How did Germany doing ww1 and zimbabwe destroyed their money system?


Senior Member
May 7, 2017
I was reading because of war and government spending that both countries Germany doing ww1 and zimbabwe destroyed their money system.

What happen in those countries? Did they borrow way too much money or did they print way too money that their money system got destroyed because of inflation?

I read Japan has a big debt and is having similar problem today.
The German hyperinflation period occurred after the end of the First World War from 1921 to the end of 1923. The primary causes were the enormous war debts saddled on the German Weimar Republic which had replaced the German Imperial government after the war; the demand in the Treaty of Versailles for reparations payments to the western allies that had to be made in gold or foreign currency; and the decision by the Weimar government to pay those reparations by printing ever increasing amounts of paper currency to buy foreign currency which rapidly caused the devaluation of German currency.

By the fall of 1922, German currency was practically worthless, and it was no longer possible for Germany to buy foreign exchange or gold using paper marks. After Germany failed to pay France an installment of reparations on time in late 1922, French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr valley, Germany's main industrial region, in January 1923. Reparations were then paid in goods, such as coal.

German currency was finally stabilized in the winter of 1923-1924 when the old worthless currency was replaced by a new revalued currency that was based on the value of mortgages and indexed to the price of gold.
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The German hyperinflation period occurred after the end of the First World War from 1921 to the end of 1923. The primary causes were the enormous war debts saddled on the German Weimar Republic which had replaced the German Imperial government after the war; the demand in the Treaty of Versailles for reparations payments to the western allies that had to be made in gold or foreign currency; and the decision by the Weimar government to pay those reparations by printing ever increasing amounts of paper currency to buy foreign currency which rapidly caused the devaluation of German currency.

By the fall of 1922, German currency was practically worthless, and it was no longer possible for Germany to buy foreign exchange or gold using paper marks. After Germany failed to pay France an installment of reparations on time in late 1922, French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr valley, Germany's main industrial region, in January 1923. Reparations were then paid in goods, such as coal.

More concrete: The reparations were robbed in coal during the "peace" between world war 1 and world war 2, while many Germans were not able to heat their homes in winter.

German currency was finally stabilized in the winter of 1923-1924 when the old worthless currency was replaced by a new revalued currency that was based on the value of mortgages and indexed to the price of gold.

And in 1929 came the next mad crisis.
I think the problem is world put way too many reparations on Germany or it was too much in short time that Germany that Germany could not pay back in such short time that Germany started to borrow way too much money from other countries and they could not pay it back and it destroyed their money supply.

Has Germany was not allowed to just print money.
I think the problem is world put way too many reparations on Germany or it was too much in short time that Germany that Germany could not pay back in such short time that Germany started to borrow way too much money from other countries and they could not pay it back and it destroyed their money supply.

Has Germany was not allowed to just print money.

The USA gave credit to the allies. In the end Germany had to pay. In this way the USA doubled their economy after world war 1, while the multinational empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman Empire and Germany were reduced to rubble. I'm sure without the USA Germany and the multi-national empire Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire had won world war 1 while the colonial empires Russia, France and England had lost. And all solutions of world war 1 were instable and exploded. I fear still lots of problems today - specially problems in the world of the Muslims - have their roots in this human catastrophe of the early 20th century.
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I think the problem is world put way too many reparations on Germany or it was too much in short time that Germany that Germany could not pay back in such short time that Germany started to borrow way too much money from other countries and they could not pay it back and it destroyed their money supply.

Has Germany was not allowed to just print money.

The USA gave credit to the allies. In the end Germany had to pay. In this way the USA doubled their economy after world war 1, while the multinational empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman Empire and Germany were reduced to rubble. I'm sure without the USA Germany and the multi-national empire Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire had won world war 1 while the colonial empires Russia, France and England had lost. And all solutions of world war 1 were instable and exploded. I fear still lots of problems today - specially problems in the world of the Muslims - have their roots in this human catastrophe of the early 20th century.

But if the other countries did not destroy Germany by such harsh reparations that destroyed their economy but allowed reparations over next 80 years there probably would not have been a ww2.
I think the problem is world put way too many reparations on Germany or it was too much in short time that Germany that Germany could not pay back in such short time that Germany started to borrow way too much money from other countries and they could not pay it back and it destroyed their money supply.

Has Germany was not allowed to just print money.

