How come the persecution against me became worse when I openly supported the U.S?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Through the years I have expressed the persecution against me. Much of this is due to the caste system we condone here allowing the most vile citizens in this country to exploit the poor for their benefit.

Without accountability or basic premises which have been ingrained (in most of the West) since the Magna Carta of 1215 for crying out loud, the Security Industrial Complex in Canada is free to abuse citizens at will, usually at a very young age. Sick and frightening. Now well known thanks to some of the efforts of those in Canada.

One question for my American friends or Canadian apologists (domestically located or otherwise), "how is it that the persecution against me ramped up hardest when I openly stated support for America in her fight against terrorism"?

This is all very peculiar and I raise this only while looking through some very old correspondence and saved details (backed up in a safe place for obvious reasons). It became clear to me that the efforts against me were at their heights whenever I supported America, whether it was during Bush and his response to 9/11 or Obama during the financial crisis.

How is wanting a closer relationship and supporting America, without betraying my own nation by the way; somehow considered a reason to twist the screws tighter against me?

If CSIS peruses this board (or their counterparts), please answer this question for me. Better yet, take action against those who have violated basic premises and who have greatly harmed our National Security and unity with allies. Americans certainly know how many in this country despise them, this is harmful to Canadas prospects not helpful. You have to usurp the Police Apparatuses here or Canadas spiral will continue, this is guaranteed.

Over the years I have seen the increased negative rhetoric against America, from the covert police on out and I have to ask, "is this good policy for Canada"? I trust CSIS because there have been Whistleblowers who have stated the infiltration of foreign nations. Nations very different from the U.S for the record, CSIS needs to step up.

The answer to my primary question has eluded me, as civil liberties has eluded many Canadians. I eagerly await an honest explanation...
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Through the years I have expressed the persecution against me. Much of this is due to the caste system we condone here allowing the most vile citizens in this country to exploit the poor for their benefit.

Without accountability or basic premises which have been ingrained (in most of the West) since the Magna Carta of 1215 for crying out loud, the Security Industrial Complex in Canada is free to abuse citizens at will, usually at a very young age. Sick and frightening. Now well known thanks to some of the efforts of those in Canada.

One question for my American friends or Canadian apologists (domestically located or otherwise), "how is it that the persecution against me ramped up hardest when I openly stated support for America in her fight against terrorism"?

This is all very peculiar and I raise this only while looking through some very old correspondence and saved details (backed up in a safe place for obvious reasons). It became clear to me that the efforts against me were at their heights whenever I supported America, whether it was during Bush and his response to 9/11 or Obama during the financial crisis.

How is wanting a closer relationship and supporting America, without betraying my own nation by the way; somehow considered a reason to twist the screws tighter against me?

If CSIS peruses this board (or their counterparts), please answer this question for me. Better yet, take action against those who have violated basic premises and who have greatly harmed our National Security and unity with allies. Americans certainly know how many in this country despise them, this is harmful to Canadas prospects not helpful. You have to usurp the Police Apparatuses here or Canadas spiral will continue, this is guaranteed.

Over the years I have seen the increased negative rhetoric against America, from the covert police on out and I have to ask, "is this good policy for Canada"? I trust CSIS because there have been Whistleblowers who have stated the infiltration of foreign nations. Nations very different from the U.S for the record, CSIS needs to step up.

The answer to my primary question has eluded me, as civil liberties has eluded many Canadians. I eagerly await an honest explanation...
You are losing it, bud. And I mean that sincerely.
Through the years I have expressed the persecution against me. Much of this is due to the caste system we condone here allowing the most vile citizens in this country to exploit the poor for their benefit.

Without accountability or basic premises which have been ingrained (in most of the West) since the Magna Carta of 1215 for crying out loud, the Security Industrial Complex in Canada is free to abuse citizens at will, usually at a very young age. Sick and frightening. Now well known thanks to some of the efforts of those in Canada.

One question for my American friends or Canadian apologists (domestically located or otherwise), "how is it that the persecution against me ramped up hardest when I openly stated support for America in her fight against terrorism"?

This is all very peculiar and I raise this only while looking through some very old correspondence and saved details (backed up in a safe place for obvious reasons). It became clear to me that the efforts against me were at their heights whenever I supported America, whether it was during Bush and his response to 9/11 or Obama during the financial crisis.

How is wanting a closer relationship and supporting America, without betraying my own nation by the way; somehow considered a reason to twist the screws tighter against me?

If CSIS peruses this board (or their counterparts), please answer this question for me. Better yet, take action against those who have violated basic premises and who have greatly harmed our National Security and unity with allies. Americans certainly know how many in this country despise them, this is harmful to Canadas prospects not helpful. You have to usurp the Police Apparatuses here or Canadas spiral will continue, this is guaranteed.

Over the years I have seen the increased negative rhetoric against America, from the covert police on out and I have to ask, "is this good policy for Canada"? I trust CSIS because there have been Whistleblowers who have stated the infiltration of foreign nations. Nations very different from the U.S for the record, CSIS needs to step up.

The answer to my primary question has eluded me, as civil liberties has eluded many Canadians. I eagerly await an honest explanation...

The America hating leftists just want to make it look like they are the authority here. They're louder than conservatives are and that's the extent of it.

I suggest ignoring them.

We outnumber them about 2:1. I've counted.

