How About a Thread Concerning the Cooperation between Israeli's and Arab Muslims

I was actually trying to show a moment of cooperation between business allies across the fence.

I'd prefer to see more of this shit than the other. I think in the end we all want peace
Unlike the muslims who gave their conquered enemies nothing but death and violence.

How many innocents have been mass murdered in the genocides carried out by muslims in the last century, my conservative figures put them at around the 100 million mark. Closely followed by the communists in their various forms with close to the same numbers
This is not a hate thread, dude.

It's about cooperation between the two tribes.

Now, do have any story's about Israeli-Muslim cooperation?

See my reply, there is so little that it is not worth a thread of its own. What there is is so one sided that it is inconsequential, while the evidence of mass murders of innocents by muslims is almost daily
Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote

Replace "Ghetto" with "Gaza"; "Jewish" with "Palestinian"; "Aryan" with "Zionist" and the parallel is there for all to see,
"...The main fault in their reasoning was their assumption that the exchange of products between the Ghetto and the Aryan world would be carried out solely on official lines, that is, through the specially created Transferstelle. In practice it became evident that the ratio of official exports to unofficial was in proportion to the ratio of official food supplies to the real ones. It turned out that the Ghetto continued to carry out lively economic transactions with the Aryan side as before, and that economic ties created long before the war were not cut off, even when the walls that separated the Ghetto from the Aryan world were raised higher and still higher.

Apart from what was produced officially for the needs of the German Army and the German market in general, the Ghetto continued to produce for the Polish market, utilizing the stock of raw materials in the Ghetto and raw materials smuggled into the Ghetto. These raw materials were acquired, illegally of course, from firms in custody in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Czestochowa, Lodz, etc,, out of these firms' quotas of raw materials.

Jewish industrialists and artisans displayed unprecedented ingenuity in contriving substitutes to replace scarce materials. Everything that had been manufactured for the Aryan market before the war was being produced now as well. The weaving plants produced excellent woolen fabrics with wool stolen from factories in Czestochowa, the "Wola" factory in Warsaw and from other towns. Prayer shawls were dyed and made into scarves, sweaters, etc.

Production was started of women's kerchiefs, jerseys, peasant's overcoats, etc. These were made out of old clothes that could be bought wholesale on the enormous square on Gesia Street (the so-called Gesiowka), where there were mass sales of things that had belonged to the Jewish population, which was being reduced to poverty.

Day after day, special agents of various firms would buy up thousands of kilograms of old sheets and all sorts of old clothes in general. In this market Polish merchants sold a large transport of old clothes (20,000 kilograms) bought from the Lublin Werterfassung after the liquidation of the Ghettos in the District of Lublin. All these old clothes were dyed and printed with various patterns in the dye house set up specially for this purpose on Niska Street or in private flats.

A flourishing textile industry was organized by former Lodz entrepreneurs. Woolen stockings and mixed cotton and wool gloves were produced. The production of fancy articles made from wool, cotton and leather also flourished. Cardboard from various kinds of castoff packaging and the covers of old account books was pressed and made into fiber suitcases..." POLISH-JEWISH ECONOMIC QUESTIONS

Co-operation, yeah, sure, whatever you say.
Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote

Replace "Ghetto" with "Gaza"; "Jewish" with "Palestinian"; "Aryan" with "Zionist" and the parallel is there for all to see,
"...The main fault in their reasoning was their assumption that the exchange of products between the Ghetto and the Aryan world would be carried out solely on official lines, that is, through the specially created Transferstelle. In practice it became evident that the ratio of official exports to unofficial was in proportion to the ratio of official food supplies to the real ones. It turned out that the Ghetto continued to carry out lively economic transactions with the Aryan side as before, and that economic ties created long before the war were not cut off, even when the walls that separated the Ghetto from the Aryan world were raised higher and still higher.

Apart from what was produced officially for the needs of the German Army and the German market in general, the Ghetto continued to produce for the Polish market, utilizing the stock of raw materials in the Ghetto and raw materials smuggled into the Ghetto. These raw materials were acquired, illegally of course, from firms in custody in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Czestochowa, Lodz, etc,, out of these firms' quotas of raw materials.

Jewish industrialists and artisans displayed unprecedented ingenuity in contriving substitutes to replace scarce materials. Everything that had been manufactured for the Aryan market before the war was being produced now as well. The weaving plants produced excellent woolen fabrics with wool stolen from factories in Czestochowa, the "Wola" factory in Warsaw and from other towns. Prayer shawls were dyed and made into scarves, sweaters, etc.

Production was started of women's kerchiefs, jerseys, peasant's overcoats, etc. These were made out of old clothes that could be bought wholesale on the enormous square on Gesia Street (the so-called Gesiowka), where there were mass sales of things that had belonged to the Jewish population, which was being reduced to poverty.

