How crazy are you test.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Crazy Quiz: What Kind of Crazy Are You?


Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!:cuckoo:

You have Attention Deficit Dis--um, hello!? Are you even reading this anymore? Yoo-hoo!? Hey! Look at this...shiny like that right? That's right...Look at the--hey! Stop that! Look, your nose is on your FACE, you can't *chase it*. It doesn't work that way...oh forget it.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder--I see it all the time. I'm surprised you were able to finish this quiz at all what with your fixation on the dust around your computer and the distraction of needing to type an equal amount of letters with each hand.
You have Attention Deficit Dis--um, hello!? Are you even reading this anymore? Yoo-hoo!? Hey! Look at this...shiny like that right? That's right...Look at the--hey! Stop that! Look, your nose is on your FACE, you can't *chase it*. It doesn't work that way...oh forget it.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder--I see it all the time. I'm surprised you were able to finish this quiz at all what with your fixation on the dust around your computer and the distraction of needing to type an equal amount of letters with each hand.

This is not a scientific quiz it was just for fun,I mean just look at the questions and provided answers )
Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!
I thought the questions were hilarious...which is why I answered with off the wall (for me) answers. :lol:
You think everyone is out to get you, and that's because they are. Right now, the government has the results of this quiz, so you're screwed. Now go put on your aluminum helmet and send a message to the FBI with your microwave.
I answered honestly, because I won't accept that I'm crazy.......just a little disoriented...but it didn't give me an answer.

Maybe because I posted my age as 1913? I could be, how the hell would they know?
Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!

Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!


Hmmm....AngelsNDemons has multiple personalities....well, at least two of them anyway....
Crazy Quiz: What Kind of Crazy Are You?


Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!:cuckoo:

My attack site warnings pop up with this site.
Crazy Quiz: What Kind of Crazy Are You?


Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!:cuckoo:

My attack site warnings pop up with this site.

Really? I'm sorry. I had no problem and I believe I have a great protector. I have that Web Root.
Crazy Quiz: What Kind of Crazy Are You?


Multiple Personalities
Hello, and hello, oh! and hello to you, too. Now all of you have done a great job taking this quiz, but it's not as impressive as your ability to play Poker against yourself. Just remember to hold hands while crossing the street to the mental institution. Everyone find a buddy!:cuckoo:

My attack site warnings pop up with this site.

Really? I'm sorry. I had no problem and I believe I have a great protector. I have that Web Root.
I have Avast Web Shield, Avast Wedrep and WOT. Sometimes when one misses it one of the others will pick it up. But none of them are 100% accurate all of the time and yes, occasionally they give false reports, even Web root.

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