How Come the Left Never Want to Talk About Venezuela?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.
Ha! So true. Because it is the embodiment of their philosophy, and ultimately the result of Liberal/Progressive (Democrat) policy.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

because we don't want to be like venezuela.

we kinda like the norway/denmark/finland models of democratic socialism.

So the REAL question is; when we point to finland why do conservatives shout VENEZUELA?

Why are you INCAPABLE of discussing Finland? or Norway?
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

because we don't want to be like venezuela.

we kinda like the norway/denmark/finland models of democratic socialism.

So the REAL question is; when we point to finland why do conservatives shout VENEZUELA?

Why are you INCAPABLE of discussing Finland? or Norway?
$50 a barrel.

tick ………. tick ………… tick …………..
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

because we don't want to be like venezuela.

we kinda like the norway/denmark/finland models of democratic socialism.

So the REAL question is; when we point to finland why do conservatives shout VENEZUELA?

Why are you INCAPABLE of discussing Finland? or Norway?
And if it's such a paradise, why isn't anyone but Muslims moving there? Why are Baltic State citizens leaving in hoards?
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.
What countries use capitalism only? It ain't the USA...
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Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

because we don't want to be like venezuela.

we kinda like the norway/denmark/finland models of democratic socialism.

So the REAL question is; when we point to finland why do conservatives shout VENEZUELA?

Why are you INCAPABLE of discussing Finland? or Norway?

Go live in Finland or Norway. They aren't exactly hopping. We don't want that here.

As to Venezuela, consider the number of American Leftist suck-ups who've knelt at the altar of Chavez/Maduro worship. It's a clear indication that they wish to repeat it here.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

Well from what I read the rich and elites are doing well.
Venezuela is proof that the rich will be insulated from economic ruin

Yup. Maduro and his supporters are doing great.

"Let them eat dog."
California, and its one party Democrat rule is becoming Venezuela. The very rich, and the very poor do fine. Everyone else gets screwed.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

Well from what I read the rich and elites are doing well.
Venezuela is proof that the rich will be insulated from economic ruin

Yup. Maduro and his supporters are doing great.

"Let them eat dog."
Hey, it is meat.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

Well from what I read the rich and elites are doing well.
Venezuela is proof that the rich will be insulated from economic ruin

Yup. Maduro and his supporters are doing great.

"Let them eat dog."
Hey, it is meat.

Some Asians swear by it. However ...
Sirius-Patriot afternoon host Andrew Wilkow has focused a number of monologues on "renowned" economists who were positively euphoric in praising Chavez when he nationalized the oil companies in the early 2000's, and began his socialist "revolution." They predicted great things due to the "leveling out of Venezuela's horrible inequality."

One of them - I forget the name - is a Nobel Prize Winning Economist and was HRC's chief economic advisor during her doomed presidential campaign in 2016.

Worth a listen.
What did Venezuela use before candles?
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

because we don't want to be like venezuela.

we kinda like the norway/denmark/finland models of democratic socialism.

So the REAL question is; when we point to finland why do conservatives shout VENEZUELA?

Why are you INCAPABLE of discussing Finland? or Norway?

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

Shock Poll Rates Sweden’s Anti-Immigrant Right-Wing Party as Country’s Largest

I think a lot of people, know very little about the so-called "Democratic socialism" of the Nordic states.

It's not socialist. In fact, I would tell you it is more right-wing in many ways than the US is.

Let me give you a simple example. Is welfare a socialist policy? Giving people money who are not working, simply because they exist, is clearly a "to each according to their need (even if they refuse to earn it)" is clearly socialist.

Yet, many of the Bernie left-wingers would be shocked to know.... most all nordic countries have no welfare program at all. Did you know this? There is no 'welfare' as we know it, in Denmark.

They have unemployment compensation. But you do not qualify for unemployment compensation unless you work for a 1 full year. Plus, all unemployment compensation is limited to exactly 1 year. Additionally the amount of unemployment compensation you get is determined by 60% of your average income over the past 5 years.

Is that socialist? Requiring people to work, or they get no support? No. That is more capitalist.

Now, if we proposed that system here in the US, would the left-wing here in the US support it? Would Bernie support it? No, they would be screaming that we were kicking people off welfare, and they were all going to die in the streets. We know this, because in the 90s when we cut welfare rolls in half, they screamed bloody hell.

So do you people really support nordic "democrat socialism"? No, you don't.

Like in Finland, if your child cannot keep up with students in public schools, they are removed from those schools. They have the exact opposite policy of no child left behind. Would you support that? They also have a much lower salary for entry level teachers. Would you support lower pay for new school teachers?

If we proposed Finland style education, where students who couldn't keep up, were not admitted to high school, and teachers had a lower salary to start with, would the left-wing in this country support it? Would Bernie? No you would be screaming.

So you left-wingers talk about Nordic socialism constantly, and then oppose all the policies they have in their countries. You are not in love with Nordic Policy, you are only in love with the myths you want to believe are true of Nordic countries. But they are all myths.
Sirius-Patriot afternoon host Andrew Wilkow has focused a number of monologues on "renowned" economists who were positively euphoric in praising Chavez when he nationalized the oil companies in the early 2000's, and began his socialist "revolution." They predicted great things due to the "leveling out of Venezuela's horrible inequality."

One of them - I forget the name - is a Nobel Prize Winning Economist and was HRC's chief economic advisor during her doomed presidential campaign in 2016.

Worth a listen.
The major difference between the Left and Right on leveling: The left tears down those with, the right builds up those without.
What did Venezuela use before candles?
View attachment 241950

But it was directly because of those policies that Chavez put in place, that have resulted in the death and destruction of Venezuela today.

Yeah, in the short term he was able to use oil money to improve those things. Now today, children are dying. And you don't care, because they have all those thing you destroy Venezuela over? Evil. Plain evil.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

Well from what I read the rich and elites are doing well.
Venezuela is proof that the rich will be insulated from economic ruin

Yup. Maduro and his supporters are doing great.

"Let them eat dog."
Hey, it is meat.

Some Asians swear by it. However ...
Obama prefers short hair dog.
Because you morons inevitably screech "socialism" over and over like a bunch of demented harpies as if that was the real problem and nobody else can get a word in edgewise.
Never mind. They don't even acknowledge the collapse of the USSR.

Funny how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc are all moving to Capitalism. With oil prices so low, it is only a matter of time before Baltic States implode and move to Capitalism.

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