House GOP Targeting Title X, Pushing Abstinence Only Programs

"The cost of covering a Medicaid-funded birth, including prenatal care, delivery, postpartum and infant care for a year, was an estimated $12,613 in 2008, according to a May 2010 Guttmacher Institute study. This far outpaces the cost of providing birth control and other contraceptive services to low-income women at Title X-funded clinics, which averages only $257 per client per year."

That's why.

Again, why is this the government's job to fund births?

This is the problem with you libs, you think this should all be the government's job.

Frankly, I think that banning abortion is a practical impossibility, but the government shouldn't be funding them, or births, or anything else.

And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

Prior to WW2 hardly anyone had health insurance. I guess we all lived in fields in the 1935 and just had babies and went on working.
And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

I know this might come as a horrific shock to you, but through most of history, that's how people had kids.

People without health insurance should keep their legs together if they can't afford kids.

But hells bells, family planning is for people who work for a living. If you are living in the "Safety Hammock", someone else will pick up the tab.

"He suffers from the socialist disease in its worst form, the belief the world owes him a living" - Robert Heinlein.

Historically, towns had a country doctor that would treat you for chickens. Welcome to the 21st century where an overnight stay in a hospital costs 10K.

People without health insurance should be given access to free contraceptives so they can still have a life.

Another Guess the Quote:

Who said?

"We need to make population and family planning household words. We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter."
And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

I know this might come as a horrific shock to you, but through most of history, that's how people had kids.

People without health insurance should keep their legs together if they can't afford kids.

But hells bells, family planning is for people who work for a living. If you are living in the "Safety Hammock", someone else will pick up the tab.

"He suffers from the socialist disease in its worst form, the belief the world owes him a living" - Robert Heinlein.

Historically, towns had a country doctor that would treat you for chickens. Welcome to the 21st century where an overnight stay in a hospital costs 10K.

People without health insurance should be given access to free contraceptives so they can still have a life.

Another Guess the Quote:

Who said?

"We need to make population and family planning household words. We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter."

So prior to WW2 everyone lived in a small town with a local doctor? Really?
Do you actually think about what you say or just mouth stereotypes from television?
ANd the quote is from Adolph Hitler.
Again, why is this the government's job to fund births?

This is the problem with you libs, you think this should all be the government's job.

Frankly, I think that banning abortion is a practical impossibility, but the government shouldn't be funding them, or births, or anything else.

And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

Prior to WW2 hardly anyone had health insurance. I guess we all lived in fields in the 1935 and just had babies and went on working.

To be absolutely fair, in 1935, we also had an infant morality rate of 4.5%, as opposed to less than 1% today.

The great miracle of modern health care is that we have all these things we can do. The downside is that it is so expensive you either need a big government program to pay for it or some kind of catostrophic insurance.
And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

I know this might come as a horrific shock to you, but through most of history, that's how people had kids.

People without health insurance should keep their legs together if they can't afford kids.

But hells bells, family planning is for people who work for a living. If you are living in the "Safety Hammock", someone else will pick up the tab.

"He suffers from the socialist disease in its worst form, the belief the world owes him a living" - Robert Heinlein.

Historically, towns had a country doctor that would treat you for chickens. Welcome to the 21st century where an overnight stay in a hospital costs 10K.

People without health insurance should be given access to free contraceptives so they can still have a life.


I agree, health care costs are out of control, but your boy Hussein didn't do anything to control that. He's probably made it worse.

The reason why it costs 10K is that same hospital is expected to treat any stew bum who walks in for free if he walks into an ER, so the costs are spread over to the paying customers.

The "Doctor working for chickens" metaphor doesn't work. The thing is, his ability to treat anything prior to 1950 or so was barely worth the value of a chicken. He couldn't treat cancer or do a heart bypass or anything like that.
And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

Prior to WW2 hardly anyone had health insurance. I guess we all lived in fields in the 1935 and just had babies and went on working.

To be absolutely fair, in 1935, we also had an infant morality rate of 4.5%, as opposed to less than 1% today.

The great miracle of modern health care is that we have all these things we can do. The downside is that it is so expensive you either need a big government program to pay for it or some kind of catostrophic insurance.