Day after day, special agents of various firms would buy up thousands of kilograms of old sheets and all sorts of old clothes in general. In this market Polish merchants sold a large transport of old clothes (20,000 kilograms) bought from the Lublin Werterfassung after the liquidation of the Ghettos in the District of Lublin. All these old clothes were dyed and printed with various patterns in the dye house set up specially for this purpose on Niska Street or in private flats.

A flourishing textile industry was organized by former Lodz entrepreneurs. Woolen stockings and mixed cotton and wool gloves were produced. The production of fancy articles made from wool, cotton and leather also flourished. Cardboard from various kinds of castoff packaging and the covers of old account books was pressed and made into fiber suitcases..." POLISH-JEWISH ECONOMIC QUESTIONS

Co-operation, yeah, sure, whatever you say.

Only if you are blind, stood on one leg and under the influence of psychotropic substances. The only ghettos are those imposed by the Palestinians, the worst offenders for attacking the Palestinians are their own people, and as for Aryan replace that with arab and you are right on the money.

Who is putting the biggest obstacles in the way of the enterprising Palestinian, non other than hamas that is taxing him out of existence. But then your political support goes to those who want to do the same thing in the UK, and tax the working man so they can give it to the immigrant terrorists to mass murder and mass rape the indigenous.
Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote

Replace "Ghetto" with "Gaza"; "Jewish" with "Palestinian"; "Aryan" with "Zionist" and the parallel is there for all to see,
"...The main fault in their reasoning was their assumption that the exchange of products between the Ghetto and the Aryan world would be carried out solely on official lines, that is, through the specially created Transferstelle. In practice it became evident that the ratio of official exports to unofficial was in proportion to the ratio of official food supplies to the real ones. It turned out that the Ghetto continued to carry out lively economic transactions with the Aryan side as before, and that economic ties created long before the war were not cut off, even when the walls that separated the Ghetto from the Aryan world were raised higher and still higher.

Apart from what was produced officially for the needs of the German Army and the German market in general, the Ghetto continued to produce for the Polish market, utilizing the stock of raw materials in the Ghetto and raw materials smuggled into the Ghetto. These raw materials were acquired, illegally of course, from firms in custody in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Czestochowa, Lodz, etc,, out of these firms' quotas of raw materials.

Jewish industrialists and artisans displayed unprecedented ingenuity in contriving substitutes to replace scarce materials. Everything that had been manufactured for the Aryan market before the war was being produced now as well. The weaving plants produced excellent woolen fabrics with wool stolen from factories in Czestochowa, the "Wola" factory in Warsaw and from other towns. Prayer shawls were dyed and made into scarves, sweaters, etc.

Production was started of women's kerchiefs, jerseys, peasant's overcoats, etc. These were made out of old clothes that could be bought wholesale on the enormous square on Gesia Street (the so-called Gesiowka), where there were mass sales of things that had belonged to the Jewish population, which was being reduced to poverty.

Day after day, special agents of various firms would buy up thousands of kilograms of old sheets and all sorts of old clothes in general. In this market Polish merchants sold a large transport of old clothes (20,000 kilograms) bought from the Lublin Werterfassung after the liquidation of the Ghettos in the District of Lublin. All these old clothes were dyed and printed with various patterns in the dye house set up specially for this purpose on Niska Street or in private flats.

A flourishing textile industry was organized by former Lodz entrepreneurs. Woolen stockings and mixed cotton and wool gloves were produced. The production of fancy articles made from wool, cotton and leather also flourished. Cardboard from various kinds of castoff packaging and the covers of old account books was pressed and made into fiber suitcases..." POLISH-JEWISH ECONOMIC QUESTIONS

Co-operation, yeah, sure, whatever you say.

You are hopelessly racist and bigoted. Its really sad to see. The Arab Muslims and their supporters are simply lost in a fairytale of hatred that they can't escape from.

Even a story of cooperation isn't going to sway them one bit. Its blither on with the racism no matter what.

This is why I suggested in another thread that Israel should stop playing nice guy and simply win the war asap.
Unlike the muslims who gave their conquered enemies nothing but death and violence.

How many innocents have been mass murdered in the genocides carried out by muslims in the last century, my conservative figures put them at around the 100 million mark. Closely followed by the communists in their various forms with close to the same numbers
This is not a hate thread, dude.

It's about cooperation between the two tribes.

Now, do have any story's about Israeli-Muslim cooperation?

I'm not exactly Israeli but I am Jewish, and I had a Muslim co-worker who used to call me "Cousin".
Unlike the muslims who gave their conquered enemies nothing but death and violence.

How many innocents have been mass murdered in the genocides carried out by muslims in the last century, my conservative figures put them at around the 100 million mark. Closely followed by the communists in their various forms with close to the same numbers
This is not a hate thread, dude.

