House Dems pass middle class tax cuts

tax cuts should have expired across the board. the country simply cant afford them. if anything, taxes need to be higher.

Yeah because raising taxes during economic turmoil is so effective.

tax cuts during a downturn have never worked, either. republicans have tried that over and over and over again...didnt work for reagan, didnt work for bush 1 and 2, why will it work this time around?

I'm convinced that they do not care if it works.
I think all the libs who want to pay high taxes should do so...

Skip a few deductions... You don't HAVE to take them, you know...

Help out your fellow downtrodden Americans....

:eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh: I think libs fall in that 50% category of "those who pay no federal taxes"

you nutbars crack me up. first you say we're the elites... then you say we don't pay federal taxes.


It's whatever fits their agenda of the day that they get from Fox News.
I think all the libs on this board should get out their checkbooks and start writing checks to the Feds. Like now.
Stupid libtards didn't get enough of a message on election night huh?

It has no chance of getting passed in the Senate! Filbuster anyone? Look they needs to compromise on it and they didn't, now they will feel the wrath! Setting the mark at $1 million, when they keep saying lets raise the tax on millionaires, why then do they toss in people who make $750K under a million?

Even if $1 mil was too high for them, most Americans (including this one) would accept $750K!
The vast majority of Americans agree to extending the cuts for the middle class, so yes, I do believe they got the message.

I know you don't get it, because you never do! But all the Republicans, WHO PASSED THE ORIGINALLY ONE AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS WISHES, are for tax breaks for the middle class.

HOWEVER, Americans are also against raising taxes on small business, ESPECIALLY THE SUCCESSFUL ones that hire the majority of Americans! Successful small business owners fall between the $250-$750K range!!!

When employment shoots above 10%, YOU DEMOCRATIC FOOLS WILL BE TO BLAME!!!
.....And, you 'Baggers LONG-AGO breached the FOOL-perimeter.

“That's 750,000 small businesses in America, the most productive, the ones that are the most successful, getting hit by a tax increase on top of everything else that's happened to them in the last 18 months of this administration,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). But McConnell’s number is only accurate if you take an incredibly expansive view of what constitutes a small business.

Included in that 750,000 is the Bechtel Corporation, the largest engineering firm in the country. It is the fifth-largest privately owned company in the United States, posting gross revenue in 2008 of $31.4 billion. The number also includes the Wall Street buyout firm Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, which has more than $54 billion in assets and 14 offices around the globe. The auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, which has operations in more than 150 countries, fits the bill as well.

The reason conservatives cite these companies as “small businesses” is that they are “pass-through” entities, meaning that instead of paying the corporate income tax, they “pass-through” their earnings to individual owners, who claim the profits on their personal income tax returns. There are legitimate reasons for incorporating in this fashion, but it is also a way for large companies to avoid taxes."

Stupid 'Baggers......

I think all the libs on this board should get out their checkbooks and start writing checks to the Feds. Like now.

Stop driving on highways, eating government inspected food, using federally protected banks, etc....I mean you are for smaller government, how about you show us you're serious.
Ask her again how many of obie wan kinow nuttings appointee's didn't pay their taxes.... go ahead,, I double dog dare ya.. :eusa_eh::eusa_eh:
Sarah Palin falls in that boat.

she's an appointee?
No, she avoided paying taxes.

She should now be thankful that the first $250,000 of her earnings will be taxed at the current lower rate...well, not really. Of course the senate repubs will filibuster this bill.
No, you're still working very hard at the hypocrisy. Too bad you can't actually get paid for it.

I get paid vewy well thank you. you notice I don't have to work don't ya??

Oh I noticed, collecting that government cheese seems to work well for you. Goes back to the whole hypocrisy thing. Thanks for reinforcing though.

yes, thank you, I feel no shame for unlike you I paid my dues into the system. Nay,, was forced to do it. So stick it up your ass you whiney little retard.
They did not give a tax cut to the middle class they extended it.

But this is a common ploy used by liberals to color the truth.

And they're not raising anyone's taxes, they're letting the Bush tax cuts expire. Common ploy used by cons to color the truth.

If tax cuts expire, taxes go up.
Yup. And when your coupon for $1.00 off Maxwell House expires, I guess you can argue that the price of coffee went up, too.

she's an appointee?
No, she avoided paying taxes.

She should now be thankful that the first $250,000 of her earnings will be taxed at the current lower rate...well, not really. Of course the senate repubs will filibuster this bill.

because they want ALL the cuts?
Yep...they'd rather have gazillion dollar deficits than upset their donors.

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