Housing justice; Free college; Free healthcare; Free daycare; BERNIE FOR the American middle class!


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent
You’ve got to be a parody account. Nobody can possibly be this stupid. Every post you make is ridiculous.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Don't go to college if you can't afford to pay for it
Don't live where you can't afford to.
If you can't afford medical insurance, don't expect others to pay for it.
Don't have kids if you can't afford to raise them.

It's all pretty basic.
50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent

They did this in New York for decades and it destroyed the property markets. Prime real estate went vacant and allowed to deteriorate because it wasn't worth the cost to rent them out.

Rent control is the best way to increase homelessness in the US.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent
I agree that your generation got screwed by urban overpopulation/gentrification and the increasing gap between rich & others (declining middle class).
However, nothing should be FREE, except basic human rights & respect.
That means the privileged & government should HELP the less fortunate flourish toward a much better position.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent
Bernie is not the answer. He is just another Socialist promising the impossible so he can get elected.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent

Go to community college.
Get roommates.
Stop doing drugs and your medical bills will go away.
Don’t make babies if you can’t afford it.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent

Hey dumbass. Nothing is free. We taxpayers will end up paying for all Bernies "free" stuff.

You really are a clueless moron.
You can't have a middle class lifestyle without college

I can tell you've never tried to hire a plumber or a carpenter.

Or an electrician, a mason, a stucco specialist.

All those folks went to trade school or apprenticed under an expert, not college and I'd bet they are making more money than the college grads.

They will always have work, can't say the same for those college grads.
What makes my generation 18-29 yrs old broke?
College tuition and loans
Outrageous rent for an apartment
Medical bills
Insane daycare costs

Bernie will fix all this. How can we let a generation go broke with all the above, all while countless billionaires fly around the world on vacations and hire private chefs and pilots.

HOUSING JUSTICE was new tonight and its spot on!!!! 50% of all rental properties in all states should be capped rent, no more than 10% of the tenants monthly pay for rent

What a load of crap.

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