Hottest march and hottest first 3 months in history by noaa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

March 2015 Blended Land and Sea Surface
Temperature Anomalies in degrees Celsius

March 2015 Blended Land and Sea Surface
Temperature Percentiles

The average temperature across global land and ocean surface temperatures combined for March 2015 was 0.85°C (1.53°F) higher than the 20th century average of 12.7°C (54.9°F). This marks the highest March temperature in the 136-year period of record, surpassing the previous record of 2010 by 0.05°C (0.09°F). The Northern Hemisphere had its second highest March temperature on record, behind only 2008, while the Southern hemisphere tied with 2002 for third highest.

The March 2015 global temperature was the third highest monthly departure from average on record for any month, just 0.01°C (0.02°F) lower than the monthly anomalies for February 1998 and January 2007. This also replaces February 2015 (+0.84°C / +1.51°F) as the third highest departure from average among all months, moving that month to fourth highest. Seven of the past eleven months (May, June, August, September, October, and December 2014, along with March 2015) have tied or set new record high monthly temperatures.
The first quarter of 2015 was the warmest such period on record across the world's land and ocean surfaces, at 0.82°C (1.48°F) above the 20th century average, surpassing the previous record of 2002 by 0.05°C (0.09°F). The average global land surface temperature was also record high for the January–March period, at 1.59°C (2.86°F). Most of Europe, Asia, South America, eastern Africa, and western North America were much warmer than average, as shown by the Temperature Percentiles map above, with record warmth particularly notable in the western United States and eastern Siberia along the Verkhoyansk Range.
Global Analysis - March 2015 State of the Climate National Climatic Data Center NCDC

.85c for March based on the noaa. Only slightly above the .84c by the giss. Most importantly the year Jan-March period is at .82c...El nino is exploding into the picture and if this keeps up we could jump over .7c and go straight to .8c for the year!
OMG, we're all gonna burn!!!!!!!! It's called weather and weather changes, it's been doing for centuries
No, it's called climate and the primary cause of the changes we've seen over the last 150 years have been human GHG emissions and deforestation.
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OMG, we're all gonna burn!!!!!!!! It's called weather and weather changes, it's been doing for centuries

Lol, I guess you wouldn't understand that following this stuff is part of science and is important over the long term.

And no, a monthly or yearly avg of something isn't weather, but Climate. We're dealing with long term anomalies.
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OMG, we're all gonna burn!!!!!!!! It's called weather and weather changes, it's been doing for centuries

Lol, I guess you wouldn't understand that following this stuff is part of science and is important over the long term.

And no, a monthly or yearly avg of something is weather, but Climate. We're dealing with long term anomalies.

Mhm....what was the temperature for the month of March in....oh let's say 5 B.C.?

The problem with the climate change BS is records are not far enough back to really tell what happens....that and the "scientists" keep getting caught fudging data.
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OMG, we're all gonna burn!!!!!!!! It's called weather and weather changes, it's been doing for centuries

Lol, I guess you wouldn't understand that following this stuff is part of science and is important over the long term.

And no, a monthly or yearly avg of something is weather, but Climate. We're dealing with long term anomalies.

Mhm....what was the temperature for the month of March in....oh let's say 5 B.C.?

The problem with the climate change BS is records are not far enough back to really tell what happens....that and the "scientists" keep getting caught fudging data.

Because we didn't have thermometers back more then the mid 18th century. We only have proxies to give us a clue about temperature of the past. Based on those, we were cooler globally in the 5th century Bc compared to today. This was even before the roman warm period that was also cooler then today.

What other way would you have us study climate?

I will be so glad when may comes and goes and the Paris gathering of poo flinging monkeys gets buried in their own shit.. More of the adjusted and fiddled with temperature garbage from a poo flinging monkey..

Yet in reality land we are cooling...

I will be so glad when may comes and goes and the Paris gathering of poo flinging monkeys gets buried in their own shit.. More of the adjusted and fiddled with temperature garbage from a poo flinging monkey..

Yet in reality land we are cooling...

Speaking of flinging shite, does this look familiar?

Beware sharp tools
However, with sharp tools comes great responsibility... Please read the notes on things to beware of - and in particular on the problems with short, cherry-picked trends. Remember that the signals we are dealing with are very, very noisy, and it's easy to get misled - or worse, still to mislead others.
It's been a long, hot summer...

