through a series of payment reforms, service delivery innovations, and increased efforts to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse. The actual projected reduction in Medicare spending is largely a result of reducing overpayments to private Medicare plans that have been paid more than traditional Medicare but do not perform any better. In fact, according the GAO, saving on wasteful overpayments now means there will more future funds for legitimate coverage.
And here is pretty much where our political rhetoric is now, gang.
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
You "saw" what you wanted to see, rather than me mocking the 87 card carrying commie lie which YOU gave a pass to. figger all Politifact has to do is say it's a lie and you swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Communists in Congress? Just count ’em

Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Book names names, details strategies to 'transform' U.S.
Published: 08/18/2013 at 7:20 PM
Jerome R. Corsi About | Email | Archive

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.

In his 2011 book, Loudon presented documented evidence that Barack Obama’s rise in politics was not an accident, but a conscious, decade-long effort by the radical left to promote a candidate with African roots. Obama, he said, was packaged as an engaging and seemingly harmless Trojan Horse radical, sent to Chicago to refine his skills running for office as a Democratic Party politician.

It is impossible to read “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” without being convinced that Obama’s education in communist ideology stretches from the extracurricular education he received from Communist Party mentor Frank Marshall Davis in Honolulu to his recruitment as a New Party candidate in Chicago, with strong ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.

Loudon continues naming names in his current volume, “The Enemies Within,” which documents how extensively communists, socialists and progressives have penetrated the U.S. Congress, running on the Democratic Party ticket.

The goal of these radicals in Congress, Loudon demonstrates, is the same goal Obama announced when running for president in 2008, to transform the United States from the constitutional republic established by its Founding Fathers into a radical socialist state. The aim is to be achieved through passing extensive social welfare legislation designed to bankrupt a government adhering to concepts of private property and private enterprise.

In an insightful essay on the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Similarly, Loudon documents how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.

His essay on the Institute for Policy Studies provides extensive evidence that the IPS, operating today with the distinction of being oldest – founded in 1963 – and most influential of the far left “think tanks” in Washington, D.C., “works closely with several U.S. Marxist groups, but is particularly close to the Democratic Socialists of America.”

The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.

In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.

Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.

In documenting the success with which the radical left has captured the politically correct core of Democratic Party politics since the 1970s and the end of the Vietnam War, Loudon joins bestselling author Paul Kengor, who published in 2010 “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Conservatives for a Century,” followed in 2012 by “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.”

What authors Loudon and Kengor show is that communism in America did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is alive and well, with ties that run deep today with Barack Obama in the White House and the radical leftist Democrats serving in the halls of Congress.

Loudon will be in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club Aug. 20 to participate in the all day conference “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response,” hosted by the public policy group America’s Survival Inc.

Joining Loudon, who is listed on the program to speak about his book “The Enemies Within,” will be Kengor, presenting his new book, “All the Dupes Fit to Print: Journalists Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda.”​
Now guess who is being honest and who is being plagiarized.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yeah, people who pretend to be in the middle don't get sarcasm!!!
I notice you edited out my smiley face to make your "point."
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
You "saw" what you wanted to see, rather than me mocking the 87 card carrying commie lie which YOU gave a pass to. figger all Politifact has to do is say it's a lie and you swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Communists in Congress? Just count ’em

Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Book names names, details strategies to 'transform' U.S.
Published: 08/18/2013 at 7:20 PM
Jerome R. Corsi About | Email | Archive

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.

In his 2011 book, Loudon presented documented evidence that Barack Obama’s rise in politics was not an accident, but a conscious, decade-long effort by the radical left to promote a candidate with African roots. Obama, he said, was packaged as an engaging and seemingly harmless Trojan Horse radical, sent to Chicago to refine his skills running for office as a Democratic Party politician.

It is impossible to read “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” without being convinced that Obama’s education in communist ideology stretches from the extracurricular education he received from Communist Party mentor Frank Marshall Davis in Honolulu to his recruitment as a New Party candidate in Chicago, with strong ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.

Loudon continues naming names in his current volume, “The Enemies Within,” which documents how extensively communists, socialists and progressives have penetrated the U.S. Congress, running on the Democratic Party ticket.

The goal of these radicals in Congress, Loudon demonstrates, is the same goal Obama announced when running for president in 2008, to transform the United States from the constitutional republic established by its Founding Fathers into a radical socialist state. The aim is to be achieved through passing extensive social welfare legislation designed to bankrupt a government adhering to concepts of private property and private enterprise.

In an insightful essay on the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Similarly, Loudon documents how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.

His essay on the Institute for Policy Studies provides extensive evidence that the IPS, operating today with the distinction of being oldest – founded in 1963 – and most influential of the far left “think tanks” in Washington, D.C., “works closely with several U.S. Marxist groups, but is particularly close to the Democratic Socialists of America.”

The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.

In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.

Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.

