Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Actually, I believe Mandarin Chinese has the largest number of homophones.
As Our Like and Lick Are Not Homophones

From the little I know of Chinese, I think you are mistaken. There is an emphatic pitch to the vowels of all the words that seem to be homophones, It is musical, just like Vietnamese.

We also have homographs: spelled the same and sound the same, but are two different words: second, a section of a minute and second, a place in a sequence.

To tie this digression into this ignorant and insulting thread, the suffix -homo comes from Greek and means "the same", homo comes from Latin and means "human." So the aggressively make-believe word "homophobia" means fearing something similar to oneself, as in "the self-hating Jews of the New York Times."

Homosexuality is not a sexuality at all; sex is between male and female only. The next unrealistic word the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords will force us to use will be "pedosexual."
Gay marriage has had zero negative impact on my traditional one.
That must be why YOU DID NOT NEED to post and tell us this information.......it had no effect upon a traditional marriage? That is the entire point. Marriage is established as religious tradition. Government has no business in attempting to define marriage in any shape, way or form........to include homosexual marriage. Reality: In order to define homosexual marriage one must confess to the fact that its different from TRANDITIONAL MARRIAGE.....as traditional marriage is established as a marriage between and man and woman, thus its impossible for 2 people of the same sex to be traditionally married.

Who cares what people do in the privacy that is granted them though our constitutional guarantees? Just don't urinate down my back and tell me to relax its only rain. A tradition ceases to be a tradition when the factors that define tradition are not adhered. Announce to the world that YOU ARE HOMOSEXUALLY MARRIED......WHO CARES? But its not the same and it never will be the same, because its UNNATURAL. If homosexuality were normal and natural..........procreation could take place....NATURALLY. Its a mental handicap..........as the mind controls all aspects of sex, some people remain in a constant state of adolescence where the crack of dawn better beware.

Traditionally; Homosexuality was always defined as a mental condition by the field of psychology.......it did not change until just recently, as late as 1987. Their reasoning for changing their minds? No one could produce any empirical evidence to prove that it was a mental disease. News Flash: There is no empirical evidence to be found in the social science field of psychology.....its all SUBJECTIVE to personal interpretation.
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As Our Like and Lick Are Not Homophones

From the little I know of Chinese, I think you are mistaken. There is an emphatic pitch to the vowels of all the words that seem to be homophones, It is musical, just like Vietnamese.

We also have homographs: spelled the same and sound the same, but are two different words: second, a section of a minute and second, a place in a sequence.

To tie this digression into this ignorant and insulting thread, the suffix -homo comes from Greek and means "the same", homo comes from Latin and means "human." So the aggressively make-believe word "homophobia" means fearing something similar to oneself, as in "the self-hating Jews of the New York Times."

Homosexuality is not a sexuality at all; sex is between male and female only. The next unrealistic word the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords will force us to use will be "pedosexual."

Much more true of Cantonese, which has up to nine different tonal inflections vs Mandarin, which has only 4.

But, if you just say Chinese as a language, versus the various dialects, it is significantly higher.

Many characters in Chinese, most in fact, have multiple meanings depending on context.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals​

I think this is nonsense. Any normal man is afraid of becoming a fagot. Passive homosexuality is associated with humiliation, and active homosexuality casts doubt on a man's ability to be aroused by a woman. On the contrary, those who are not afraid of this are internally ready for this and do not do it only for social reasons.
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Perhaps children and adolescents do not yet understand the meaning of these games, and can become a victim of humiliation or seduction, so homophobia should be instilled in boys from the cradle. Even when it comes to vocabulary.
Good on you for conquering your fears
The fear here is that someone is afraid of being homophobic and openly despising gays because he think that someone might think that he is gay himself. Just deu to this myth.
Roughly the same thing happens when it comes to child abuse criminals. The 20th century has raised a generation of cowards and idiots.

Eastern military patriarchal civilization was homophobic. The warriors despised gays and killed them, and they were not afraid that someone would suspect them of something lol

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That must be why YOU DID NOT NEED to post and tell us this information.......it had no effect upon a traditional marriage? That is the entire point. Marriage is established as religious tradition. Government has no business in attempting to define marriage in any shape, way or form........to include homosexual marriage. Reality: In order to define homosexual marriage one must confess to the fact that its different from TRANDITIONAL MARRIAGE.....as traditional marriage is established as a marriage between and man and woman, thus its impossible for 2 people of the same sex to be traditionally married.

Who cares what people do in the privacy that is granted them though our constitutional guarantees? Just don't urinate down my back and tell me to relax its only rain. A tradition ceases to be a tradition when the factors that define tradition are not adhered. Announce to the world that YOU ARE HOMOSEXUALLY MARRIED......WHO CARES? But its not the same and it never will be the same, because its UNNATURAL. If homosexuality were normal and natural..........procreation could take place....NATURALLY. Its a mental handicap..........as the mind controls all aspects of sex, some people remain in a constant state of adolescence where the crack of dawn better beware.

Traditionally; Homosexuality was always defined as a mental condition by the field of psychology.......it did not change until just recently, as late as 1987. Their reasoning for changing their minds? No one could produce any empirical evidence to prove that it was a mental disease. News Flash: There is no empirical evidence to be found in the social science field of psychology.....its all SUBJECTIVE to personal interpretation.
Marriage belongs to those who want it period. Who are you to judge. Obviously you're no Christian.

Question? What exactly is wrong with the FEAR of SIN in any format? The beginning of Wisdom begins with the fear of God. (Prov. 9:10) I would suggest that HOMOPHOPIA is a made up word in the attempt to publicly shame anyone that might disapree with any sinful lifestyle. Just like the made up word FETUS is now used in order to dehumanize the life within a female womb. Up is Down, North is South.......left is right, and right is wrong?

