How Covid Has Changed Our Daily Lives

Anyone that disagrees with the Jack-Booted propaganda? Just tar them with derogatory dehumanizing labels, eh?

No need to take them seriously then. :rolleyes:



Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone​

I heard his speech. It is very much like a mass psychosis. He likened it to Germans who approved of Hitler and the Nazis.
I heard his speech. It is very much like a mass psychosis. He likened it to Germans who approved of Hitler and the Nazis.
Yup. When ever someone calls you a "anti-vaxxer," because you question the safety and efficacy of the jab, it is akin to the Nazi supporters in the 1930's calling you a Jew lover.

I think vaccine hesitancy is primarily due to institutions that are promoting vaccines, goverment, media, science, and education institutions, the very institutions that republicans distrust and democrats do trust. We've got 75% of adults with at least one vaccination. These were the easy ones to convince, democrats and republicans who are not at war with the institutions this country is built on today. IMHO, there is no way to convince this 25%. We should not waste the effort on them but rather getting the kids vaccinated, boosters and those that have not got their 2nd shot. And if a super variant hits and wipes out this 25%, it might not be such a bad thing.
I think you're right.

But the die is cast...this will be the way that all future national crises are viewed--through the prism of politics and whether thought leaders will individually benefit from promoting distrust or not. Tucker and Sean made a calculation (after getting vaccinated) that they stood to gain notoriety and of course money by promoting loonie conspiracy theories...that got sopped up immediately by the idiots who voted for Trump.

It will be interesting to see where the GOP goes from here in terms of party leadership. Trump has only a few years of relevance left and (so far) there haven't been any successful cookie cutter candidates on the national scene (see Ray Huffines in Texas for one who comes close--he promises a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl Championship if elected). I don't know how old you are or if you have ever watched the Simpsons or not but there was a poignant episode where Homer Simpson became the head of the sanitation department in Springfield.

Watch this 39 second video and see if this rings any bells relative to our national politics.

Now how did Homer become head of the sanitation department?

GOP voters are addicted to lies in the same way a junkie is addicted to meth...after a while, they will need more outrageous lies to please them.
I suppose you are right wing extremists that will listen to any lie about goverment [sic], media, science, or institutions of higher education that feeds your paranoia.
This ends here, it's getting too far off topic.

Look at the bullshit that they have you blindly believing and obeying. Shit that even you would know better than to accept, if they didn't have you too damn scared to open your eyes and look what is right fucking in front of them.

They've got you so scared of an overhyped flu bug that you're not only allowing them to take your freedom and prosperity away from you, and to inject you with dangerous poisons; you're literally demanding it. How fucking stupid do you have to be to let this happen to you?

We're surely not talking about any ordinary levels of stupid, here. We're talking about extreme, nearly subhuman Flopper-level stupid.
I think you're right.

But the die is cast...this will be the way that all future national crises are viewed--through the prism of politics and whether thought leaders will individually benefit from promoting distrust or not. Tucker and Sean made a calculation (after getting vaccinated) that they stood to gain notoriety and of course money by promoting loonie conspiracy theories...that got sopped up immediately by the idiots who voted for Trump.

It will be interesting to see where the GOP goes from here in terms of party leadership. Trump has only a few years of relevance left and (so far) there haven't been any successful cookie cutter candidates on the national scene (see Ray Huffines in Texas for one who comes close--he promises a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl Championship if elected). I don't know how old you are or if you have ever watched the Simpsons or not but there was a poignant episode where Homer Simpson became the head of the sanitation department in Springfield.

Watch this 39 second video and see if this rings any bells relative to our national politics.

Now how did Homer become head of the sanitation department?

GOP voters are addicted to lies in the same way a junkie is addicted to meth...after a while, they will need more outrageous lies to please them.

I think you're right.

But the die is cast...this will be the way that all future national crises are viewed--through the prism of politics and whether thought leaders will individually benefit from promoting distrust or not. Tucker and Sean made a calculation (after getting vaccinated) that they stood to gain notoriety and of course money by promoting loonie conspiracy theories...that got sopped up immediately by the idiots who voted for Trump.

It will be interesting to see where the GOP goes from here in terms of party leadership. Trump has only a few years of relevance left and (so far) there haven't been any successful cookie cutter candidates on the national scene (see Ray Huffines in Texas for one who comes close--he promises a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl Championship if elected). I don't know how old you are or if you have ever watched the Simpsons or not but there was a poignant episode where Homer Simpson became the head of the sanitation department in Springfield.

Watch this 39 second video and see if this rings any bells relative to our national politics.

