How Companies Ruin Unions.


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
The worst business decisions of all time.
The worst business decisions of all time - Bottom Line
I hope every union hating right wing reads this and recognizes they are not as intelligent as they like everyone to believe.
Do Unions need to make concessions during times of trouble for a company, hell yes.
But CEO's that ruin companies walk with their golden parachute and the workers get nothing.
Travesty in every way towards workers.
The worst business decisions of all time.
The worst business decisions of all time - Bottom Line
I hope every union hating right wing reads this and recognizes they are not as intelligent as they like everyone to believe.
Do Unions need to make concessions during times of trouble for a company, hell yes.
But CEO's that ruin companies walk with their golden parachute and the workers get nothing.
Travesty in every way towards workers.

I guess I agree with your premise, but your thread title is misleading...
No, it is not. It is suppose to make those that think it is all about unions and how they ruin companies to see the lie they are perpetuating.

The worst business decisions of all time.
The worst business decisions of all time - Bottom Line
I hope every union hating right wing reads this and recognizes they are not as intelligent as they like everyone to believe.
Do Unions need to make concessions during times of trouble for a company, hell yes.
But CEO's that ruin companies walk with their golden parachute and the workers get nothing.
Travesty in every way towards workers.

I guess I agree with your premise, but your thread title is misleading...
Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

The companies didn't have to sign those union contracts, but they did. Both sides need to take responsibility for their actions.

Prior to the bailout, the unions made a lot of concessions on pensions, salaries, etc.

Here's the real problem and it's a problem across the whole spectrum.

Back in the halcyon days of US Autos, the Auto industry employed a lot more people than it did now.

Then through automation and outsourcing of components, the number of actual workers they had decreased, but the unions and companies STILL had commitments to all these retirees.

This hasn't become a problem for the Japanese Automakers in the US yet, because most of them haven't been operating for 70 years here. They are also heavily partnered and subsidized by their government. The same with the Germans.
According to the Republican base, the best job is:

No minimum wage
no health care
no dental
10 to 12 hour days
Sundays off, maybe
No 401

Now that's the America they want to see. Then we can compete with China
Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

I heard a story told by a retired auto worker a while back.
He received more in benefits dollar wise after her retired then
while he was working.

So after working maybe 20+ years for the auto industry
he retired with his medical and pension for him and his whole
family totally paid for by the company.

I know the auto companies and the union negotiated
these deals but to stay competitive and still have to pay these
benefits out helped kill the auto industry.
An abundant supply of cheap labor is the backbone of strong economy.

Prosperity through lower wages.
Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

The companies didn't have to sign those union contracts, but they did. Both sides need to take responsibility for their actions.

Next time GM goes bankrupt, probably in 2014, kiss the UAW goodbye

I could almost hear your laughter as you were typing about how you predict the downfall of yet another US manufacturer, who through poor business decisions, allowed itself to go bankrupt....again (very poor leadership). I could almost hear your snickering as you typed "manufacturing may be dead but at least we kill the UAW". -I took the liberty of paraphrasing for you. The Unions had very little to do with the poor business decisions made by the CEO.
Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

I heard a story told by a retired auto worker a while back.
He received more in benefits dollar wise after her retired then
while he was working.

So after working maybe 20+ years for the auto industry
he retired with his medical and pension for him and his whole
family totally paid for by the company.

I know the auto companies and the union negotiated
these deals but to stay competitive and still have to pay these
benefits out helped kill the auto industry.

The the automakers first agreed to these deals they thought they getting a steal because no way would these employees live to collect these benefits. So they agreed to just about anything, and laughed themselves to sleep every night. Then.....not laughin' now.
According to the Republican base, the best job is:

No minimum wage
no health care
no dental
10 to 12 hour days
Sundays off, maybe
No 401

Now that's the America they want to see. Then we can compete with China

No self-respecting adult should work for minimum wage. Jobs that pay minimum wage belong to high school kids.

Nobody prevents and/or forbids anyone to buy their own health insurance. It should be mandated the same way as car insurance.

Nobody is obligated to work more than 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, without overtime pay.

Nobody is required to work weekends, unless the nature of the job demands it so. (i.e. police, fire dept, hospitals etc.)

Nobody is forbidden to be putting away part of their pay for the future.

On the other hand, unions force you to participate in an open vote to have unions or not. And God help you if you vote no. Unions steal your money and call it dues. They turn it over to their millionaire executives and political party you don't agree with. They deny you the right to work and support your family, whenever they decide that their unrealistic pipe dream is to be coerced by an unrealistic strike. They will slash your tires and call you scab when you come to work during a strike, even if you are not a union member.

I know, because I have been there and it happened to me.
Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

Ummmm.... okay.

Funny, I thought it was those executives making cars the world market didn't realy want.

No, Sparky, it's the unaffordable labor and pension costs that killed the industry. GM now owes more to their Marxist Labor Pension fund than they ever made in total profits since inception 100 years ago.

They'll be back in Chapter 11 during Romney's Administration and this time they can go bankrupt like everyone else and come out better for it
It is quite evident that the article written has no affect upon someone like you. Those at the top have the ability to keep the companies abreast with modern technology and the latest designs to sell their product. If the product is made with inferior parts and the design is not what the public wants, they sell NO product. It is not the result of the workers, union or not, but you refuse to believe the concept so keep your head in the sand.:eusa_boohoo:

Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole
Yet no comment from you about those CEO's that run a company into the ground and they walk away with the golden parachutes of millions of dollars, how juvenile of you.

Unions bankrupted the entire US auto industry and turned Detroit into a hellhole

I heard a story told by a retired auto worker a while back.
He received more in benefits dollar wise after her retired then
while he was working.

So after working maybe 20+ years for the auto industry
he retired with his medical and pension for him and his whole
family totally paid for by the company.

I know the auto companies and the union negotiated
these deals but to stay competitive and still have to pay these
benefits out helped kill the auto industry.

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