It's about cooperation between the two tribes.

Now, do have any story's about Israeli-Muslim cooperation?

I'm not exactly Israeli but I am Jewish, and I had a Muslim co-worker who used to call me "Cousin".

Actually, I do have Israeli citizenship. I spent my freshman year of college studying at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. After 3 months, I had to go to a gov't agency to renew my student's visa. When they checked my passport and records, they discovered that my mom had left Israel to go live in America. Since my mom was an Israeli citizen, they said I was one too, although I had been born in America. They conferred Israeli citizenship on me then and there. So all of you anti-Semites on this Board can spit on me now, since I'm that dreaded dual citizen y'all hate so much.
You are hopelessly racist and bigoted.

Far from it, Humanism doesn't recognise the concept of race/racism; that's something the English invented, the Germans perverted and the Zionist exploited. Zionism is a politico-religious creed based on the alleged "superior rights" of a Herrenvolk, the so called "Jewish people"; a creed I detest. You want to see a racist bigot? Go look in the mirror.
You are hopelessly racist and bigoted.

Far from it, Humanism doesn't recognise the concept of race/racism; that's something the English invented, the Germans perverted and the Zionist exploited. Zionism is a politico-religious creed based on the alleged "superior rights" of a Herrenvolk, the so called "Jewish people"; a creed I detest. You want to see a racist bigot? Go look in the mirror.

And you are far removed from being a humanist as shown by your colourful language and terms used to describe the Jews and their supporters. To reduce every argument that you cant browbeat into submission to hasbara shows that you are nothing short of being a NAZI. The Jews and/or Zionists do not eschew a superior race, far from it they eschew equality for all. It is the Nazi's and islamomazi's that are pushing the superiority schtick
And you are far removed from being a humanist as shown by your colourful language and terms used to describe the Jews and their supporters. To reduce every argument that you cant browbeat into submission to hasbara shows that you are nothing short of being a NAZI. The Jews and/or Zionists do not eschew a superior race, far from it they eschew equality for all. It is the Nazi's and islamomazi's that are pushing the superiority schtick
You do realize eschew means "to shun"?

Are you saying Zionists shun equality for all?

Because if you are, I agree with you.

How'd you make the leap from selling 2nd hand Israeli Nikes and Haggar slacks in Gaza to traitor Jews serving in Hitler's army??

Are you THAT opposed to peace and commerce?? Takes a special type of demented to make connections like that.

You are aware that when proposals were floated to trade some traditional Arab towns in Israel in exchange for similar sized plots in the West Bank --- that the Arab-Israeli residents of those town FIRMLY (by up to 80%) REJECTED losing their Israeli citizenship or residency and to be ruled by the PA ----- RIght??

Now THOSE idiots who PREFERRED a developed and organized Israel to the chaos and strife of Palestinian rule --- them dudes/dudettes are REALLY traitors.. :badgrin:
Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote

Replace "Ghetto" with "Gaza"; "Jewish" with "Palestinian"; "Aryan" with "Zionist" and the parallel is there for all to see,
"...The main fault in their reasoning was their assumption that the exchange of products between the Ghetto and the Aryan world would be carried out solely on official lines, that is, through the specially created Transferstelle. In practice it became evident that the ratio of official exports to unofficial was in proportion to the ratio of official food supplies to the real ones. It turned out that the Ghetto continued to carry out lively economic transactions with the Aryan side as before, and that economic ties created long before the war were not cut off, even when the walls that separated the Ghetto from the Aryan world were raised higher and still higher.

Apart from what was produced officially for the needs of the German Army and the German market in general, the Ghetto continued to produce for the Polish market, utilizing the stock of raw materials in the Ghetto and raw materials smuggled into the Ghetto. These raw materials were acquired, illegally of course, from firms in custody in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Czestochowa, Lodz, etc,, out of these firms' quotas of raw materials.

Jewish industrialists and artisans displayed unprecedented ingenuity in contriving substitutes to replace scarce materials. Everything that had been manufactured for the Aryan market before the war was being produced now as well. The weaving plants produced excellent woolen fabrics with wool stolen from factories in Czestochowa, the "Wola" factory in Warsaw and from other towns. Prayer shawls were dyed and made into scarves, sweaters, etc.

Production was started of women's kerchiefs, jerseys, peasant's overcoats, etc. These were made out of old clothes that could be bought wholesale on the enormous square on Gesia Street (the so-called Gesiowka), where there were mass sales of things that had belonged to the Jewish population, which was being reduced to poverty.

Day after day, special agents of various firms would buy up thousands of kilograms of old sheets and all sorts of old clothes in general. In this market Polish merchants sold a large transport of old clothes (20,000 kilograms) bought from the Lublin Werterfassung after the liquidation of the Ghettos in the District of Lublin. All these old clothes were dyed and printed with various patterns in the dye house set up specially for this purpose on Niska Street or in private flats.

