Homosexuality is in the bible.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Take it up with him.

Jesus never said any such thing. it's all hearsay and wishful thinking. What's written in the bible was written a couple of generations after the facts. Most of it is dated much longer after.

Matthew 19:4-6

4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

That sound ambiguous to you? You figure He was thinking, "You know, unless the guy wants a little dick", and just didn't mention it?

Sounds made up. You have any proof Jesus said this? Because the bible was written generations after the facts, which you seem to enjoy ignoring.
Oh they get it. Lefties all have the same "Who, What, Where, When" syndrome that suddenly appears whenever needed to ignore a valid point. You must never forget that you are dealing with a very dishonest person. As long as you keep reminding yourself of that base fact, you'll have less frustration.

Homophobes too are all the same: God this and that. Sodomites this and that. Then the Devil and the Gay Agenda is at fault, and made you do it, when as always is the case with the most avid homophobes: you get arrested for soliciting sex in public restrooms.

So as avid a homophove as you've proven to be, Ash, best keep some condoms handy on the off chance the other guy is into bare-backing.

So as an avid Christophobe as you've proven to be.....

Go fuck yourself, loser.

We've been over this, Ash. I like Christians, and even love some. (my family) I pity haters, which includes folks like you who hate "gays," and even many Gay People who hate Christians, or Japanese People who hate Koreans, and so on down the line.

So what differentiates me and you, Ash, is you dislike all Gay People, while I judge scumbag bigots, like you, based on who you are and not what you are. Ergo, I am no Christophobe. And even if I were, it does not justify you being Homophobe.
The word of Moses communicated Gods directive concerning this issue.
Now let me take this a step further, is it not possible that the very decadence and corrupt behavior of western society is the very foundation that the Muslims detest and fear? The Sunni's are accepting of western culture and the Shiites are apposed, which is just one of the underlying catalysts of their conflict, so is it not too big a stretch to assume that the fundamentalist Jihad is directed toward those embracing decadence and turning away from the word of God? In the Bible, God turns away from his beloved Israel because they forsake God and worship idols such as Baal, so is this another example of God punishing those that do not believe in him and worship idols and corrupt unclean behavior such as a man laying with a man or a women laying with a women? Gay marriage does not exist, homosexuality does, and the requirement that it be accepted is a sin in the eyes of God and contrary to the laws of nature. In nature two animals of the same sex will fight if one attempts to mount the other.
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I really don't care what anyone does. I have the right in this country to believe what I want to believe. You and your "church" can say and do whatever you want, but that doesn't mean I have to believe it. Something being legal and accepting it as a personal belief are two different things.

So you do not oppose gay marriage.
You do not accept it but do not want the power of government to stop it.
Fair enough to me.
No one has forced you to accept a damn thing.
NO preacher anywhere is forced to marry anyone now and never will. That is BULL SHIT.

There is no such thing in my reality as "gay marriage". I believe marriage is a man and a woman.

Believe what you want.
Accept what you want.
NO ONE OR LAW forces you to do otherwise.
Same with gay marriage, NO ONE FORCES YOU to believe or accept anything.
None of your business so stay out if it as it AFFECTS YOU IN NO WAY.
The word of Moses communicated Gods directive concerning this issue.
Now let me take this a step further, is it not possible that the very decadence and corrupt behavior of western society is the very foundation that the Muslims detest and fear? The Sunni's are accepting of western culture and the Shiites are apposed, which is just one of the underlying catalysts of their conflict, so is it not too big a stretch to assume that the fundamentalist Jihad is directed toward those embracing decadence and turning away from the word of God? In the Bible, God turns away from his beloved Israel because they forsake God and worship idols such as Baal, so is this another example of God punishing those that do not believe in him and worship idols and corrupt unclean behavior such as a man laying with a man or a women laying with a women? Gay marriage does not exist, homosexuality does, and the requirement that it be accepted is a sin in the eyes of God and contrary to the laws of nature. In nature two animals of the same sex will fight if one attempts to mount the other.

That is your religious belief and I respect that.
Others have different religious beliefs.
THE CONSTITUTION respects ALL RELIGIOUS beliefs and does not distinguish between them as to which one is right and which ones are wrong.
Oh they get it. Lefties all have the same "Who, What, Where, When" syndrome that suddenly appears whenever needed to ignore a valid point. You must never forget that you are dealing with a very dishonest person. As long as you keep reminding yourself of that base fact, you'll have less frustration.

"God said it's bad" is not a valid point unless you can prove that there is a god, and that this god happens to be the one you believe in.

And why have you ignored my previous posts?
If my Lutheran church wants to marry 2 gay women what right do you under the Constitution have to fight that and stop them from getting a marriage license?
If the state I live in wants to give them a marriage license what grounds do you, OTHER THAN YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, have to stop my church from doing that?
If you believe in freedom of religion then you believe that my Lutheran church has the right to marry gay folk.