Now how did Homer become head of the sanitation department?

GOP voters are addicted to lies in the same way a junkie is addicted to meth...after a while, they will need more outrageous lies to please them.

I've thought about this a lot. It there was an incident in the the South China Sea that lead to war between the US and China, would republicans rally behind Biden? I'm sure Xi Jinping has though about this also.

There is no one that can fill Trump's shoes because he is unique just as most demigods are.

Simpson who? I was around when Hitler was marching through France.

Something that is totally lost on USMB is that members are not representative of the public. Members on USMB tend be extreme left or right where the general public is just right of center. For example, reading posts you would think almost everyone on the right was an antivaxxer but the fact is 54% of Republicans are not opposed to the vaccines. And when it comes to gun control 77% of Republicans favor background checks for private sales and gun shows and 54% would support a ban on assault rifles.
I've thought about this a lot. It there was an incident in the the South China Sea that lead to war between the US and China, would republicans rally behind Biden? I'm sure Xi Jinping has though about this also.

There is no one that can fill Trump's shoes because he is unique just as most demigods are.

Simpson who? I was around when Hitler was marching through France.

Something that is totally lost on USMB is that members are not representative of the public. Members on USMB tend be extreme left or right where the general public is just right of center. For example, reading posts you would think almost everyone on the right was an antivaxxer but the fact is 54% of Republicans are not opposed to the vaccines. And when it comes to gun control 77% of Republicans favor background checks for private sales and gun shows and 54% would support a ban on assault rifles.
There are silent majorities that constitute any number of constituencies. However, in our system, if you vote for anyone other than a D or an R, your vote is not counted on the national level. I wish I had a choice between parties to support with my vote. Currently, the Democrats are the only game in town for me. So I get lumped in with them all the time even though I think they are totally out to lunch on a number of issues (energy policy--specifically nuclear energy, deficit reduction, voter ID laws).
There has been so much written about Covid, all the deaths, the battle over vaccines, government subsidies, the politics, the science, etc, etc. But what about the changes in our daily lives. Here are a couple to get us started.

A friend of my wife is married has two kids, lives in an apartment with a rent of $1200 a month. During the epidemic the family has been able to keep their jobs, pay their rent, and other expenses. Last week they got a notice from their landlord that their rent was going up to $2100 a month starting next month, a $900 a month increase. The landlord told them there has been so many people not paying their rent that he has no choice. The rules on eviction has changed due to covid so that it is almost impossible to evict anyone. In spite of the stupidly of this, they are faced with finding a new apartment or paying the rent increase. Since they don't want to ruin their credit by not paying their rent, they will be looking for a new home.

The wife was fixing a big Italian meal for the family so I decided to get a couple of bottles of Chianti. So I went to a large supermarket where there was a large wine selection. Usually they had someone in the department to help customers since they had thousands of bottles of wine. There was nobody so after 15 mins of looking, I went to the service desk and ask for help. I was told they no longer had a wine steward but they had a guy that could help. While I waited she asked what I was looking for and when I told her she ask the cashier if she had ever heard of something called Chianti. He ask what is it? Finally the guy that was to help me arrived and explained that he was new and didn't know where the wine dept. was and had no idea what Chianti was and pointed to a sign.
"We are sorry for the inconvenience but have lost most of our long term employees and we are running on a skeleton staff. Please be kind to them and be thankful they showed up to work."

Later that day, the wife gave me a shopping list for the big dinner. It had 15 items on it. I found no pork chops so I got Chicken, no romaine lettuce so I got a bag of something green, no graded cheese so I got block cheese, no buttermilk, so I found it after going to 3 stores. By the time I was done, I was ready for frozen dinners. This reminds me of what it was like in WWII on the Homefront.

And just think......all of this misery is self induced by corrupt politicians.
I've thought about this a lot. It there was an incident in the the South China Sea that lead to war between the US and China, would republicans rally behind Biden? I'm sure Xi Jinping has though about this also.

There is no one that can fill Trump's shoes because he is unique just as most demigods are.

Simpson who? I was around when Hitler was marching through France.

Something that is totally lost on USMB is that members are not representative of the public. Members on USMB tend be extreme left or right where the general public is just right of center. For example, reading posts you would think almost everyone on the right was an antivaxxer but the fact is 54% of Republicans are not opposed to the vaccines. And when it comes to gun control 77% of Republicans favor background checks for private sales and gun shows and 54% would support a ban on assault rifles.

Your stats on gun regulation approval, are false.
Look at the bullshit that they have you blindly believing and obeying. Shit that even you would know better than to accept, if they didn't have you too damn scared to open your eyes and look what is right fucking in front of them.

