How could anyone be "independent" or a "swing voter" at this time in history?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
There is no common ground between the parties. The old "two sides of the same coin" paradigm of the 1990's has long past. "The establishment NO LONGER controls either party.

It's now National-Federalist-Libertarian-constitutional-republicans vs Global-Unitary-Marxist- democrats (one world mob-rule).

We want the United States to define and secure its border, maintain the Federalist doctrine of dual sovereignty , with limits on both the federal and state governments on individual persons, in accordance with an enduring social contract (that is meant to be difficult to amend) that preserves a Republican form of government.

Democrats want a global state with no border, with one big giant command center of unelected "experts," to redistribute all resources according to mob demand. LOL
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The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.

I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
You don't believe there is any difference whether the GOP or the DEMs are in power?
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.


I've been an independent from the first time I voted and won't likely change that.

Your description doesn't match the independents I know and it sure as hell isn't me.
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.


I've been an independent from the first time I voted and won't likely change that.

Your description doesn't match the independents I know and it sure as hell isn't me.

So, Trump vs Bernie 2020, what issues do you share in common with both of them that would make it difficult for you to vote one or the other?
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
You don't believe there is any difference whether the GOP or the DEMs are in power?

Indy’s take great pride in casting a meaningless vote...they honestly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is’s the weirdest shit in politics...ask Golfing Gator about it...he’ll spin it for you.
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.


I've been an independent from the first time I voted and won't likely change that.

Your description doesn't match the independents I know and it sure as hell isn't me.

So, Trump vs Bernie 2020, what issues do you share in common with both of them that would make it difficult for you to vote one or the other?

That's my point, it's not a "party" issue, it's Right Vs. Wrong.

It just so happens that leftists, liberals, democrooks ARE WRONG on nearly every issue. Even on issues where they support "freedom", they do so for nefarious ends.

What a circus is U.S. politics! Ignorance abounds and is taken for sagacity. The coup d'état gradually performed over the years by the duopoly is resoundingly approved by vocal 'wings' while most of America remains perplexed at how things got this way.
They won't change by continuing as they are.
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.

I'm not a moderate.

Oops, so much for that lie.

I'm too far up in your head, slugger. That's your problem, not mine. Sorry.
Indy’s take great pride in casting a meaningless vote...they honestly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is’s the weirdest shit in politics...ask Golfing Gator about it...he’ll spin it for you.

And yet, your vote for Trump in Cali had the same exact impact as my vote for Johnson in my state. But your vote means something and mine does not. The two parties count on people like you, and you never let them down.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
There is no common ground between the parties.
Well, there's the answer to the question of your thread title.

The chasm between the two whacked out, intolerant, narcissistic parties is so wide now that there are many of us who are repulsed by both.

We're just the kids in the cafeteria, just trying to eat our damn lunch during a food fight. And we wish those kids would stop.

I don't know why this would be a mystery.
There is no common ground between the parties.

Yes there is>>>>>


Proud independent voter here. Proud not to be beholden to a party like a little sheep. If this post is any attempt to induce change it is beyond a fail I laugh like crazy when a post tells me I SHOULD be voting this way or that way. That's more reason NOT to vote for a party.
There is no common ground between the parties. The old "two sides of the same coin" paradigm of the 1990's has long past. The "establishment" of both parties (Bushies and Clintonites) longer controls the actual parties lol.

It's now National-Federalist-Libertarian-constitutional-republicans vs Global-Unitary-Marxist- democrats (one world mob-rule).

We want the United States to define and secure its border, maintain the Federalist doctrine of dual sovereignty , with limits on both the federal and state governments on individual persons, in accordance with an enduring social contract (that is meant to be difficult to amend) that preserves a Republican form of government.

Democrats want a global state with no border, with one big giant command center of unelected "experts," to redistribute all resources according to mob demand. LOL
Damn. You couldn’t be more wrong.

There is little difference between the two parties. Both are own and controlled by their donors, the billionaires.

Hence, the government and the corporate media (also owned by the billionaires) work nonstop to divide and dupe Americans.

Stop being a dupe.

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