The serious problem will be if a truly Christian organization were to hire someone who later turned out to want to get married in say, your church as an "out of the closet gay." And then wanted his "significant other" to be placed under his healthcare insurance paid for that truly Christian organization. Firstly, I would not hire a practicing homosexual. Secondly, I would fire a man who deserted his wife for anther woman. Thirdly, I would fire a man who I learned was sleeping around. That is true freedom of religion. Unfortunately, today I would likely be dragged into court because I was practicing my true religious beliefs/values; however, YOUR Lutheran church would be free to marry anyone it wished (though I'd imagine Martin Luther would be rolling in his grave).
I don't hate the sinner but Christians cannot condone what God's Word clearly states to the Believer is sinful. People do make mistakes and I am for forgiving; however, forgivness means that there was an apology and an attempt at change. The REAL issue in not that Gays are getting married. The Real issue is that Christian organization/companies/communitied are going to be forced to accept such relationship as equal and the same as with Real husband/wife relationships. And public education will likely institute "gay" propaganda paid for with tax money in an effort to "convert" the masses.
The reason the human race continues is due entirely to heterosexual unions. It owes NOTHING to homosexual unions but the spread of horrific diseases which already plague licentious lifestyles in general.
If my Lutheran church wants to marry 2 gay women what right do you under the Constitution have to fight that and stop them from getting a marriage license?
If the state I live in wants to give them a marriage license what grounds do you, OTHER THAN YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, have to stop my church from doing that?
If you believe in freedom of religion then you believe that my Lutheran church has the right to marry gay folk.

The serious problem will be if a truly Christian organization were to hire someone who later turned out to want to get married in say, your church as an "out of the closet gay." And then wanted his "significant other" to be placed under his healthcare insurance paid for that truly Christian organization. Firstly, I would not hire a practicing homosexual. Secondly, I would fire a man who deserted his wife for anther woman. Thirdly, I would fire a man who I learned was sleeping around. That is true freedom of religion. Unfortunately, today I would likely be dragged into court because I was practicing my true religious beliefs/values; however, YOUR Lutheran church would be free to marry anyone it wished (though I'd imagine Martin Luther would be rolling in his grave).
I don't hate the sinner but Christians cannot condone what God's Word clearly states to the Believer is sinful. People do make mistakes and I am for forgiving; however, forgivness means that there was an apology and an attempt at change. The REAL issue in not that Gays are getting married. The Real issue is that Christian organization/companies/communitied are going to be forced to accept such relationship as equal and the same as with Real husband/wife relationships. And public education will likely institute "gay" propaganda paid for with tax money in an effort to "convert" the masses.
The reason the human race continues is due entirely to heterosexual unions. It owes NOTHING to homosexual unions but the spread of horrific diseases which already plague licentious lifestyles in general.

Total BS. Nothing in the Constitution supports anything you say.
We are a nation of THE LAW, not men and their various and changing like the wind religious beliefs.
If my Lutheran church wants to marry 2 gay women what right do you under the Constitution have to fight that and stop them from getting a marriage license?
If the state I live in wants to give them a marriage license what grounds do you, OTHER THAN YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, have to stop my church from doing that?
If you believe in freedom of religion then you believe that my Lutheran church has the right to marry gay folk.

The serious problem will be if a truly Christian organization were to hire someone who later turned out to want to get married in say, your church as an "out of the closet gay." And then wanted his "significant other" to be placed under his healthcare insurance paid for that truly Christian organization. Firstly, I would not hire a practicing homosexual. Secondly, I would fire a man who deserted his wife for anther woman. Thirdly, I would fire a man who I learned was sleeping around. That is true freedom of religion. Unfortunately, today I would likely be dragged into court because I was practicing my true religious beliefs/values; however, YOUR Lutheran church would be free to marry anyone it wished (though I'd imagine Martin Luther would be rolling in his grave).
I don't hate the sinner but Christians cannot condone what God's Word clearly states to the Believer is sinful. People do make mistakes and I am for forgiving; however, forgivness means that there was an apology and an attempt at change. The REAL issue in not that Gays are getting married. The Real issue is that Christian organization/companies/communitied are going to be forced to accept such relationship as equal and the same as with Real husband/wife relationships. And public education will likely institute "gay" propaganda paid for with tax money in an effort to "convert" the masses.
The reason the human race continues is due entirely to heterosexual unions. It owes NOTHING to homosexual unions but the spread of horrific diseases which already plague licentious lifestyles in general.

Total BS. Nothing in the Constitution supports anything you say.
We are a nation of THE LAW, not men and their various and changing like the wind religious beliefs.