They've got you so scared of an overhyped flu bug that you're not only allowing them to take your freedom and prosperity away from you, and to inject you with dangerous poisons; you're literally demanding it. How fucking stupid do you have to be to let this happen to you?

We're surely not talking about any ordinary levels of stupid, here. We're talking about extreme, nearly subhuman Flopper-level stupid.
Unfortunately there are millions of Americans just like him. They consider themselves smart and non-vaxxers dumb. LMFAO.

Orwell predicted this long ago. Truth is lies and lies are truth.
There are silent majorities that constitute any number of constituencies. However, in our system, if you vote for anyone other than a D or an R, your vote is not counted on the national level. I wish I had a choice between parties to support with my vote. Currently, the Democrats are the only game in town for me. So I get lumped in with them all the time even though I think they are totally out to lunch on a number of issues (energy policy--specifically nuclear energy, deficit reduction, voter ID laws).
Nearly four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) identify as politically independent, but most “lean” toward one of the two major parties and thus vote for one of the two parties.
Yeah, they are false. Pew has been caught using shitty methodology many times.

They are anti gun, so cherry pick to get the results they want.

This is well known.
Typically rightwing nonsense
I have always believe the reason to get people vaccinated is not to save lives but to save our way of life. If we don't get enough people vaccinated, there will be another variant, maybe worst, and the current situation gets worst.

Don't know about all of you but I'm tired of this shit, not being able to find the goods we need, getting kids in school and not distance learning, and most of all the never ending news of more cases, more deaths, and more restrictions.

Please get vaccinated and end this thing now.
100% vaccination would not end the Corvid-19, it is a myth the left continues to lie and politicize. The delta variant started in September of 2020 at that point Covid-19 became an endemic at that time. The Delta was easier to get than the original strain, so even with 100% vaccination worldwide the variant could spread and not be contained. The Delta variant was infecting vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated. The other issue is that Covid-19 can find a host in animals as well as humans. The Omicron variant is infecting the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated and is more easily spread than the Delta. So, vaccinated or not this is never going to end and like the Spanish flu, it is going to be around for a very long time, whether you vaccinate, don't vaccinate or boost. The misinformation is just dividing the nation.
100% vaccination would not end the Corvid-19, it is a myth the left continues to lie and politicize. The delta variant started in September of 2020 at that point Covid-19 became an endemic at that time. The Delta was easier to get than the original strain, so even with 100% vaccination worldwide the variant could spread and not be contained. The Delta variant was infecting vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated. The other issue is that Covid-19 can find a host in animals as well as humans. The Omicron variant is infecting the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated and is more easily spread than the Delta. So, vaccinated or not this is never going to end and like the Spanish flu, it is going to be around for a very long time, whether you vaccinate, don't vaccinate or boost. The misinformation is just dividing the nation.
I do agree that 100% vaccination will not end Covid. I did believe that there was a good chance it would when we were dealing with Alpha. However, we learned that the mutation rate was much higher than we thought which was confirmed with Delta and Omicron variants plus the strong vaccine hesitancy made anything near 100% vaccination impossible.

The first cases of Delta were believed to be in the country in late July or early Aug when death rates were running about 250 a day. By the first of Sept the death rate was running about 1400 a day peaking at 2500 by end of the month. With 90% hospital occupancy in Sept and death rates running at the Feb-March levels, Covid could not be considered endemic.

It's true that the Delta variant was infecting vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated but what you're leaving out is that the unvaccinated were far more likely to end up in hospital. In fact in Sept, the unvaccinated were 20 time more likely to end in the hospital than unvaccinated. Although it is true the vaccinated can be infected the viral load transmitted by the unvaccinated is 5 to 15 times greater than of the vaccinated.

I agree the epidemic will become endemic like the Spanish Influenza, however I do not agree the vaccinations are irrelevant. Epidemics become endemic or die out because the virus can not find unprotected hosts so it can not replicant. That protection can come from natural immunity or vaccines.

The advantage of vaccines is that you get strong protection without the chance of serious infection and death. The disadvantage of vaccines is immunity does not seem to last as long as natural immunity. Although natural immunity seem to give you longer immunity, research show that mild cases of Covid yield only low levels of immunity. In other words to get strong natural immunity you need a strong case of Covid which to me does not seem worth it.

The fact that the virus can jump species and find hosts in animals may or may not be relevant. For viruses to jump species, it requires a lot of evolution and the more complex the organism the more evolution it requires. So far the jumps to household pets has resulted in mild infections.
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