Hottest Summer On Record
September 18, 2015 | This is what global warming feels like.
Last month was the hottest August on record, topping out the hottest summer on record, according to data released on Thursday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the sixth month this year to set a new record: February, March, May, June, July, and August. This has been the hottest start to a year on record and the hottest 12 months on record. It follows the hottest calendar year (2014), and the hottest decade.

In 136 years of global temperature data, we are in uncharted territory. And this year's extremes are likely to continue as a strong El Niño weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean continues to rip more heat into the atmosphere. There's now a 97 percent chance that 2015 will set yet another record, according to NOAA. The animation below shows the earth's warming climate, recorded in monthly measurements from land and sea dating back to 1880. Temperatures are displayed in degrees above or below the 20th century average. Thirteen of the 14 hottest years have come in the 21st century, and 2015 is on track to raise the bar again.

Results from the world's top monitoring agencies vary slightly. NOAA and the Japan Meteorological Agency both listed August as the hottest month. NASA rated it one degree cooler than the previous record, set last year. All three agencies agree that 2015 is on track to be the hottest yet, by a long shot. The heat was experienced differently across the world, but few places escaped it altogether. The map below shows a few purple spots of cooler-than-average temperatures—notably the U.S. Midwest—and plenty of record-breaking red. The massive stretch of crimson in the Pacific Ocean is the footprint of El Niño.


In the U.S., chances are growing that above-normal temperatures will persist in Alaska and along the West Coast, as well as in the upper Midwest and Northeast, through February. That’s in line with what can happen during a strong El Niño “Are the record temperatures due to climate change or due to El Niño? The answer is yes,” said Deke Arndt, chief of NOAA's climate monitoring branch in Asheville, N.C.. “Long-term climate change is like climbing a flight of stairs. El Niño is like standing on tippy toes while you are on one of those stairs.”


As part of Thursday’s report, the U.S. predicted that drought will persist across most of California, where wildfires continue to spread. Warmer temperatures in the mountains of California can affect snowpack there, and its unclear whether this year's snowpack will materialize. The state is now in its fourth year of drought, and snow is needed to provide the state with water throughout the year. Debilitating drought has also ravaged Brazil and Australia. In the Arctic, sea ice volume dropped to the fourth-smallest level for August since record-keeping began in 1979. The Antarctic, which had been experiencing large sea-ice growth in winter months in past years, also came in below-average.

Scorching Year Continues With the Hottest Summer on Record - Bloomberg Business
Can anyone provide an explanation as to how the 10 PPM of CO2 added to the atmosphere the past 20 years caused the oceans to warm 700M down?


I didn't think so
Frank, I and others have already answered this question for you on multiple occasions. That makes this post of yours a willful lie and you a liar.
Frank, I and others have already answered this question for you on multiple occasions. That makes this post of yours a willful lie and you a liar.

Clueless Crick, you posted random words in response including "subduction and denier, but you never showed how CO2 caused it
So you've chosen to continue to lie. I guess that's what one gets from a liar.
OMG, we're all gonna burn!!!!!!!! It's called weather and weather changes, it's been doing for centuries

Lol, I guess you wouldn't understand that following this stuff is part of science and is important over the long term.

And no, a monthly or yearly avg of something is weather, but Climate. We're dealing with long term anomalies.

Mhm....what was the temperature for the month of March in....oh let's say 5 B.C.?

The problem with the climate change BS is records are not far enough back to really tell what happens....that and the "scientists" keep getting caught fudging data.

Because we didn't have thermometers back more then the mid 18th century. We only have proxies to give us a clue about temperature of the past. Based on those, we were cooler globally in the 5th century Bc compared to today. This was even before the roman warm period that was also cooler then today.

What other way would you have us study climate?

Why do you keep lying? The Roman empire lasted for a thousand years and even using proxies it was warmer then today, that's a better judge then only 130 years

Tree rings suggest Roman world was warmer than thought
Was Roman warming due to human GHG emissions?

Was it warmer than it is today? It was almost 2 deg C warmer than today without man caused CO2, but that does not mean that global foliage was not present and decaying.. As you folks never do your homework and rule things like this out, you have no leg to stand on...

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