How Bad Is The COVID-19 Misinformation Epidemic?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.
The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€

Of which they are primarily responsible for.
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.
And sadly much of the misinformation has come from "experts".
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.

Meanwhile the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists continue their programs of disinformation,, fear mongering and panicking the citizenry. This is not willful ignorance on their part it is strickly part of their agenda. "Never Let a Crisis go to waste".....
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.


"One favorite liberal talking point throughout this crisis has been to say ā€œboy, things sure would have been different if Obama was president,ā€ and that is certainly true. Because if Obama were president, the Democrats/media axis of propaganda would not have engaged in the frenzied effort during February and early March to create a national panic about this viral gift from China as a tactic to damage him.
No question about that, and without that national panic, Dr. Fauci would have likely never gotten his national platform from which to create so much confusion and additional panic, which led directly to the whole ā€œflatten the curveā€ strategy involving what became almost a national lockdown. Without that national panic created by the Democrats and media, we might have saved tens of thousands of elderly lives that have instead been lost.
Never forget what these people did to our country in the crass pursuit of partisan political power."

Kudos to the author David Blackman. More OUTSTANDING work. Thank you, sir.
Rather than work with the president to fight this pandemic, the so called leaders within the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left in Congress, State and City governments spread their fear mongering, panic and in many cases the virus itself throughout Nursing Homes.

Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where itā€™s coming from as it moves swiftly towards you. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask; by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible? - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.
Maybe it is trump's briefing and his tweets.
The Covid-19 trauma should humble Americans, who often too easily ridicule the ignorance and incompetence of other nations' "leaders."

Our "leaders" (federal, state, and local) don't know what they are doing, either. They are simply throwing out ideas and hoping that some are correct.

A year from now, some of the "experts" are going to be very embarrassed. For example, here in Los Angeles, the lockdown has been draconian. Yet it is one of the hotspots of the nation, according to the media. The "experts" do not know why.

The Los Angeles Times (I canceled my subscription to that rag last year, but I picked it up this morning for our elderly neighbor) had a headline that said something like: "There is no grief in the nation for the 100,000 Covid-19 deaths. Trump is counting on this apathy to get reelected." When headlines become mini-editorials, you know that we are in big trouble!
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.
You mean like those who walk around outside with masks on.
The disinformation lies with those who continue to disregard data and instead maintain politically motivated, unnecessary and counterproductive draconian lockdown measures.
ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.

Stop licking the CCP's boots and you might feel better.
What misinformation. You mean our beloved Blackfaced Governor who went to the beach sans mask to do some social distancing before he orders us to wear masks Tuesday could be lying?

ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has been equally defined by how much we donā€™t know as how much we do. That vacuum has been quickly filled with bullshit. The United Nations secretary-general has warned weā€™re living through ā€œa pandemic of misinformation,ā€ and the head of the World Health Organization said itā€™s an ā€œinfodemic.ā€ In the midst of battling a global health emergency, we find ourselves fending off another scourge of conspiracy theories and misinformation.


One of the reasons we might be seeing more people falling for misinformation is the knowledge gap that comes with an emerging disease like COVID-19. Thereā€™s a lot we still donā€™t know about this virus, and that lack of understanding can create a vacuum that is all too easily filled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.ā€™

Misinformation and willful ignorance.

Everything you need to know Lord Faucci will tell you. Dont ask questions....just obey

Sure, better to mock a scientist and support trump, not only is trump a medical dilettante, but a damn liar.

Exhibit A

I suggest you obey The Donald, go out to a very crowded bar, today and tomorrow, don't wear a mask, and mock anyone who wears one. Then make sure to take Hydroxychloroquine for the next two weeks, and during that time move freely among your friends, relatives, neighbors and strangers.

I know you will not read this link, since it will make clear what trump has said, not said he said, and lied about.


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