How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
No, he doesn't. He lives in Florida which is NOT an absentee state. It is a no excuse Vote by Mail state. (Like most of the states)

He has to request his ballot, that makes it an absentee ballot, despite the hair-splitting. States that send out ballots to every registered voter allow massive voter fraud.
Complete and total annihilation of all Democrats.

That's the only way to be sure.

My way is better: divide the country into two countries.

If we just kill them all
We can have both parts
That does seem better

Killing tens of millions of people is better? Good luck with that. A simple agreement to divide this country into two countries instead means nobody has to kill anybody, and we still get what we want.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
Some of the swing states under discussion have absentee voting, but when you have 2-3 million absantee ballots to count, it takes a while. That's precisely why they adopted it for everyone. The also delayed counting them until after the regular ballots were counted. That's so they could determine how many fraudulent ballots they needed to manufacture. Also, they loosened up the rules for absentee ballots considerably. The whole thing was designed for a massive swindle.

Absentee ballots usually had strict requirements when I used them. We need to change back to those rules.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
Some of the swing states under discussion have absentee voting, but when you have 2-3 million absantee ballots to count, it takes a while. That's precisely why they adopted it for everyone. The also delayed counting them until after the regular ballots were counted. That's so they could determine how many fraudulent ballots they needed to manufacture. Also, they loosened up the rules for absentee ballots considerably. The whole thing was designed for a massive swindle.

Absentee ballots usually had strict requirements when I used them. We need to change back to those rules.
We can handle a few thousand absentte ballots, but millions of absentee ballots is a prescription for fraud. All votes should be counted by the end of election day.
Complete and total annihilation of all Democrats.

That's the only way to be sure.

My way is better: divide the country into two countries.

If we just kill them all
We can have both parts
That does seem better

Killing tens of millions of people is better? Good luck with that. A simple agreement to divide this country into two countries instead means nobody has to kill anybody, and we still get what we want.
Dims want to kill you if you don't want to remain under their thumb.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
No, he doesn't. He lives in Florida which is NOT an absentee state. It is a no excuse Vote by Mail state. (Like most of the states)

He has to request his ballot, that makes it an absentee ballot, despite the hair-splitting. States that send out ballots to every registered voter allow massive voter fraud.
even if they are requested, several million of them is a problem for honest election. It's impossible to do proper processing of that many, which makes fraud almost inevitable.
There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
"They" used to deny cigarettes caused cancer? Have proof it was Republicans that denied it while democrats believed it? It would seem you got caught up in your fever swamp there a little bit.

Well Trumptard, I suppose we could begin here eh? :rolleyes-41:
"Trumptard"? Wow, that's just unbelievable. I'll never recover from that. Man, that's just devastating, and so mature too! I mean, I expected something along the lines of a playground insult from a five year old, but you came out with one from a 6 year old! That was unexpected. You kids just grow up so fast.

Now, your contention was that "they" denied tobacco causes cancer. That's not what Pence said, is it? He said that 9 out of 10 smokers don't develop lung cancer. If that is true (oops, it is since 10 to 15% of smokers develop lung cancer), then you can't truthfully claim that he said smoking doesn't cause cancer. You really shouldn't let your 6 year old emotions run so wild with you. Please try again, and remember, it wasn't very long ago that Republicans and democrats alike smoked while ignoring warnings and not believing they would develop cancer, and most did not.

Yep,I think Trumptard is a reasonably apt description of you ;-)

First, Pence asserts that smoking doesn’t kill. To back this up, he bafflingly concedes that a huge fraction of smokers — one in three! — die from smoking-related illnesses, a fact that a casual observer could be forgiven for interpreting as proof that smoking does, in fact, kill, and kills a lot of people at that. (Only one problem: Subsequent research has found that twoout of three smokers die from a smoking-related illness — not one in three, as Pence insisted.)
Wow, you doubled down on the 6 year old's insult. What a surprise. And here you started out whining about a whole lot of people saying smoking doesn't cause cancer, but now are just whining about one person saying something else. Gotta move the goal posts in a hurry sometimes I guess.
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH
Yes, stupid American, masks save lives.

Run right down and get a suit like the emperor's. There are just as many "experts" that say masks are detrimental to your health--look out, whew, that piece of sky barely missed you.
:lol: No there aren't. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community know masks save lives. No reputable doctor is telling you not to wear a mask.
Do tell, where did you get your medical degree?
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH

That means YOU might get it. It is VERY effective in preventing you from spreading it!
So now you have a medical degree too. Watch out for that piece of sky.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
Nope, we just want them to count more than dead people's votes.