Yes, and remember that when Blacks were emancipated it took an Amendment. And when women got the vote it took an Amendment. It was not just some men looking to gain votes or power grabbing governmental court justices taking matters into their own hands... And my beliefs are closer to that of Martin Luther's in many respects than yours seem to be. I did a report once on him and I received an A+ in public school nevertheless. So, the "BS" as you called it, doesn't seem to be coming from me. Two men can be best friends, as with two women. BUT such have never been able to produce babies and that wind will NEVER change. And encouraging erotic sexual behavior is not going to cure the ills of our already loose society --- simply because a lot of old hippies now think they are going to throw care to the wind.
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The serious problem will be if a truly Christian organization were to hire someone who later turned out to want to get married in say, your church as an "out of the closet gay." And then wanted his "significant other" to be placed under his healthcare insurance paid for that truly Christian organization. Firstly, I would not hire a practicing homosexual. Secondly, I would fire a man who deserted his wife for anther woman. Thirdly, I would fire a man who I learned was sleeping around. That is true freedom of religion. Unfortunately, today I would likely be dragged into court because I was practicing my true religious beliefs/values; however, YOUR Lutheran church would be free to marry anyone it wished (though I'd imagine Martin Luther would be rolling in his grave).
I don't hate the sinner but Christians cannot condone what God's Word clearly states to the Believer is sinful. People do make mistakes and I am for forgiving; however, forgivness means that there was an apology and an attempt at change. The REAL issue in not that Gays are getting married. The Real issue is that Christian organization/companies/communitied are going to be forced to accept such relationship as equal and the same as with Real husband/wife relationships. And public education will likely institute "gay" propaganda paid for with tax money in an effort to "convert" the masses.
The reason the human race continues is due entirely to heterosexual unions. It owes NOTHING to homosexual unions but the spread of horrific diseases which already plague licentious lifestyles in general.

Total BS. Nothing in the Constitution supports anything you say.
We are a nation of THE LAW, not men and their various and changing like the wind religious beliefs.

Yes, and remember that when Blacks were emancipated it took an Amendment. And when women got the vote it took an Amendment. It was not just some men looking to gain votes or power grabbing governmental court justices taking matters into their own hands... And my beliefs are closer to that of Martin Luther's in many respects than yours seem to be. I did a report once on him and I received an A+ in public school nevertheless. So, the "BS" as you called it, doesn't seem to be coming from me. Two men can be best friends, as with two women. BUT such have never been able to produce babies and that wind will NEVER change. And encouraging erotic sexual behavior is not going to cure the ills of our already loose society --- simply because a lot of old hippies now think they are going to throw care to the wind.

Quote: Originally Posted by Gadawg73
If my Lutheran church wants to marry 2 gay women what right do you under the Constitution have to fight that and stop them from getting a marriage license?
If the state I live in wants to give them a marriage license what grounds do you, OTHER THAN YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, have to stop my church from doing that?
If you believe in freedom of religion then you believe that my Lutheran church has the right to marry gay folk.


Homophobes too are all the same: God this and that. Sodomites this and that. Then the Devil and the Gay Agenda is at fault, and made you do it, when as always is the case with the most avid homophobes: you get arrested for soliciting sex in public restrooms.

So as avid a homophove as you've proven to be, Ash, best keep some condoms handy on the off chance the other guy is into bare-backing.

So as an avid Christophobe as you've proven to be.....

Go fuck yourself, loser.

We've been over this, Ash. I like Christians, and even love some. (my family) I pity haters, which includes folks like you who hate "gays," and even many Gay People who hate Christians, or Japanese People who hate Koreans, and so on down the line.

So what differentiates me and you, Ash, is you dislike all Gay People, while I judge scumbag bigots, like you, based on who you are and not what you are. Ergo, I am no Christophobe. And even if I were, it does not justify you being Homophobe.

I've never said anywhere that I dislike gays. If all you have are straw men, false premises, and fantasies, then you're probably better off talking to 5th graders so you're on an equal footing.
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So as an avid Christophobe as you've proven to be.....

Go fuck yourself, loser.

We've been over this, Ash. I like Christians, and even love some. (my family) I pity haters, which includes folks like you who hate "gays," and even many Gay People who hate Christians, or Japanese People who hate Koreans, and so on down the line.

So what differentiates me and you, Ash, is you dislike all Gay People, while I judge scumbag bigots, like you, based on who you are and not what you are. Ergo, I am no Christophobe. And even if I were, it does not justify you being Homophobe.

I've never said anywhere that I dislike gays. If all you have are straw men, false premises, and fantasies, then you're probably better off talking to 5th graders so you're on an equal footing.

"Dislike" would be putting it mildly; too mildly in fact.
We've been over this, Ash. I like Christians, and even love some. (my family) I pity haters, which includes folks like you who hate "gays," and even many Gay People who hate Christians, or Japanese People who hate Koreans, and so on down the line.