The USA gave credit to the allies. In the end Germany had to pay. In this way the USA doubled their economy after world war 1, while the multinational empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman Empire and Germany were reduced to rubble. I'm sure without the USA Germany and the multi-national empire Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire had won world war 1 while the colonial empires Russia, France and England had lost. And all solutions of world war 1 were instable and exploded. I fear still lots of problems today - specially problems in the world of the Muslims - have their roots in this human catastrophe of the early 20th century.

But if the other countries did not destroy Germany by such harsh reparations that destroyed their economy but allowed reparations over next 80 years there probably would not have been a ww2.

I doubt this. In a typical German double negation I would say: It was no ones will not to kill all Germans. "You" (the allies of world war 1) did not only wipe out the multi national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and replaced them with colonial structures (=Master races and their slaves or slave nations) - you created also a totally mad situation in Germany in which a mad man overtook the power. World war 1 and world war 2 are the same war. Special was only the mad man Hitler, a psychopath, born in the fire of world war 1. The rest shows very clear the failure of all nations, which were part of this disaster.

That's why the UNO and the NATO and other things were founded and changed after world war 2. And that's also a reason for disarmament policy and disarmament treaties. Such safety bolts were meanwhile broken from Donald Trump. And it exist all over the world many old hard dangerous autocrats and queer ideas.

Donald Trump for example fights today against a free world economy and breaks international laws while he "defends" with illegal sanctions Germany against the German government and the German population for the money of the US-American people, how he says; specially for the money of an US-American peeping Trump, I guess.

The problem now: It needs years - even decades - to install new safety bolts. For sure Donald Trump made the world to a much more dangerous place. Is the world ready for world war 3?

By the way: In 2019 and in early 2020 Donald Trump also eliminated safety bolts in the USA against pandemics - and then came the teacher Corona. What a luck that Trump has this crisis under control so not more than some few thousand US-Americans will die. The Spanish influenca (made in Kansas a little more than hundred years ago) costed more victims.
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I was reading because of war and government spending that both countries Germany doing ww1 and zimbabwe destroyed their money system.

What happen in those countries? Did they borrow way too much money or did they print way too money that their money system got destroyed because of inflation?

I read Japan has a big debt and is having similar problem today.

After the war, the U.S. insisted the ReichBank be privatized before the U.S. would assist in rebuilding the country. IT was directed by Junkers, and since the German Federation at the time was still half feudal, a lot of the war debts were assumed by the Junkers themselves, so they hatched a plan to speculate on the Amsterdam money exchanges and create a big inflationary cycle in paper reichmarks so they could pay back their huge domestic debts in a cheap currency. They also hoped they could BS the allies into accepting the worthless paper marks as payments on their reparations, but the allies insisted on being paid in gold Riechmarks so that scam failed.

The reparations weren't the cause of the inflation, that's just the excuse Germans swindlers made up. The reparations weren't any higher relative to the size of Germany's production capacity and economy than the reparations Germany imposed on France in the 1870's, and the French paid theirs off in five years. the Germans were given 35 years just to pay the first half of theirs, and they actually paid hardly any of it, since they borrowed from the Americans to make the few small payments they bothered to make. And then Hitler repudiated the American debts in 1933. The 'Reparations bankrupted Germany' myth is peddled by Wilson bashers and Pity Party German propaganda, same as the myth that 'Germany didn't lose the war' Nazis and other German pols peddled. Their own ruling elites and politicians screwed them. Wealthy people like Goering partied the decade away while they let the working class Germans starve and go bankrupt. The reparations payments had zero effect on the German economy.

There are websites out there that list the actual amounts ever paid in; they're small, which is why the French finally got fed up and took over the Rhineland and took theirs out in lumber, coal, and other goods. So did the British to a lesser extent.
I think the problem is world put way too many reparations on Germany or it was too much in short time that Germany that Germany could not pay back in such short time that Germany started to borrow way too much money from other countries and they could not pay it back and it destroyed their money supply.

Has Germany was not allowed to just print money.

Not true at all. You can find how much Germany actually ever paid in via a search; it wasn't remotely enough to cause hyperinflation, and most of it was borrowed from American banks at very easy terms. Germany's problems were entirely created by Germany itself.

You can think of WW I as the last gasp of feudalism in Europe, it's last aggression shut down and disposed of as the last Hapsburg ruler bit the dust in a fit of egomaniacal imperialism. IT also took down the Tsarist imperialists in Russia and the Dual Monarchy along with it.
I was reading because of war and government spending that both countries Germany doing ww1 and zimbabwe destroyed their money system.

What happen in those countries? Did they borrow way too much money or did they print way too money that their money system got destroyed because of inflation?

I read Japan has a big debt and is having similar problem today.