Sure, take that butthurt somewhere else.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
Sure, you cead-end trumpers believe that law is to protect one side while used against the other. Just look at the DOJ under trump sycophant billy barr.
Although I was disappointed when Attorney General Barr resigned, he never was a sycophant, and Trump gave him the right to speak his mind about being unhappy with tweets. I'm disappointed the Democrats used both him and President as a whipping boy for their irrational hatred for good Constitutional interpretation.
Conservative votes should count more than dead people's votes.
One dead person's vote cancels one of the living's.
Good thing dead people don’t vote. I have worked in an election office since 2006 and every instance of a “dead person” voting turned out to be false. Either the voter signed the wrong line on the roster, returned the wrong ballot or we killed off the wrong voter.
You're a Dim, so why should anyone take your word for it?
You're an idiot.

Why should take you for anything else.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
If we don’t stop this one we will never get it done.
You received less votes than the Democratic candidate.

There isn't a legal way to stop that.
No we didn’t. And that’s the problem.

Show your proof.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
Some of the swing states under discussion have absentee voting, but when you have 2-3 million absantee ballots to count, it takes a while. That's precisely why they adopted it for everyone. The also delayed counting them until after the regular ballots were counted. That's so they could determine how many fraudulent ballots they needed to manufacture. Also, they loosened up the rules for absentee ballots considerably. The whole thing was designed for a massive swindle.

Absentee ballots usually had strict requirements when I used them. We need to change back to those rules.
We can handle a few thousand absentte ballots, but millions of absentee ballots is a prescription for fraud. All votes should be counted by the end of election day.
There are not millions of absentee ballots. Mail-in ballots make it easy to commit fraud.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
No, he doesn't. He lives in Florida which is NOT an absentee state. It is a no excuse Vote by Mail state. (Like most of the states)

He has to request his ballot, that makes it an absentee ballot, despite the hair-splitting. States that send out ballots to every registered voter allow massive voter fraud.
even if they are requested, several million of them is a problem for honest election. It's impossible to do proper processing of that many, which makes fraud almost inevitable.
As I said, there are not millions of absentee ballots. Where did you get the idea there were?
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH

That means YOU might get it. It is VERY effective in preventing you from spreading it!
So now you have a medical degree too. Watch out for that piece of sky.

I'd rather be called Chicken Little than the chicken shit you are!

I don't need a fucking medical degree to read and now that masks work to prevent the spread of COVID. Why do you think flu numbers for this year are almost non existent?

Take you conspiracy theory and shove it up your ass, just like the birthers, the 9/11 hoaxers, and the Sandy Hook hoaxers.
There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
"They" used to deny cigarettes caused cancer? Have proof it was Republicans that denied it while democrats believed it? It would seem you got caught up in your fever swamp there a little bit.

Well Trumptard, I suppose we could begin here eh? :rolleyes-41:
"Trumptard"? Wow, that's just unbelievable. I'll never recover from that. Man, that's just devastating, and so mature too! I mean, I expected something along the lines of a playground insult from a five year old, but you came out with one from a 6 year old! That was unexpected. You kids just grow up so fast.

Now, your contention was that "they" denied tobacco causes cancer. That's not what Pence said, is it? He said that 9 out of 10 smokers don't develop lung cancer. If that is true (oops, it is since 10 to 15% of smokers develop lung cancer), then you can't truthfully claim that he said smoking doesn't cause cancer. You really shouldn't let your 6 year old emotions run so wild with you. Please try again, and remember, it wasn't very long ago that Republicans and democrats alike smoked while ignoring warnings and not believing they would develop cancer, and most did not.

Yep,I think Trumptard is a reasonably apt description of you ;-)

First, Pence asserts that smoking doesn’t kill. To back this up, he bafflingly concedes that a huge fraction of smokers — one in three! — die from smoking-related illnesses, a fact that a casual observer could be forgiven for interpreting as proof that smoking does, in fact, kill, and kills a lot of people at that. (Only one problem: Subsequent research has found that twoout of three smokers die from a smoking-related illness — not one in three, as Pence insisted.)
Wow, you doubled down on the 6 year old's insult. What a surprise. And here you started out whining about a whole lot of people saying smoking doesn't cause cancer, but now are just whining about one person saying something else. Gotta move the goal posts in a hurry sometimes I guess.

So you double down on what Mike Pence says over actual medical stats? That's funny :laugh:
You probably believed him when he said this in June too!
I'm holding you accountable to what you said, and you keep deflecting to something else. Pence never said smoking doesn't cause cancer, which is what you claimed.

I’m betting that like Dear Leader, you couldn’t “hold” a water bottle with one hand.

This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
Nope, we just want them to count more than dead people's votes.

Sure, take that butthurt somewhere else.
Why don't you kiss it and make it better, sweetpea.

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