So what differentiates me and you, Ash, is you dislike all Gay People, while I judge scumbag bigots, like you, based on who you are and not what you are. Ergo, I am no Christophobe. And even if I were, it does not justify you being Homophobe.

I've never said anywhere that I dislike gays. If all you have are straw men, false premises, and fantasies, then you're probably better off talking to 5th graders so you're on an equal footing.

"Dislike" would be putting it mildly; too mildly in fact.

Your biased bigotted opinions don't really mean squat unless you can prove your claim. I have never said I hate gays. You assume I do because I believe marriage is a man and a woman. Now you take that and apply it to the billions of people who have lived on this planet who believed marriage is a man and a woman. Now all of a sudden billions of people are bigots. You're an idiot.
The issue is marriage, marriages can be preformed within a Church or anywhere, between a man and women, the fundamental stumbling block is the legal claims afforded same sex couples under IRS and legal codes currently on the books. If two of the same sex wish to sign a binding contract of union and the code of law and IRS agrees to recognize the privileges under the context of marriage then so be it, but don't call it marriage, call it a civil union or what ever. What is so offensive is that the gay community wants to cram their perverted minority lifestyle down the throats of the majority.
The issue is marriage, marriages can be preformed within a Church or anywhere, between a man and women, the fundamental stumbling block is the legal claims afforded same sex couples under IRS and legal codes currently on the books. If two of the same sex wish to sign a binding contract of union and the code of law and IRS agrees to recognize the privileges under the context of marriage then so be it, but don't call it marriage, call it a civil union or what ever. What is so offensive is that the gay community wants to cram their perverted minority lifestyle down the throats of the majority.

To undermine the Christian traditional American culture. That is who they perceive their enemy is, and I'm not speaking about gays. I'm speaking of the Marxists who use anyone and anything to destroy traditional America and erect their leftist utopia. Homosexuals are just more pawns like blacks have been for years.
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The issue is marriage, marriages can be preformed within a Church or anywhere, between a man and women, the fundamental stumbling block is the legal claims afforded same sex couples under IRS and legal codes currently on the books. If two of the same sex wish to sign a binding contract of union and the code of law and IRS agrees to recognize the privileges under the context of marriage then so be it, but don't call it marriage, call it a civil union or what ever. What is so offensive is that the gay community wants to cram their perverted minority lifestyle down the throats of the majority.

We do not live in a mob rule majority rule country.
Something about the United States Constitution.
An interesting document, I suggest you read it.
With all the problems we have as a country with taxes, education, energy, wars, the deficit, unemployment where do you place the issue of gay marriage on your list of priorities?
I have it at 137th on mine.
Do you ever notice how every election the politicians bring up the gay boogeyman issue and gay marriage hysteria? Guess why? Because they know they can always depend on folks like you to forget the important issues of the day and get all riled up over the gay boogeyman.
All the while the politicians do nothing because they have taken your mind off what matters.
And it ain't queer folk getting married as that affects no one except old mother hens and folks that have nothing else to do other than stick their nose in other's business.
Gossipers. The Bible warns you about that.

But no, according to you we do not need tax reform, we do not need education reform, we do not to end the wars, we do not need to balance the debt or look for other energy alternatives. What we need is to ban gay marriage and all of a sudden God solves all of our problems. You want a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
You want to take a document, The United States Constitution, a document founded on the principle of our inalienable rights to tell a certain group of people, gay folks, what they can not do RATHER THAN TELLING THE GOVERNMENT WHAT IT CAN NOT DO.
The issue is marriage, marriages can be preformed within a Church or anywhere, between a man and women, the fundamental stumbling block is the legal claims afforded same sex couples under IRS and legal codes currently on the books. If two of the same sex wish to sign a binding contract of union and the code of law and IRS agrees to recognize the privileges under the context of marriage then so be it, but don't call it marriage, call it a civil union or what ever. What is so offensive is that the gay community wants to cram their perverted minority lifestyle down the throats of the majority.

To undermine the Christian traditional American culture. That is who they perceive their enemy is, and I'm not speaking about gays. I'm speaking of the Marxists who use anyone and anything to destroy traditional America and erect their leftist utopia. Homosexuals are just more pawns like blacks have been for years.

If you are so weak as to allow your traditional American culture to be swayed by commies that is your problem Moe.
Grow some stones and kick those Red Pinkos back to China!
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The issue is marriage, marriages can be preformed within a Church or anywhere, between a man and women, the fundamental stumbling block is the legal claims afforded same sex couples under IRS and legal codes currently on the books. If two of the same sex wish to sign a binding contract of union and the code of law and IRS agrees to recognize the privileges under the context of marriage then so be it, but don't call it marriage, call it a civil union or what ever. What is so offensive is that the gay community wants to cram their perverted minority lifestyle down the throats of the majority.

I call 2 gays getting married: a marriage. Always have. always will. Suck it up, you fucking homophobic weenie. :D

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