After the war, the U.S. insisted the ReichBank be privatized

Do you like to say the US-American federal reserve is a private bank? Really?

before the U.S. would assist in rebuilding the country. IT was directed by Junkers, and since the German Federation at the time was still half feudal, a lot of the war debts were assumed by the Junkers themselves, so they hatched a plan to speculate on the Amsterdam money exchanges and create a big inflationary cycle in paper reichmarks so they could pay back their huge domestic debts in a cheap currency. They also hoped they could BS the allies into accepting the worthless paper marks as payments on their reparations, but the allies insisted on being paid in gold Riechmarks so that scam failed.

The reparations weren't the cause of the inflation, that's just the excuse Germans swindlers made up. The reparations weren't any higher relative to the size of Germany's production capacity and economy than the reparations Germany imposed on France in the 1870's, and the French paid theirs off in five years. the Germans were given 35 years just to pay the first half of theirs, and they actually paid hardly any of it, since they borrowed from the Americans to make the few small payments they bothered to make. And then Hitler repudiated the American debts in 1933. The 'Reparations bankrupted Germany' myth is peddled by Wilson bashers and Pity Party German propaganda, same as the myth that 'Germany didn't lose the war' Nazis and other German pols peddled. Their own ruling elites and politicians screwed them. Wealthy people like Goering partied the decade away while they let the working class Germans starve and go bankrupt. The reparations payments had zero effect on the German economy.

There are websites out there that list the actual amounts ever paid in; they're small, which is why the French finally got fed up and took over the Rhineland and took theirs out in lumber, coal, and other goods. So did the British to a lesser extent.
Do you like to say the US-American federal reserve is a private bank? Really?

The Senate made demands on foreign policies that weren't necessarily in line with what the U.S. did. We never joined the League Of Nations, even though we created it, for instance; we have limited powers for each branch of government, and in any case the Federal Reserve was created in 1914, not 1920, and the political composition had changed. And ye, the Federal Reserve is quasi-private, in that no branch of government can order it around, just appoint members to its board.

And, you deadebeats still owe hundred of billions more.
I was reading because of war and government spending that both countries Germany doing ww1 and zimbabwe destroyed their money system.

What happen in those countries? Did they borrow way too much money or did they print way too money that their money system got destroyed because of inflation?

I read Japan has a big debt and is having similar problem today.

After the war, the U.S. insisted the ReichBank be privatized

Do you like to say the US-American federal reserve was at this time and is now also a private bank? Really?

before the U.S. would assist in rebuilding the country. IT was directed by Junkers, and since the German Federation at the time was still half feudal, a lot of the war debts were assumed by the Junkers themselves,

Junker? Landjunker? Do you speak about the Prussians now and their big farms in the East of Germany, which now is mostly territory of Poland?

so they hatched a plan to speculate on the Amsterdam money exchanges and create a big inflationary cycle in paper reichmarks so they could pay back their huge domestic debts in a cheap currency. They also hoped they could BS the allies into accepting the worthless paper marks as payments on their reparations, but the allies insisted on being paid in gold Riechmarks so that scam failed.

The reparations weren't the cause of the inflation, that's just the excuse Germans swindlers made up.


The reparations weren't any higher relative to the size of Germany's production capacity and economy than the reparations Germany imposed on France in the 1870's, and the French paid theirs off in five years. the Germans were given 35 years just to pay the first half of theirs,

The reparations in Versailles were an equivalent of 7000 tons of gold. This had to be payed in three years 1919, 1920 and 1921. Additionally 90% of the commercial fleet of Germany had to be transferred to the winners of world war 1. Suddenly in 1920 the allies changed this and liked additionally to get reparations in the equivalent of 94,150 tons of gold, which had to be payed in 42 years.

The reparations of France after the war in 1870 had been calculated with 5 billion Goldfranken (Franc germinal). 10 Goldfranken were 1 Gramm gold. This is an equivalent of 500 tons of gold. France was a big colonial empire at this moment of world history. Nevertheless lots of Germans criticized this in 187x, because they thought this is to high.

I will now not read the rest of this what you wrote here.
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Do you like to say the US-American federal reserve is a private bank? Really?

The Senate made demands on foreign policies that weren't necessarily in line with what the U.S. did. We never joined the League Of Nations, even though we created it, for instance; we have limited powers for each branch of government, and in any case the Federal Reserve was created in 1914, not 1920, and the political composition had changed. And ye, the Federal Reserve is quasi-private,

Okay. Got it. The federal reserve is not private.

in that no branch of government can order it around, just appoint members to its board.

And, you deadebeats still owe hundred of billions more.

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