Honest Abe was a southern man


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.

Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.

He was so beloved by his fellow Southerners they couldn't bear to be in the same country was he was.
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Who gives a shit whether he was southern or not. Worst tyrant in American history. That bitch deserved what he got.
<<<< JWB is who we should be talking about :)
Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.

Anyone who was anti-slavery back then was a Liberal
Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.

Oh, sure.

Before he became President, he said in a very calm and respectful manner that the two largest ethnicities in the country at that time were simply incompatible.

He suggested that both groups would be much happier if they lived apart from each other. He suggested that one of the groups might want to move to the islands in the Caribbean.

(He may have later changed his mind. I do not know.)
Anyone who was anti-slavery back then was a Liberal


Slavery is a LIBERAL construct and always has been.

We have a form of slavery today.

Remember that the basis of slavery is telling other people what to do. Is there really any difference between telling someone to "wear that mask" or telling them to "pick that cotton" if they don't to do it?
Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.


Slavery is a LIBERAL construct and always has been.

We have a form of slavery today.

Remember that the basis of slavery is telling other people what to do. Is there really any difference between telling someone to "wear that mask" or telling them to "pick that cotton" if they don't to do it?

Google is your friend

If you can’t tell the difference between slavery and wearing a mask, there is nothing I can really say to you
Born in the tremendous state of Kentucky, libs claiming him as "one of their own" is a disgrace.

Lincoln needs to be though of more in terms as just another Republican good old boy from the southland- a 19th Century version of Ronnie Van Zant or Michael P.S. Hayes instead of a liberal yankee. A southern man with the gift of gab and ability to turn a phrase.

Kentucky was neutral during the Civil War.

Google is your friend

If you can’t tell the difference between slavery and wearing a mask, there is nothing I can really say to you

If the slave master told his slaves to wear masks or else, they had to do it or else.

Ditto if he told his slaves to pick cotton.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit who deserved to be shot twice, first in the balls.

He is perfect for the liberals as he respected the the Bill of Rights and Constitution as much as any of those Commie faggots.

Fuck Lincoln.

Slavery is a LIBERAL construct and always has been.
It's a liberal construct? I mean, if we're thinking of conservative as the preservation of tradition, and liberal as the promotion of change, then it was the conservatives that always promoted slavery, and sometimes the liberals which opposed it. Although, there was some overlap, of course.
We have a form of slavery today.

Remember that the basis of slavery is telling other people what to do. Is there really any difference between telling someone to "wear that mask" or telling them to "pick that cotton" if they don't to do it?
If that's what slavery is, everyone has been enslaved for all of history. There's nothing new about the government telling people they have to do certain things.

Slavery is when you are totally owned by another person, without any conceivable reprieve. They control everything within your life, actively; your economic choices, your political choices, your social choices, everything in-between.

A government could theoretically do this, and has at times throughout history (case-in-point: Imperial Russia, "serfdom" was basically slavery), but the vast majority of governments let you make those choices for yourself, and step in when you are a threat to others, or they perceive you're a threat to others. Exceptions exist, but they're mild and they rarely spread into the region of "economic, political, and social choices," at least in the modern day, and among western countries, such as the United States.

This is idealistic, of course, and governments overstep their bounds all the time, even here in the western world, but there is most definitely a difference between slavery and government, even in cases where the government oversteps their bounds.

Ronnie Van Zant's song "Sweet Home Alabama" was the answer to (Canadian) Young's lame song and out sold it ten times over. Liberal democrats are an interesting breed. They spent the last half of the 19th century and the 1st half of the 20th century discriminating against Blacks and then appeared to turn on a dime with the cooperation of the media when the Kennedy's came along..
Ronnie Van Zant's song "Sweet Home Alabama" was the answer to (Canadian) Young's lame song and out sold it ten times over. Liberal democrats are an interesting breed. They spent the last half of the 19th century and the 1st half of the 20th century discriminating against Blacks and then appeared to turn on a dime with the cooperation of the media when the Kennedy's came along..
The South was not Liberal Democrats
They were Conservatves
The South was not Liberal Democrats
They were Conservatves
How does that work? Southern democrats beat Blacks with whips and chains. KKK members were all democrats (FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court. The "solid South" was all democrat. How did they get to be conservatives?
How does that work? Southern democrats beat Blacks with whips and chains. KKK members were all democrats (FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court. The "solid South" was all democrat. How did they get to be conservatives?
You obviously don’t understand the difference between Democrats/Republicans and Liberal/Conservative

Whomever paid for your education wasted their money
You obviously don’t understand the difference between Democrats/Republicans and Liberal/Conservative

Whomever paid for your education wasted their money
We had two major political parties in the late 19th century and the entire 20th century. Democrats mostly voted for segregation. Do we justify that concept by claiming that the entire democrat voting block in the South (midwest, northeast) wasn't really democrat even though they voted for democrat policies and candidates? That's freaking absurd.

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