How can people be so mean?

Guess you didn't read your own link, NOTHING has been substantiated concerning harassment or anything else.


Throwing gays off roof tops and beheading them is what you call mean. Actually, it's pure evil.

Again, the left is outraged at the wrong things.

Harassment is bad IF it even happened in this case, but no where near slaughtering people.
Life really is unfair. Bad people do bad things to good people all the time. And little babies are starving to death all around the world as i type this.

Maybe try believing in the concept of Karma. It seems to comfort many around the world. It gives many a sense of justice in a world of brutal chaos.
If you read the article, it sounds like this much ado about nothing....

When it comes to bed wetters whining when people hurt their wittle feewings it's usually a waste of time.

Yeah, they're usually the most hateful of all. It's usually a 'Doth protest too much' scenario. The same can be said of most Race-Baiters. They're usually the most bitter racists of all.

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