How do you people get past the FACT that you are TORTURING CHILDREN?

Absolutely no context there at all. We have no idea if those are IDF soldiers (in fact - their uniforms look like Iraq's under Saddam Hussein). Furthermore, we have no idea if that is a Palestinian child. My first thought when looking at that was that it was a child being disciplined by their Iraqi parent.

So to recap: you have no idea what soldiers they are, you have no idea what nationality the child is, and you have no idea if the soldier is the parent of the child. You literally have nothing here. Nice work. :eusa_doh:

Absolutely no context there at all. We have no idea if those are IDF soldiers (in fact - their uniforms look like Iraq's under Saddam Hussein). Furthermore, we have no idea if that is a Palestinian child. My first thought when looking at that was that it was a child being disciplined by their Iraqi parent.

So to recap: you have no idea what soldiers they are, you have no idea what nationality the child is, and you have no idea if the soldier is the parent of the child. You literally have nothing here. Nice work. :eusa_doh:

Well, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation filmed a documentary regarding the issue. But since you so eloquently expressed your position repeated below:

"If they are Palestinian children...good! Palestinians are nothing but disgusting, barbaric, terrorists. Their children should be tortured. You should be a lot less concerned with what is happening to the children of barbaric animals and just thankful that Israel hasn't nuked them yet."

You have no problem with the IDF torturing children, as long as they are Christian or Muslim Palestinians.
I haven't seen any evidence that Israel tortures children, beyond sometimes failing to notify parents when a child is detained for cause.
Because you are a liar, in denial and generally disgusting. Additionally you consider the UN anti-Semitic liars and an Arab tool. This is how fucked you actually are.

I could post countless stories from the victims themselves, but you will deny that, pretend they were written for propaganda purposes like the children's drawings and stay in your clueless delusion. I don't give a shit about you and your bullshit, the world knows and your day of reckoning is coming faster than you can see.

Teaching a child how to stab someone in the neck, strapping a bomb to a child, handing a child a weapon or employing children to build tunnels are all in evidence and clearly CHILD ABUSE. Care to comment on that? Or will you remain a hypocrite?
I will comment on your lies and hasbara speak when you start a thread. This one is about TORTURING CHILDREN!

Effen idiot you are.

Have I been in any way unclear? I don't believe I have, but let's re-iterate.

1. Torturing people (let alone children) is abhorrent. No matter who does it. If Israel does it (and I'm not convinced), then it is abhorrent and I condemn it.

2. Arresting children for committing crimes, while unpleasant, is necessary if the child is putting the lives of others at risk. But arresting children is not torture. It is law enforcement.

3. Children absolutely require special consideration during arrest and detention -- dependent upon their age and the nature of the danger they pose to others. Arrest and detention are not torture. The fact that children get frightened while being arrested is not torture. (Also, Pallywood -- eye roll).

4. Adults (especially parents) who use children or permit children to participate in dangerous activities hold the responsibility for the consequences of those dangerous activities. The responsibility does not fall on the LEOs who protect the safety of both targets of the dangerous activities and the children themselves. The responsibility rests solely and completely with the adults or parents who permit or encourage those activities in their children. Further, it is the responsibility of the entire society or culture to address that societal or cultural norm.

Now, since the subject of this thread, as you pointed out, is the torture of children -- let's discuss the 160 children who died building tunnels for Hamas/Gaza. Is that torture? It is certainly child abuse. A violation of international law. A violation of all sense of ethics and morality. Let's talk about teaching children the "correct" way to stab an Israeli (read: Jew). Let's talk about mimicking the wearing of a bomb or a suicide vest. Let's talk about actually strapping a bomb onto a child. And then praising them for being willing to die in the act of killing Jews.

If we are going to discuss the treatment of children -- let's also discuss the million children who are in prisons around the world right now. Let's discuss the children who are in prison solely because their parents are there. Let's talk about the children whose hands are removed with a sword blade for petty theft. Or who are sold into sexual slavery. Or forced to marry a man four times her age and then raped repeatedly. Let's talk about the children having their genitals mutilated, removed, sewn shut. Let's talk about the girls who are shot at because they go to school. Let's talk about the children sitting on death row in the US.

We don't need a new thread to discuss the torture of children. THIS is a thread to discuss the torture of children. See, the problem is that you don't actually want to talk about the torture of children. You want to make Israel look bad. And you know what, Israel does, sometimes, look bad. Israel does sometimes do things that people are rightly critical of. But Israel's treatment of children, is FAR better than most nations, even despite the particular difficulties the Palestinians deliberately impose on Israel. And Palestine and Gaza are both FAR more egregious in their treatment of children than Israel is.
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Teaching a child how to stab someone in the neck, strapping a bomb to a child, handing a child a weapon or employing children to build tunnels are all in evidence and clearly CHILD ABUSE. Care to comment on that? Or will you remain a hypocrite?
I will comment on your lies and hasbara speak when you start a thread. This one is about TORTURING CHILDREN!

Effen idiot you are.
So you don't think teaching a child how to stab someone in the neck is torture? You don't think subjecting them to the horrors of war is torture? You don't think sending them into battle to spill blood and guts is torture?

Good about an "effen idiot". You embody the term, asshole.
If they are Palestinian children...good! Palestinians are nothing but disgusting, barbaric, terrorists. Their children should be tortured. You should be a lot less concerned with what is happening to the children of barbaric animals and just thankful that Israel hasn't nuked them yet.


No. No child should ever be tortured. It is abhorrent to even post such a thing.

Palestinians are neither barbaric nor animals. And dehumanizing them in this way unforgivable. As is the suggestion of genocide.
If they are Palestinian children...good! Palestinians are nothing but disgusting, barbaric, terrorists. Their children should be tortured. You should be a lot less concerned with what is happening to the children of barbaric animals and just thankful that Israel hasn't nuked them yet.


No. No child should ever be tortured. It is abhorrent to even post such a thing.

Palestinians are neither barbaric nor animals. And dehumanizing them in this way unforgivable. As is the suggestion of genocide.
Dehumanizing the natives is SOP for colonial powers.
Dehumanizing the natives is SOP for colonial powers.

We agree. Its also SOP for antisemitism. (And Israel is not a colonial power).

We should ALL condemn it EVERY time it happens.

Of course Israel is a colonial power. The Zionists admitted it themselves.

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

July 25, 1926

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said."

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

London (Jul. 23)
Dehumanizing the natives is SOP for colonial powers.
When you act like an animal - you get treated like one. Palestinians "dehumanized" themselves, snowflake.

So, asshole, any people that try to defend themselves from invading colonizers dehumanize themselves? So the native americans dehumanized themselves when they resisted European colonization? You are one disgusting piece of shit.
Dehumanizing the natives is SOP for colonial powers.
When you act like an animal - you get treated like one. Palestinians "dehumanized" themselves, snowflake.

So, asshole, any people that try to defend themselves from invading colonizers dehumanize themselves? So the native americans dehumanized themselves when they resisted European colonization? You are one disgusting piece of shit.

Invading colonizers

Poor Monty. He doesn't understand that his Islamic heroes are the colonizers. He doesn't understand that the Turk invaders colonized the area he falsely believes to be his invented "country of Pal'Istan.
Dehumanizing the natives is SOP for colonial powers.

We agree. Its also SOP for antisemitism. (And Israel is not a colonial power).

We should ALL condemn it EVERY time it happens.
The Zionists themselves called it colonialism. Britain called it colonialism. The Palestinians call it colonialism. The facts on the ground look like colonialism. Historians call it colonialism.

Perhaps you could post something to refute that.

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