A flourishing textile industry was organized by former Lodz entrepreneurs. Woolen stockings and mixed cotton and wool gloves were produced. The production of fancy articles made from wool, cotton and leather also flourished. Cardboard from various kinds of castoff packaging and the covers of old account books was pressed and made into fiber suitcases..." POLISH-JEWISH ECONOMIC QUESTIONS

Co-operation, yeah, sure, whatever you say.

Quite dramatic -- but you get a 10 yard illegal substitution penalty for butchering the analogy. We're talking about LITERALLY 3 or 5 people trying to make a life and WILLINGLY cooperating in trade. And you and SunniMan go off on Nazis and Polish Ghettos..

You do realize that MORE OF THIS might just be a part of the solution.. And then YOU'D be out a full time hobby of Israel bashing...
You are aware that when proposals were floated to trade some traditional Arab towns in Israel in exchange for similar sized plots in the West Bank --- that the Arab-Israeli residents of those town FIRMLY (by up to 80%) REJECTED losing their Israeli citizenship or residency and to be ruled by the PA -----
Why should the Palestanian people agree to be uprooted and moved from their traditional neighborhoods?

Of course they said No......and I don't blame them for telling the cheating lying Israeli's to go fvck themselves. ..... :cool:
Its absolutely ridiculous that some people here have so little respect for the system they see no inducement to keep on topic.

I'm floored they are allowed to continue interrupting one conversation after another. WTF

The subject in case it needs to be renewed is

Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote
And you are far removed from being a humanist as shown by your colourful language and terms used to describe the Jews and their supporters. To reduce every argument that you cant browbeat into submission to hasbara shows that you are nothing short of being a NAZI. The Jews and/or Zionists do not eschew a superior race, far from it they eschew equality for all. It is the Nazi's and islamomazi's that are pushing the superiority schtick
You do realize eschew means "to shun"?

Are you saying Zionists shun equality for all?

Because if you are, I agree with you.

So I made a typo. is that all you have as a rebuttal, if it is then you don't have much do you
You are aware that when proposals were floated to trade some traditional Arab towns in Israel in exchange for similar sized plots in the West Bank --- that the Arab-Israeli residents of those town FIRMLY (by up to 80%) REJECTED losing their Israeli citizenship or residency and to be ruled by the PA -----
Why should the Palestanian people agree to be uprooted and moved from their traditional neighborhoods?

Of course they said No......and I don't blame them for telling the cheating lying Israeli's to go fvck themselves. ..... :cool:

That was not what was proposed just the transfer of the sovereignty of the land across an imaginary line. It was losing their Jewish citizenship they opposed, and having to be ruled by islamonazi terrorist scum.
Its absolutely ridiculous that some people here have so little respect for the system they see no inducement to keep on topic.

I'm floored they are allowed to continue interrupting one conversation after another. WTF

The subject in case it needs to be renewed is

Secondhand clothes from Israel popular at Gaza flea market


Every month, local merchant Fayez Miqdad brings in 20 tons of clothing through Kerem Shalom, the only commercial crossing with Israel, and sells them at weekly markets throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to new taxes introduced by Hamas last year, the clothes cost him 4,000 shekels per ton, up from 3,000 shekels.

Miqdad is among seven Gazan businessmen who import used clothes. He claims to be the oldest, having worked with an Israeli business partner for 40 years.

Whenever his partner gets enough clothes, Miqdad said he goes to Tel Aviv to inspect the shipment before it is sent to Gaza. He is among some 2,355 Gazan merchants who have permits to enter Israel to conduct business, according to COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs.

End Quote

They way they go on you would think they did not want the Jews and muslims to ever be at peace, and just want them killing each other so they can get their jollies thinking about all the blood and gore
You are aware that when proposals were floated to trade some traditional Arab towns in Israel in exchange for similar sized plots in the West Bank --- that the Arab-Israeli residents of those town FIRMLY (by up to 80%) REJECTED losing their Israeli citizenship or residency and to be ruled by the PA -----
Why should the Palestanian people agree to be uprooted and moved from their traditional neighborhoods?

Of course they said No......and I don't blame them for telling the cheating lying Israeli's to go fvck themselves. ..... :cool:

You really didn't READ that comment -- didya whiney-ass?

NO ONE was asking them to leave their homes. The government simply would have been the PA rather than Israel. And their ECONOMY would have become Arab poor instead of Israeli rich. Their towns are just on the Israel side of the Green Line..

And they said no.. CHOSE to stay in Israel as citizens/residents -- EVEN IF --- they self identify as Palestinians.

you just oppose ANY arrangement to live with, cooperate with, negotiate with, party with, or trade with Jews.

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