In documenting the success with which the radical left has captured the politically correct core of Democratic Party politics since the 1970s and the end of the Vietnam War, Loudon joins bestselling author Paul Kengor, who published in 2010 “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Conservatives for a Century,” followed in 2012 by “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.”

What authors Loudon and Kengor show is that communism in America did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is alive and well, with ties that run deep today with Barack Obama in the White House and the radical leftist Democrats serving in the halls of Congress.

Loudon will be in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club Aug. 20 to participate in the all day conference “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response,” hosted by the public policy group America’s Survival Inc.

Joining Loudon, who is listed on the program to speak about his book “The Enemies Within,” will be Kengor, presenting his new book, “All the Dupes Fit to Print: Journalists Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda.”​
Corsi, need I say more. Isn't he the liar who was fixing to name, within the week many years ago, of the forger of Obama's BC?
I've seen plenty of your posts.
Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
You "saw" what you wanted to see, rather than me mocking the 87 card carrying commie lie which YOU gave a pass to. figger all Politifact has to do is say it's a lie and you swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Communists in Congress? Just count ’em

Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Book names names, details strategies to 'transform' U.S.
Published: 08/18/2013 at 7:20 PM
Jerome R. Corsi About | Email | Archive

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.

In his 2011 book, Loudon presented documented evidence that Barack Obama’s rise in politics was not an accident, but a conscious, decade-long effort by the radical left to promote a candidate with African roots. Obama, he said, was packaged as an engaging and seemingly harmless Trojan Horse radical, sent to Chicago to refine his skills running for office as a Democratic Party politician.

It is impossible to read “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” without being convinced that Obama’s education in communist ideology stretches from the extracurricular education he received from Communist Party mentor Frank Marshall Davis in Honolulu to his recruitment as a New Party candidate in Chicago, with strong ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.

Loudon continues naming names in his current volume, “The Enemies Within,” which documents how extensively communists, socialists and progressives have penetrated the U.S. Congress, running on the Democratic Party ticket.

The goal of these radicals in Congress, Loudon demonstrates, is the same goal Obama announced when running for president in 2008, to transform the United States from the constitutional republic established by its Founding Fathers into a radical socialist state. The aim is to be achieved through passing extensive social welfare legislation designed to bankrupt a government adhering to concepts of private property and private enterprise.

In an insightful essay on the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Similarly, Loudon documents how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.

His essay on the Institute for Policy Studies provides extensive evidence that the IPS, operating today with the distinction of being oldest – founded in 1963 – and most influential of the far left “think tanks” in Washington, D.C., “works closely with several U.S. Marxist groups, but is particularly close to the Democratic Socialists of America.”

The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.

In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.

Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.

In documenting the success with which the radical left has captured the politically correct core of Democratic Party politics since the 1970s and the end of the Vietnam War, Loudon joins bestselling author Paul Kengor, who published in 2010 “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Conservatives for a Century,” followed in 2012 by “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.”

What authors Loudon and Kengor show is that communism in America did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is alive and well, with ties that run deep today with Barack Obama in the White House and the radical leftist Democrats serving in the halls of Congress.

Loudon will be in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club Aug. 20 to participate in the all day conference “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response,” hosted by the public policy group America’s Survival Inc.

Joining Loudon, who is listed on the program to speak about his book “The Enemies Within,” will be Kengor, presenting his new book, “All the Dupes Fit to Print: Journalists Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda.”​
Corsi, need I say more. Isn't he the liar who was fixing to name, within the week many years ago, of the forger of Obama's BC?
Yep....he tells the truth so he's a liar.

Then you have seen I call out the Right on their lies, but YOU obviously believe claiming there are 87 card carrying commies does NOT need to be called out for the lie it is, or you would have done it rather than attack someone who does call it out!
I saw two partisans engaging in standard partisan hyperbole, and I called THAT out.
You "saw" what you wanted to see, rather than me mocking the 87 card carrying commie lie which YOU gave a pass to. figger all Politifact has to do is say it's a lie and you swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Communists in Congress? Just count ’em

Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Book names names, details strategies to 'transform' U.S.
Published: 08/18/2013 at 7:20 PM
Jerome R. Corsi About | Email | Archive

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.

In his 2011 book, Loudon presented documented evidence that Barack Obama’s rise in politics was not an accident, but a conscious, decade-long effort by the radical left to promote a candidate with African roots. Obama, he said, was packaged as an engaging and seemingly harmless Trojan Horse radical, sent to Chicago to refine his skills running for office as a Democratic Party politician.

It is impossible to read “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” without being convinced that Obama’s education in communist ideology stretches from the extracurricular education he received from Communist Party mentor Frank Marshall Davis in Honolulu to his recruitment as a New Party candidate in Chicago, with strong ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.

Loudon continues naming names in his current volume, “The Enemies Within,” which documents how extensively communists, socialists and progressives have penetrated the U.S. Congress, running on the Democratic Party ticket.

