Clay Buster
Never a dull moment
I've been a member of this discussion board for exactly one day and I joined in the hopes that I would find intelligent discussion of political issues which I don't seem to find on my "Roll Tide" message board or my favorite "Clay Shooting" message board.
I have yet to find those discussions. Maybe they are here and if I wade through enough disinformation threads from both parties I can find those gems, but they are not readily apparent.
So with that said I am starting this thread in the hopes that we can have some of those discussions. There is not much time before the general election but there is enough time to fully inform ourselves on the candidates and the platforms which they are running on.
I know most of you would like to know the ACTUAL positions of these candidates and not the junk being spewed by Dem and Repub hacks.
So I encourage you to post any question you may have on a major issue our country is facing and let's flesh out these candidates and what they believe.
Just remember folks:
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
So, let's start with some real numbers on McCain's and Obama's income tax plan since I noticed a great deal of wrong information on this board.
I pulled this information from the CNN Money section.
Income.............................Avg. tax bill............Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M.......................-$269,364................+$701,885
$603K and up....................-$45,361..................+$115,974
Under $19K........................-$19.......................-$567
It looks like McCain will give the biggest tax breaks for those making $200,000 or higher.
Obama looks like he is sticking it to the wealthy, but his claims of making HUGE tax cuts for the middle class don't appear to be as large as some make out.
I have yet to find those discussions. Maybe they are here and if I wade through enough disinformation threads from both parties I can find those gems, but they are not readily apparent.
So with that said I am starting this thread in the hopes that we can have some of those discussions. There is not much time before the general election but there is enough time to fully inform ourselves on the candidates and the platforms which they are running on.
I know most of you would like to know the ACTUAL positions of these candidates and not the junk being spewed by Dem and Repub hacks.
So I encourage you to post any question you may have on a major issue our country is facing and let's flesh out these candidates and what they believe.
Just remember folks:
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
So, let's start with some real numbers on McCain's and Obama's income tax plan since I noticed a great deal of wrong information on this board.
I pulled this information from the CNN Money section.
Income.............................Avg. tax bill............Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M.......................-$269,364................+$701,885
$603K and up....................-$45,361..................+$115,974
Under $19K........................-$19.......................-$567
It looks like McCain will give the biggest tax breaks for those making $200,000 or higher.
Obama looks like he is sticking it to the wealthy, but his claims of making HUGE tax cuts for the middle class don't appear to be as large as some make out.