Homosexuals/ Liberals Livid About Plans For Boston 'Straight Pride Parade

i'm just gonna leave this here. deal with it, straight snowflakes!

How scary.
I doubt that there will be many attending.

This is all a lawsuit fishing expedition by some greedy straight people (?).

I celebrated being straight by making babies.

Don’t say that! I want it to be a success. We can all use another reason to party, celebrate, and, come together. Plus, it will give me an opportunity to teach breeders how to dance properly. We celebrate the stupid Irish, so why can’t we celebrate the straights? :lol:

Funny you should mention dancing. Last night it occurred to me that they could have a "White Men Can Dance" troupe at the parade, with generous technical support from the black guys. Lots of rehearsing to do, fellas!

What's with the rumor that now that Brad Pitt has bowed out, the new grand marshall with be Alfred E. Neuman?

And as long as it's ok for you to make fun and joke about straight white men, then I will continue to make fun of gays, or anyone else.
If you want to see this behavior end, then stop participating in it.

So what you're saying is that straight white men have no sense of humour?

So the rest of us can't tell jokes about the second largest socio-economic group, in America, because your iddy biddy feelings are getting hurt. No wonder you fools voted for a whiney asshole like Trump. He cannot stand to be criticized either.

Toughen up Snowflake. We've put up with shit from your kind for a LONG, LONG TIME, all of us. The women, the gays, the blacks. You've fucked up EVERYTHING in your country. Trump keeps saying what a mess the country is and it's white men that have been running America into the ground since Nixon was elected.

Women are now the voting majority. Black women are pissed as hell and are not going to take it any more. Blacks, Hispanics and women sat out the last election, but all of them came came to vote the Republicans out of the House, and they're preparing to do the same to the Senate in 2020.

White men elected Trump. Everybody else will vote him out.

I like how you dismiss any idea of caring about men's feelings being hurt, when we both know you'd have your bloomers in an uproar about jokes being made about any of the "special" groups your ignorant ass has been taught to genuflect to.

Never mind that you're a snowflake; you're a hypocrite . . . as always.

Who cares what a foreign troll whines about?

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

A lot more Normatives died in the Hitler concentration camps , actually Millions.
So it's not ok to celebrate normalcy but it's just fine to celebrate perversion and mental illness!

Of course it was meant as a joke. Or in that same vein as contrarians do, meant to mock some holy cow or other. But these homosexual sphincter licking sperm drinking soulless contrarians don't like being mocked. They are sensitive about their perversion being called out...Why would that be? What is good for the proverbial goose..not so good for the gay gander. And the hate speech thing, that's another matter. Whatever that IS.

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

This paisan I knew, Dominic was an old timer died 8 years ago, and actually FOUGHT Hitler. Know thy enemy, is the key to successful fighting.

I don't see how you can say that Hitler was a straight arrow when the man's contemporaries knew otherwise.

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

A lot more Normatives died in the Hitler concentration camps , actually Millions.
Oh. I see. Does that in some way lessen the fact that Hilter and the NAZIS threw every gay and lesbian they could find in the concentration camps?
So it's not ok to celebrate normalcy but it's just fine to celebrate perversion and mental illness!

Of course it was meant as a joke. Or in that same vein as contrarians do, meant to mock some holy cow or other. But these homosexual sphincter licking sperm drinking soulless contrarians don't like being mocked. They are sensitive about their perversion being called out...Why would that be? What is good for the proverbial goose..not so good for the gay gander. And the hate speech thing, that's another matter. Whatever that IS.
Is this a joke too?

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

This paisan I knew, Dominic was an old timer died 8 years ago, and actually FOUGHT Hitler. Know thy enemy, is the key to successful fighting.

I don't see how you can say that Hitler was a straight arrow when the man's contemporaries knew otherwise.
You don't suppose you knew anyone who knew Hitler personally, did you?
Let me see here. Homosexuals are a tiny fraction of the country. 5% at best. According to say, even the Pew Institute. But it seems they have this HUGE influence outside of their numbers and way beyond anything I can justify so I am wondering from whence does their influence really come from? Gays are wealthy intellectual leftists. It seems that they have found a way to co-opt democracy. Socrates hated democracy, said it was a tool for wealthy demagogues. Gays are proving his point.
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So it's not ok to celebrate normalcy but it's just fine to celebrate perversion and mental illness!

Of course it was meant as a joke. Or in that same vein as contrarians do, meant to mock some holy cow or other. But these homosexual sphincter licking sperm drinking soulless contrarians don't like being mocked. They are sensitive about their perversion being called out...Why would that be? What is good for the proverbial goose..not so good for the gay gander. And the hate speech thing, that's another matter. Whatever that IS.

If you want to know what hate speech is, read your post.

Actually , historians now agree that Mr. Hitler was a proud and open homosexual. It was always acknowledged even by Hitler's most devout socialistic supporters that HItler's #2 man Ernst Rohm took it in the ass. But now its more and more acknowledged that Adolf liked it in the caboose as well.

An Italian gentleman I knew who has since passed, a WWII vet who marched with Patton's Army during the Battle of the Bulge, told me way back in the early 1980's that it was common knowledge among the GI's that Hitler was "as queer as a $3 bill".
Don't know where you are getting your history from....can you link a few of the writings of these historians for us? And yes, Rohm was homosexual...and died in the Night of the Long Knives partially for that. And let's not forget the thousands of gays who ended up in the concentration camps. Bet you forgot about them, didn't you?

This paisan I knew, Dominic was an old timer died 8 years ago, and actually FOUGHT Hitler. Know thy enemy, is the key to successful fighting.

I don't see how you can say that Hitler was a straight arrow when the man's contemporaries knew otherwise.
You don't suppose you knew anyone who knew Hitler personally, did you?

I'm afraid not. But the commanding officer of the 3rd Army, George S. Patton did know Mr. Hitler, and explained to the men serving under him that the German fuhrer was a "Hun Cock Sucker", clearly indicating the man's sexual orientation.
liberals are livid?

because of the straight pride Parade?

well well now....

like we all know that Liberals are fucking morons

total idiots! we know they are.
So it's not ok to celebrate normalcy but it's just fine to celebrate perversion and mental illness!

Of course it was meant as a joke. Or in that same vein as contrarians do, meant to mock some holy cow or other. But these homosexual sphincter licking sperm drinking soulless contrarians don't like being mocked. They are sensitive about their perversion being called out...Why would that be? What is good for the proverbial goose..not so good for the gay gander. And the hate speech thing, that's another matter. Whatever that IS.

If you want to know what hate speech is, read your post.
Could you be so nice and be more specific? Describing what gay men actually do is bad, or mocking it is bad? I might have missed the subtleties here. I don't have buku bucks gays do to hire lawyers or PR firms or political action committees to spin my message...Sorry, don't have that clout gays seem to have now. If only reality had that same pull...

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