CDZ How about a 3 Digit IQ Zone?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Even in the CDZ, there are an annoying number of insipid one-line posts which add nothing to the debate other than to identify the poster as simple minded. I am wondering if a new forum could be established wherein being able to answer a (rotating) test question would be required for daily participation?
If I apply three times, will you add up my scores?

No, one chance per day is all you get. For example, a daily test question might be to correctly identify the formula for computing the area of a circle.
Put them on ignore.


Then you have to make an effort to view the insipid shit, if you're in the mood to ridicule it.

It makes scrolling through the forum soooo much more efficient.


Not really, because others feel compelled to respond to these posts, thereby hijacking the substance of the thread.

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