House Republicans You're Acting Like Maggots on Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!

If the GOP isn't voting for the bill, it isn't "bipartisan" by definition.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!


It isn't the repubs who are threatening to block this bill, it's the Far Left democrats who want their $3.5 tril bullshit bill to be passed 1st.

House Democrats will honor their commitment to moderates and vote early next week on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday.

"It will come up on Monday," the Speaker told reporters just outside the Capitol.

Whether the bill will pass, however, remains an open question. And liberals are already predicting it won't.

"It cannot pass," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said Friday. "I don't bluff, I don't grandstand. We just don't have the votes for it."

Behind Jayapal, liberal lawmakers have been lining up by the dozen to oppose the infrastructure bill, not to protest the policy, but because they want to vote first on a larger, $3.5 trillion social spending package that stands as the second piece of President Biden's two-part domestic agenda.

Show me where anybody says the GOP is blocking that bipartisan bill. I believe you are mistaken about that.
Dictionary definition of "infrastructure:" The BASIC physical and organizational facilities (i.e., buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
If the so-called "Infrastructure Bill" was limited strictly to the infrastructure definition, that would be fine, BUT IT'S NOT.
The left needs to focus on reducing our federal deficit.
Dictionary definition of "infrastructure:" The BASIC physical and organizational facilities (i.e., buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
If the so-called "Infrastructure Bill" was limited strictly to the infrastructure definition, that would be fine, BUT IT'S NOT.
The bipartisan bill the OP is referring to does.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!

What you fail to understand is none of that falls within the constitutional powers of the feds.

The OP is idiotic. The democrats control the House, so Nancy doesn't need ANY House Republican votes to pass whatever she wants to pass, duh.

task0778 is correct that the radical House democrats are the ones who will sink the infrastructure bill.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!

Of course they are, they're all the same.
Dictionary definition of "infrastructure:" The BASIC physical and organizational facilities (i.e., buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
If the so-called "Infrastructure Bill" was limited strictly to the infrastructure definition, that would be fine, BUT IT'S NOT.
The left needs to focus on reducing our federal deficit.

That is hilarious!

The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!
The Democrats control the House, they don't need one Republican to vote for this bill in order to pass it. It seems several fiscally responsible Democrats are not going to vote for the bill. You identified $269 billion on a $3.5 trillion bill. That leaves tons of room for waste.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!
Uhhhhh…. The interest of the country would be stopping Drone Killer *Joe and his band of marxists from pissing away 5 Trillion dollars to buy votes in the mid terms.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!
Nice Dimmer rant. Thankfully our Republican leaders support America and would never vote for this abomination.
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!

Holy shit that's a lot of poorly paragraphed nonsense. I got 3 sentences in and said "nope this isn't worth sifting through that wall of text".
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!

The Republicans are NOT the ones blocking this bill.

The Democrats have all the politicians they need to pass every bill they want...the only thing standing in the Democrats' way are DEMOCRATS.

And Manchin said today in a quick interview in between negotiations / deliberations the problem with the bill is all the self-serving crap his fellow Democrats are trying to pack in the bill.

The Democrats had pretty much an agreement to pass the Infrastructure bill but demanded the $5.5 trillion dollar pork deficit monster be passed 1st - Manchin refused & demanded the $1.9 trillion Infrastructure bill passed 1st.

The Democrats now see their $5.5 trillion is all but dead so they are turning to the Infrastructur bill, trying to fatten it up with more pork, causing the $1.9 trillion cost to go up.

Manchin said today he won't go for that either.

Again, cut the crap about it all being the GOP's fault. That's a lie.

This is all on the Democrats!
The bulk of House Republicans seemed prepared to act like really disgraceful and reprehensible Americans in not voting to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill coming up for a vote in the House this Monday! These Congresspeople can put forth whatever self-serving defense of their actions they want but the absolute truth of the matter, what is as apparent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, is that these Republicans are putting the interests of their Party over the interests of the country in their vote against passage of this bill; they will be causing significant harm to the country in their blocking of this bill. The country desperately needs significant infrastructure spending the country is in an extremely depraved state whether it be the condition of our roads and bridges, our power grid, broadband internet access, etc.. This is a great bill it increases needed spending levels in a restrained amount and makes a credible effort to pay for this expenditure it holds to Congress's responsibility to be good stewards of the nation's finances! In a country that is evidently politically split basically down the middle, the authors and supporters of this bill have shown themselves that the Federal government can function under such circumstances.

This bill is so needed and will move the country forward it deserves to be said this bill should have been enacted into law yesterday! The bill allots $73 billion for the Electric Grid and Power Infrastructure. Today America's electricity grid is very segmented one sector may have more electricity generation than the sector needs but the transmission lines don't exist to transport the power to a sector that needs that power generation; this bipartisan infrastructure bill will fund thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines that will ameliorate that problem. Plus, it is almost incontrovertible that America needs to bring dramatically more renewable power generation on line the current problem is that America is short on the high voltage transmission lines needed to transport the power from where generated to where needed by users, this bill again ameliorates the problem by funding transmission lines. This bill prudently funds numerous novel carbon capture projects where this technical know how will be desperately needed in the future, for the world doesn't have the volume of rare earth minerals to support needed electricity storage capacity for the grid resulting in America being stuck with significant amount of natural gas and coal power generation for the indefinite future and if we don't capture the carbon generated from this fossil fuel power generation the resulting CO2 dumping into the atmosphere will cause significantly worse climate damage than that which already has occurred!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill allots $66 billion for passenger and freight rail which will allow a significant amount of rail tracks to be built so passenger trains and freight trains can be run on separate rail lines so as to reduce the current delays on freight rail transportation in the United States, this will strengthen our economy. This bill allots $65 billion for expanding broadband internet availability across America; this will make America fairer in a fundamentally important way! High speed internet makes a difference in expanding business opportunities and educational opportunities for American families that have such, this bill will expand this technology for millions of families providing these important benefits for these families. This bill allots $50 billion for water storage in the Western part of the country, this part of the country contains a huge portion of America's agricultural industry which is one of America's greatest economic assets. This will not only help this region from the devastating droughts that it regularly experiences because of climate change but it will also protect America from the massive tax losses the nation's treasury experiences when droughts are permitted to wreak havoc in the farm communities in this region of the country. The bipartisan bill allots $15 billion to replace lead pipes used for water distribution in the United States; this is an urgently needed expenditure because it will help reduce bitter division in America for many of the communities with the lead pipe problem are poor minority communities and so as much as the country can put this problem behind us we lessen conflict between these communities and the balance of the nation!

These partisan House Republicans are just full of nonsense when they claim well passing this bipartisan infrastructure bill will just help the Democrats pass the $3.5 trillion monstrosity bill from Hell they want to pass. Prudence calls for just the opposite conclusion, the country absolutely and without reservation needs to increase infrastructure spending so if this restrained bipartisan infrastructure bill fails the pressure on moderate Democrats to pass a Democrat partisan infrastructure bill will be ungodly they won't be able to withstand the force on them to vote for the partisan bill and America will end up with a shockingly expensive, economy destroying and irreversibly damaging act from Washington!
Actually they are putting the interests of the country over the interests of the Democrat party. This so-called "infrastructure" bill is nothing but a mountain of porked designed to get Democrats elected. Only an unscrupulous douchebag would support it.

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