Through the years I have expressed the persecution against me. Much of this is due to the caste system we condone here allowing the most vile citizens in this country to exploit the poor for their benefit.

Without accountability or basic premises which have been ingrained (in most of the West) since the Magna Carta of 1215 for crying out loud, the Security Industrial Complex in Canada is free to abuse citizens at will, usually at a very young age. Sick and frightening. Now well known thanks to some of the efforts of those in Canada.

One question for my American friends or Canadian apologists (domestically located or otherwise), "how is it that the persecution against me ramped up hardest when I openly stated support for America in her fight against terrorism"?

This is all very peculiar and I raise this only while looking through some very old correspondence and saved details (backed up in a safe place for obvious reasons). It became clear to me that the efforts against me were at their heights whenever I supported America, whether it was during Bush and his response to 9/11 or Obama during the financial crisis.

How is wanting a closer relationship and supporting America, without betraying my own nation by the way; somehow considered a reason to twist the screws tighter against me?

If CSIS peruses this board (or their counterparts), please answer this question for me. Better yet, take action against those who have violated basic premises and who have greatly harmed our National Security and unity with allies. Americans certainly know how many in this country despise them, this is harmful to Canadas prospects not helpful. You have to usurp the Police Apparatuses here or Canadas spiral will continue, this is guaranteed.

Over the years I have seen the increased negative rhetoric against America, from the covert police on out and I have to ask, "is this good policy for Canada"? I trust CSIS because there have been Whistleblowers who have stated the infiltration of foreign nations. Nations very different from the U.S for the record, CSIS needs to step up.

The answer to my primary question has eluded me, as civil liberties has eluded many Canadians. I eagerly await an honest explanation...
Because people like Bodacreap, hate America that you like. They think it is racists, sexist, bigoted towards all minorities yet, those same people flock here in the millions every year. Dont worry, mentally ill people, like Bodacreap will eventually come to terms, and he/she/it/them/they/orwhateveritcallsitself, isnt going to like it....
see we can agree on something,,

this guy lost it a long time ago,,
There are a lot of whiners on this site but I don't believe the OP is one of them. He seems to be in genuine pain and I hope he gets professional help.

We can't get him through this dark phase he seems to be going through. He needs family/friends. Someone in the real world to help.

Hope he understands that this site is ephemeral. For most of us, this place is just a distraction/time waster.

He needs real help and I hope he gets it.
Because people like Bodacreap, hate America that you like. They think it is racists, sexist, bigoted towards all minorities yet, those same people flock here in the millions every year. Dont worry, mentally ill people, like Bodacreap will eventually come to terms, and he/she/it/them/they/orwhateveritcallsitself, isnt going to like it....
There are a lot of whiners on this site but I don't believe the OP is one of them. He seems to be in genuine pain and I hope he gets professional help.

We can't get him through this dark phase he seems to be going through. He needs family/friends. Someone in the real world to help.

Hope he understands that this site is ephemeral. For most of us, this place is just a distraction/time waster.

He needs real help and I hope he gets it.
The help you speak of isn't conducive to what I need. You are apologizing and running cover for bad actors via chopping me down, it doesn't change the facts nor those who possess them. This has been decades long saga, the abuse by my wife which forced me to finally confront and bring it into the light more aggressively at home. Rest assured, as much as I am alone in my battle, the abuses against me over decades now has done FAR more damage to Canadas reputation than you imagine. Unless you believe that covert Canadian police promoting the idea that apAmerica and Israel were behind 9/11, while "working" at a U.S corporation at that (this allegation almost caused me to get physical at work I was so enraged). This was even before war began and they have and had been targetting me for "fake radicalism" as far back as High School. If you believe this is somehow beneficial to America then support it. I rejected these efforts dozens of times, including very publicly and loudly basically telling a female cop (remember, I didnt know they were cops at the tk ime) to go F herself, for which the bartender bought me a beer. Furthermore, I even inquired aboit wanting to join the U.S military as I wanted to help fight for liberty (presuming U.S military would be better funded and supported).
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The help you speak of isn't conducive to what I need. You are apologizing and running cover for bad actors via chopping me down, it doesn't change the facts nor those who possess them. This has been decades long saga, the abuse by my wife which forced me to finally confront and bring it into the ligt. Rest assured,as much as I am alone in my battle the abuses aainst me over decades has done FAR more damage tonCanadas reputation than you imagije. Unkess you beliefe that Canadian police promoting the idea that america and Israel were behind 9/11, before a war even begun; is somehow beneficia to America.
I may be wrong but I suspect it's because nobody really cares about what goes on in Hoserland. :dunno:

Perhaps you should cut your loses and immigrate.
If I could sell my home I would. The Courts have given approval but the police have yet to confirm the Variation to the Court Order. They are essentially trying to prevent me from moving on with my life. This may require a complaint and details forwarded to the province but I am trying to avoid this (especially since she has multiple police in her family, it would seem odd for them to deny what the Courts have advised me).
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Because people like Bodacreap, hate America that you like. They think it is racists, sexist, bigoted towards all minorities yet, those same people flock here in the millions every year. Dont worry, mentally ill people, like Bodacreap will eventually come to terms, and he/she/it/them/they/orwhateveritcallsitself, isnt going to like it....
And then in the end he/she/it/them/they will kill itself after first having cut off it's dick, cooking and eating it.

While I have another beer.

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