Yeah.....before anyone presents any "psychological study" as evidence of a TRUTH of any nature, one must realize Psychology is not an actual SCIENCE......its a philosophy based entirely upon SUBJECTIVE assumptions, suggestions, conjectures and content found only to exist within the confines of the human psyche. This (wink, wink) Science depends entirely upon certain answers derived from information presented from within the human mind. And we all know that humans never lie about anything.

You can test people anyway you wish but there is a certain portion of our population that are great at the art pathological lies........you can hook them up to the best lie detector on earth and they will score perfect. Every person holds this art to a certain degree, thus you never know what is actual truth and what is fabricated.

Proof? Read the first few paragraphs of this supposed scientific article. Then go to Webster's dictionary or any other objective dictionary and find the definitions of the words used in the first few paragraphs of this article.

Should Consider, Suggests, May, May Also, Should, Appears, Would Indicate (depends upon the most common word in the English Dictionary "IF" ...example I WOULD ........IF............

And I read but a few lines..........and soon realized, This SOCIAL SCIENCE can suggest anything it wishes and there is no method whatsoever of calibrating TRUTH. Why because this so called discipline depends upon the content of the conscious and subconscious FEELINGS and THOUGHTS.

What? This world is now populated with those who have the power to READ MINDS? :popcorn:

Again........I liken studies such as found in the story of the little boy practicing his archery skills. First he "knocks" an air from his quiver....draws back the string and lets the arrow fly. Its fired in the direction of the side of a big red barn, the arrow hits home on the side of the barn. The boy scratches his head for minute, then gets a paint bush and can of white paint............ goes to the barn draws a circle around the arrow, and declares, THERE! PERECT BULL'S EYE. :abgg2q.jpg:
You've put a lot of beliefs into your diatribe, unfortunately few facts. Fortunately our laws are based on reason and facts not belief systems, moral or secular.

I think there is some truth to it.

I heard those who are gay or had a gay experience are likely to hate gay people and become closet cases.

This is a bullshit argument that has been around for about as long as there's been a loud pro-pervert movement—that being “homophobic” is a sign that one is a “latent homosexual”. The idea that being disgusted by, or morally opposed to this specific perversion is a sign that deep down, one desires to engage in it one's self, and is reacting in a self-hating way.

So why is it only homosexuality for which this claim is made.

There are plenty of other examples of evil and madness, which most sane folks rightfully reject, without ever being accused of harboring it themselves. That I find murder objectionable, does that mean that deep down, I desire to murder? That I find child abuse disgusting and unacceptable, does that mean I want to abuse children? That I object to theft, does that mean that I harbor desires to be a thief?

The argument would be bullshit if it was made for these, or any other vices, and it is exactly as much bullshit when made for faggotry.
Don't you remember when the Boy Scouts banned the gay mentors from their ranks the pedophiles had a heyday. Most of their pedophiles were straight married men and without the gay mentors there to protect them, they were victimized even more. These same creeps always condemned gays.

It was letting the faggots openly into the Boy Scouting organization that led to its downfall.
And scientists agree human beings are not meant to be monogamous so marriage is an unrealistic expectation created by society. The artificial construct creates a lot of sexual disharmony and dysfunction.

Your perception of that comes from being homosexual, and therefore, by definition, sexually dysfunctional; your view is twisted to see functional ad dysfunctional, and vice versa. Somewhat akin to the point made in Isaiah 5:20.
Perhaps children and adolescents do not yet understand the meaning of these games, and can become a victim of humiliation or seduction, so homophobia should be instilled in boys from the cradle. Even when it comes to vocabulary.
nobody with a life cares one iota what queers are doing just wish they would hit on someone else when i go to a park to eat my lunch
This is a bullshit argument that has been around for about as long as there's been a loud pro-pervert movement—that being “homophobic” is a sign that one is a “latent homosexual”. The idea that being disgusted by, or morally opposed to this specific perversion is a sign that deep down, one desires to engage in it one's self, and is reacting in a self-hating way.

So why is it only homosexuality for which this claim is made.

There are plenty of other examples of evil and madness, which most sane folks rightfully reject, without ever being accused of harboring it themselves. That I find murder objectionable, does that mean that deep down, I desire to murder? That I find child abuse disgusting and unacceptable, does that mean I want to abuse children? That I object to theft, does that mean that I harbor desires to be a thief?

The argument would be bullshit if it was made for these, or any other vices, and it is exactly as much bullshit when made for faggotry.
I didn't know if what you said was true or not so I looked it up scientific American published an article on the subject on April 10th 2012, they cited for studies done on it. two most common sources of strong hatred towards gays is 1. Having parents with strong hatred towards gays, ( it was taught to them ). 2. Fear on one's self having homosexual tendencies. I know of a superb example of that. John Atherton, an Irish Bishop, lobbied for the death penalty to be given to men who are engaged in the act of " buggery " ( anal sex ). He was the second man executed in Ireland for committing burgery.
I didn't know if what you said was true or not so I looked it up scientific American published an article on the subject on April 10th 2012, they cited for studies done on it. two most common sources of strong hatred towards gays is 1. Having parents with strong hatred towards gays, ( it was taught to them ). 2. Fear on one's self having homosexual tendencies. I know of a superb example of that. John Atherton, an Irish Bishop, lobbied for the death penalty to be given to men who are engaged in the act of " buggery " ( anal sex ). He was the second man executed in Ireland for committing burgery.
Correction: 4 studies
nobody with a life cares one iota what queers are doing just wish they would hit on someone else when i go to a park to eat my lunch
the fact of the matter is that it cannot but concern us, because they are among us and affect our lives. We do not want to know about them, but they will remind of themselves.

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