Lots of thing saffected mortality. Medical care is one of them. But the notion that before insurance there was some idyllic world where everything was free is nonsense. So is the idea that poor people are penniless. It is a myth.
Here's the part of the Washington Post piece the HuffPo nimrod 'forgot' to mention...
House Republicans jockey to influence the next budget - The Washington Post
But this bill doesn’t necessarily represent what the GOP leadership — or all of the members of the Republican caucus — will end up pushing for in the budget negotiations. The House GOP leadership has yet to sign off on Rehberg’s bill, which isn’t scheduled as of now to come to the floor for a vote. And neither has the full House Appropriations committee nor the subcommittee on labor, health and education approved it. Both panels would normally have to mark up and pass the bill for it to reach the House floor.
yeah... sounds like the GOP is all hands on deck to support this bill :rofl:

THANK YOU for READING this LIBERALS Link and pointing this out. They always pick and choose what paragraphs they like---:lol:

I actually look at the links, and the links within the links, BEFORE I start a thread or comment on a post.

Unlike SOME people (cough cough OP cough cough)
"We need to make population and family planning household words. We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter." George HW Bush

"It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition. I believe, therefore that we should establish as a national goal the provision of adequate family planning services within the next five years to all those who want them but cannot afford them. This we have the capacity to do." Richard Nixon
"We need to make population and family planning household words. We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter." George HW Bush

"It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition. I believe, therefore that we should establish as a national goal the provision of adequate family planning services within the next five years to all those who want them but cannot afford them. This we have the capacity to do." Richard Nixon

Since when did Nixon become an icon of the Left?
House Republicans are once again showing that they are far more interested in far-right ideology than anything else. Apparently, eliminating Planned Parenthood, Title X, and teen pregnancy prevention programs is a priority over the economy. Where are the jobs, Speaker Boehner?

Remind me why the Federal gov't needs to be funding this again.

Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.
House Republicans are once again showing that they are far more interested in far-right ideology than anything else. Apparently, eliminating Planned Parenthood, Title X, and teen pregnancy prevention programs is a priority over the economy. Where are the jobs, Speaker Boehner?

Remind me why the Federal gov't needs to be funding this again.

Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.

Oh and your constitutional "promote the general welfare" crap again ;)
Remind me why the Federal gov't needs to be funding this again.

Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.

Oh and your constitutional "promote the general welfare" crap again ;)

With that line of thinking ANYTHING becomes a vital national interest.

How much money has been spent on AIDS treatment over the last 30 years? It hink it is vital that we put an end to this scourge. Starting tomorrow we round up active homosexuals and send them to detention camps.
House Republicans are once again showing that they are far more interested in far-right ideology than anything else. Apparently, eliminating Planned Parenthood, Title X, and teen pregnancy prevention programs is a priority over the economy. Where are the jobs, Speaker Boehner?

Remind me why the Federal gov't needs to be funding this again.

Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.

And since this program demonstrably promotes behavior contrary to good health it needs to go.
Thanks for making my case. Now go soak your head.
poster child for abstinence only:

Remind me why the Federal gov't needs to be funding this again.

Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.

And since this program demonstrably promotes behavior contrary to good health it needs to go.
Thanks for making my case. Now go soak your head.

Providing birth control and teaching kids about safe sex promotes behavior contrary to good health? :lol::lol::lol: Where do you people come up with this crap :cuckoo:
Again, why is this the government's job to fund births?

This is the problem with you libs, you think this should all be the government's job.

Frankly, I think that banning abortion is a practical impossibility, but the government shouldn't be funding them, or births, or anything else.

And people without health insurance are supposed to do what, squat, drop the kid and get back to work in the fields?

Prior to WW2 hardly anyone had health insurance. I guess we all lived in fields in the 1935 and just had babies and went on working.

So you want the US to go back to the standards of 1935? :lol::lol::lol:
Because the health of the American people is a vital national interest.

And since this program demonstrably promotes behavior contrary to good health it needs to go.
Thanks for making my case. Now go soak your head.

Providing birth control and teaching kids about safe sex promotes behavior contrary to good health? :lol::lol::lol: Where do you people come up with this crap :cuckoo:
People get pregnant and transmit venereal disease via sexual intercourse. Or didn't anyone tell you. See the doctor about that pain when you urinate.

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