The goal of these radicals in Congress, Loudon demonstrates, is the same goal Obama announced when running for president in 2008, to transform the United States from the constitutional republic established by its Founding Fathers into a radical socialist state. The aim is to be achieved through passing extensive social welfare legislation designed to bankrupt a government adhering to concepts of private property and private enterprise.

In an insightful essay on the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Similarly, Loudon documents how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.

His essay on the Institute for Policy Studies provides extensive evidence that the IPS, operating today with the distinction of being oldest – founded in 1963 – and most influential of the far left “think tanks” in Washington, D.C., “works closely with several U.S. Marxist groups, but is particularly close to the Democratic Socialists of America.”

The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.

In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.

Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.

In documenting the success with which the radical left has captured the politically correct core of Democratic Party politics since the 1970s and the end of the Vietnam War, Loudon joins bestselling author Paul Kengor, who published in 2010 “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Conservatives for a Century,” followed in 2012 by “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.”

What authors Loudon and Kengor show is that communism in America did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is alive and well, with ties that run deep today with Barack Obama in the White House and the radical leftist Democrats serving in the halls of Congress.

Loudon will be in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club Aug. 20 to participate in the all day conference “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response,” hosted by the public policy group America’s Survival Inc.

Joining Loudon, who is listed on the program to speak about his book “The Enemies Within,” will be Kengor, presenting his new book, “All the Dupes Fit to Print: Journalists Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda.”​
Corsi, need I say more. Isn't he the liar who was fixing to name, within the week many years ago, of the forger of Obama's BC?
Yep....he tells the truth so he's a liar.

Like you, Corsi NEVER tells the truth.
I believe that you both believe what you wrote.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yes, I get it: As a partisan ideologue, you only see your side, and hate being compared with people you loathe.

My stands on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

They will prove you quite wrong, and you won't have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
The point is the media lying, saying it's a hike for the middle class when it's actually a cut for the middle class.

Bull puckey. The real point is (and should only be) that the government is lying by purposefully understating the effects of inflation through adoption of chained CPI into their bill.

What's worse is that right-wing statists like you, who think you're conservative when you're actually not, pass the government lie around with your little government graphs. To your credit, you likely have no idea what you're actually doing by passing around those bogus graphs and figures that purposely understate that hidden tax.

Any gains are illusionary because of that. As a consequence, Americans in the middle class will eventually be put into a higher tax bracket while the little remaining spending power with that 4 cent dollar they have continues to drop further and further and further into the deep, dark, abyss.

Toddster, you're as mainstream as any mainstream media outlet. So spare us.
The left that are liking your posts, I am curious. Do you think they know what they are liking?

I will tell you there are a whole lot of things I don't like about this tax bill. Then again my problem is there are not enough tax cuts. At least not for me.

Are you saying you think there ought to be more tax cuts? Pretty sure you are and I know the left wingers that "like" your posts dont want that.

That is funny to me.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yes, I get it: As a partisan ideologue, you only see your side, and hate being compared with people you loathe.

My stands on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

They will prove you quite wrong, and you won't have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
Talk is cheap, and your talk on your positions has as much weight as Tramp saying this tax cut bill will cost him money.

The fact remains YOU attack those who expose Right wing lies and call them partisans.
And I believe you are a phony.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yes, I get it: As a partisan ideologue, you only see your side, and hate being compared with people you loathe.

My stands on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

They will prove you quite wrong, and you won't have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
Explain. Looking forward to it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yes, I get it: As a partisan ideologue, you only see your side, and hate being compared with people you loathe.

My stands on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

They will prove you quite wrong, and you won't have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
Talk is cheap, and your talk on your positions has as much weight as Tramp saying this tax cut bill will cost him money.

The fact remains YOU attack those who expose Right wing lies and call them partisans.
Yeah, I figured that wouldn't be good enough for someone like you, a hardcore partisan ideologue.

You're just as bad as those you loathe, but you're too full of yourself to see it.
Already did it in post 77.
So in your mind, when I point out the similarities of partisans on both ends, I'm being a hypocrite.

Okay, got it.
No, when you fail to point out obvious partisan lies like the 87 card carrying commie lie, and then attack those who do point out the lie, then YOU are nothing more than a partisan hack pretending to be a moderate.
Get it?
Yes, I get it: As a partisan ideologue, you only see your side, and hate being compared with people you loathe.

My stands on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

They will prove you quite wrong, and you won't have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
Talk is cheap, and your talk on your positions has as much weight as Tramp saying this tax cut bill will cost him money.

The fact remains YOU attack those who expose Right wing lies and call them partisans.
Yeah, I figured that wouldn't be good enough for someone like you, a hardcore partisan ideologue.

You're just as bad as those you loathe, but you're too full of yourself to see it.
How does one propose a tax cut that is unpopular?

You don't.
But when the media lies, nonstop, saying the tax cut will raise middle class taxes, people believed them.
When you know this tax gift to millionaires means eventual cuts to Medicare, you don’t want it. Social security cuts too dummies

Medicare isn't taking in enough Medicare tax revenues? Raise the rate.

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